
Not only Snow Cecy looked surprised, but even the old man was surprised by Mrs. Edmin's actions!

Is this soup so important? "The old man jokingly asked," It was even sent over by Mrs.Ed,om

Of course, it's important. Snow's health is not good, so she hasn't been able to conceive after three years of marriage. She needs to nourish and recuperate well... "Mrs. Edmin poured out the soup and handed it to Snow Cecy." I've put all my effort into seeking this formula, don't waste it

The old man recognized the disdain in Mrs. Edmin's tone, and his face darkened.

Who said that Snow has been married for three years and hasn't been pregnant? The child she was pregnant with was the result of Edmin's family's mishandling, causing her to be pushed down and her child to be lost! Can this also be blamed on Snow? "Alice Jiang frowned and said angrily.

Mrs. Edmin realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, that's not what I meant"