
In order to make up for Leyi, Vicdor Blake took Leyi to the hotel and spent the night with two people.

On the second day, when he returned to the Blake family early in the morning, he asked Leyi to have a rest. He was going to talk to Snow Cecy about the thing that Leyi said last night.

Before he went upstairs, the Butler trotted over and whispered in his ear, "Thomas Reagan is at the door again."

"It's him again?" Vicdor Blake didn't expect that Thomas Reagan would pick up Snow Cecy sooner or later.

In a towering rage, he strode upstairs to the door of Snow Cecy's room, intending to go straight in and question Snow Cecy.

However, the door was locked from inside.

"Snow Cecy, open the door! You said you had nothing to do with Thomas Reagan. Why did that man pick you up again?" He slapped the door two times and cursed angrily.

But there was no response in the room.

Vicdor Blake got angrier as long as she didn't want to talk to him