
When Leyi told Hoho about Vicdor Blake's test tonight, Hoho was also scared.

"How did he get those chat screenshots?" Hoho's voice changed. "Don’t you way that Snow Cecy was kidnapped? She won’t have chance to collect these things.?It must be someone else who collected these screenshots and gave to Vicdor Blake. "

"Auntie, it's not the time to say this. We should think about how to deal with Vicdor's suspicion. He can get these evidences, but he will not get more direct..."

Leyi rubbed her face and said to Hoho in a very collapsed way, "I managed to let that woman leave the Blake family. I can't let these things destroy everything I have now!"

"I don't want the road that I finally paved for you to be destroyed!" Hoho gritted her teeth and thought, "But some things are not clear on the phone. Let's meet again."


Leyi and Hoho hang up after making an appointment for a time and place.

She went to wash a cold face.