Chapter 2

"Sir Lucius, when will you take me home, it's very far from here"

He patted my shoulder and smiled

"Dont worry laddie, it's all fate and destiny, you'll be home in no time"

Just then the food was brought. When the man gently kept the tray in front of me, Lucius opened the lids and took the initiative to explain.

"Here's a fruit salad to help replenish the blood cells and here's a stuffed microwave chicken, I know you don't like pork meat, so I didn't prepare stuffed pig, and here's the chinese noodles or as it's called Chow Ming, it's good for you and it's medicinal, and finally, this is a 1959 cognac wine only fit for Kings. I knew you were coming so I prepared all these for you."

If my earlier reaction was surprise then right now I was shocked and spooked

"You knew I was coming?"

He smiled

"Yes, we've been waiting for you."

It didn't make any sense but the feeling of hunger drowned any form of reason and soon I was digging in and munching. Lucius left and gently closed the cabin.

I knew I should have probed more but then again, what choice did I have at that time and soon we set off for Rome.

Lucius came in again around the evening

"When we get to Rome, I'll take you to meet with Everett, Scott Chaote and Silvia Majong, they will be able to help prepare you for what destiny has in store for you."

I didn't know any of these people

"Sir Lucius, I'm I being kidnapped?" I asked as I sprang up from the bed I was lying on.

He looked at me, then burst out laughing, he laughed so hard that he was tearing up.

"No lad, you ain't being kidnapped, as I said earlier, it's all fate and destiny, don't bother your brain about it."

He then left. The rest of the sea voyage was uneventful, all I did was sleep, eat bath and eat, Lucius didn't even allow me the tiniest bit of stress and the most shocking part was that the crew were so differential towards me, bowing when they walked past me and never bothering me.

One day, Lucius walked into the cabin with two muscular men.

"We're here. Dmitri and Lazar here will escort us to meet with the three individuals I mentioned to you a few days back. You better get ready, we're leaving the ship in an hour."

Then he turned to one of the burly men

"Get a cab, tell the driver we're heading to Villa Borghese in Lazio, money ain't a problem"

The man was expressionless and walked out.

We boarded a cab and it was smooth drive and then finally we arrived to Villa Borghese, DUDE!! It was huge, covering almost 300 acres of land with a magnificent castle and gardens and don't forget the sprinklers and there's a huge pool, it was paradise.

I didn't realize I was gaping till Lucius flickered his finger on my mouth which made it shut abruptly.

"This is it one of my many castles around the world and this is where we will rewrite history."

We all headed into the castle which had burly muscular men-servants and astonishing beautiful maids. Wow, this is truly a paradise. Just then two men and a woman walked down the glass steps to meet us.

"The lean man that's as handsome as a Hollywood star is Everett, while the muscled one with a frown on his face is Scott Chaote, then the lady with the platinum silver hair is Silvia Majong, and they're here to help you with the mission which destiny has in store for you"

Before I could reply, Scott Chaote scowled and stared at me like I'm an idiot.

"The shamans said he's young, I didn't expect to see a kid."

The silver haired lady came over me with the speed only Flash could achieve, she pinched my cheek

"He's so cute and adorable, he will make an excellent Roman Prince"

The lean man walked over and accessed me as well

"If he could be trained into a mage, he's got the talent to soar high as a Grandmaster mage"

*Ahem* Lucius gave a light cough.

"Let's not forget the reason we're all here. Today we will rewrite history."

He then looked at all of them

"Let us begin".