
Mike said more and more excitedly, and he couldn't help crying.

Snow Cecy hasn't reflected what's going on.

When she realized what had happened before she was unconscious, she took a breath of cool air and sat up.

"Mike, how many days did Mom sleep?" she asked in a low voice, looking at Mike with tears in her face.

"This is the third day!" Mike sobbed and wiped his tears. He sobbed and asked, "What's the matter? Why did your mother suddenly go into a coma for so long? Mom, did you have any serious disease?"


Snow Cecy touched his little head. She thought of Thomas Reagan and quickly looked for her cell phone. "Where's Mom's cell phone?"

"The mobile phone was taken away by his father. He said that without his permission, mother could not contact the outside world and could not step out of the Blake family!" Mike also looked very scared when he mentioned Vicdor Blake.