
Snow Cecy clenched her teeth and said, "Do you think he can sell Cecy Group successfully? Leyi, tell Vicdor Blake for me that I will never wait for death! Even if I want to go to hell, I will also drag you to hell together!"

After sonorous and forceful speech, Snow Cecy hung up the phone with a bang.

She sat up painfully, panting with exhaustion.

Unable to sleep, Snow Cecy lifted the quilt and got out of bed and came to Mike's ward door.

Mike's condition has stabilized, but because he was frightened too much before, his mood was not stable, and he was very weak after being ill for so long, so the doctor asked him to stay in the hospital for a few more days to observe.

When she pushed the door in, Mike was already asleep.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Snow Cecy sighed with regret: "Mom always said she wanted to protect you, but she always put you in a crisis. Is Mom really not capable..."

She rubbed her cheeks and resisted the urge to cry.