
Although the Vicdor Blake's room was locked, as the owner of the Blake family, Mrs.Blake had the key to all the rooms in the room and easily opened the door.

"Well, you'd better go in and have a rest," said Mrs.Blake with a smile to Leyi.

Leyi nodded, took a deep breath and entered the room.

After entering the room, she looked around and found that the room was very warm, which was not the style that Vicdor Blake would like. On the contrary, she felt a little bit of Snow Cecy's elegance and warmth.

Leyi's face changed. She didn't expect that Vicdor Blake still kept the style of the room when he was with Snow Cecy. Did he really miss Snow Cecy?

Thinking of this, Leyi's face darkened and he looked around the room inch by inch.

When she walked to the bedside, she was stunned. She stared at the photo hanging on the head of the bed in disbelief.

At that time, the wedding photos of Vicdor Blake and Snow Cecy were hung on the wall aboveboard and were not taken off.