
Leyi went to the hospital here, and Snow Cecy went home directly.

She is also very sad now, but she really went to the hospital and was known by Alice and Terrence Edmin, which will make everyone worried.

She can't give these people too much trouble.

She went home and threw herself on the sofa to relax.

As soon as she fell asleep, the phone rang.

She took it over and looked at it. It was a strange number.

She thought it was Leyi who was testing her bottom line again. She frowned and answered the phone. She said angrily to the other party, "Leyi, are you sick? Today you set such a trap for me just to make me worse. How do you want to cheat me?"

"You've made Leyi so badly. How dare you say that Leyi has made you worse? Snow Cecy, your shameless ability has grown a lot after five years!"

The voice that rings in the phone is not Leyi, but

Madam Blaky.

Snow Cecy's body froze when she heard the strange and familiar voice.

She sat up stiffly like a marionette.