
"Those netizens changed their comments quickly, and their comments are meaningless." Snow Cecy calmly picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"You can't say that! Even if these netizens only made comments to vent their feelings, they made me feel comfortable reading them!" Alice said happily.

"Anyway, the public relations team of Blake Group is too bad, isn't it? This matter has been circulating on the Internet for so long, and even went on the hot search, they don’t know how to suppress it, just let it go?"

"It's not that the public relations team of Blake Group is too bad, but that Blake Group is full of contradictions. Several waves of people are busy competing for power and profits. It's good for them to let the scandal of Vicdor Blake go viral. They just don't care about these things. They wish things were bigger." Snow Cecy said in a cold voice.