
Soon it was ten o'clock in the morning.

Everything was ready. The secretary walked into the office and asked Vicdor Blake to go to the press conference.

When Vicdor Blake came out of his office, he found that almost all the shareholders of the company were present. When he came out, they all looked at him in unison with different expressions and thoughts.

Vicdor Blake calmly passed by the group of people and walked into the press conference without giving them a glance.

The press conference was already full of twenty or thirty reporters. As soon as they saw Vicdor Blake, they immediately pressed the shutter madly.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

As the host, the Secretary tried best to maintain the order of the press conference.

As soon as the Vicdor Blake sat down, he was immediately pointed at by the lights of all the reporters.

"This press conference is to clarify the false rumors about me spread on the Internet." Vicdor Blake said seriously with a microphone in his hand.