
Blake Group.

Special help sent an invitation to Vicdor Blake 's desk.

"President Blake, tonight is the birthday of President Xu's daughter. He prepared a birthday party at home. He just sent the invitation and said that you must take your girlfriend with you."The special assistant looked at Vicdor Blake: "If madam is here..."

"Unfortunately, she doesn't want to come back now."

Vicdor Blake sighed and looked at the invitation carefully: "Go and prepare a gift that little girls like."


Special help also feels a little pity.

The lady has completely lost confidence in President Blake now, so she probably won't be willing to step into the Blake family in the future.

Vicdor Blake put the invitation card aside and prepared to see the detailed contract of a recent cooperation project, when the phone rang.

It's Leyi.

Vicdor Blake is very upset when he sees Leyi's name.

He dosen’t want to answer.

However, the phone kept ringing.

He finally had to answer the phone.