Chapter 6

When he said that, I was speechless.

I was stunned, no, I was dazed. But I knew I couldn't reject the King's offer in front of his loyal subjects, that would be degrading his authority. So I got down on one knee

"My Lord, your servant is overwhelmed with such offer, what I did was merely an act of helping the people."

He smiled and took me up

"What you did is what no man was willing to do, and you did it out of the goodness of your heart and not for glory nor for politics, therefore today you shall be son, Prince Maximus." he said in plain english.

The Roman general knelt on one knee

"Hail the godsent, Hail Prince Maximus."

Every other soldier knelt as well and the crowd stood up and shouted in unison

"Hail the godsent, Hail Prince Maximus, Hail Hail Hail."

I just stood there, opened my mouth but no words could be formed.

And just like that I was made a Prince.

***A week later***

The coronation has been completed and I came to know the girl's name was Lucilla. The feast was splendid; whole roasted chicken, whole roasted pork, fruits of all kinds, raisin cakes, dates cakes, apple cakes and all sorts of fruit wine. The wine wasn't even alcoholic, simply fruit wine.

On the long dining table about 12ft long, with a golden chair at the end of one side and then silver chairs, about 42 placed around the table.

Seated on this chairs were high ranking Knights, city Lords, Generals and Commanders and then the Royal family; seated by the right side was a lean man who seemed to be in his late-twenties, he has a shrewd and wicked expression like one of those core political leaders who hates competition. Then on the left side was a dazzling beautiful young maiden, still in her early-twenties with an angelic face and a figure that'll make any preacher drop the bible and follow his instinct.

"Today, we're celebrating an additional member to the Aurelius family." he then raised his golden goblet in a toast

"To my son Maximus"

When Caesar Marcus Augustus Aurelius said that, everyone else raised their silver goblets and said in unison

"To Prince Maximus".

I knew I'm supposed to say couple words of inspiration but I also knew I had to choose my words carefully.

"I will be honest with all of you. In all my years I never dreamt I'd be given citizenship in a city, much more given the title of a prince. You have given the chance live the rest of my years without worries. But I won't be a proliferate son, nor a bully to the citizens of Rome. I hereby pledge my my strength and life to Rome."

I stood up with my silver goblet of wine.

"To Rome."

Everyone including the Caesar stood up to my toast.


***a day later***

I was invited to a war meeting. Seated here were hardcore generals, commanders, captains, knights and the Caesar. I took a seat.

"Despite Rome wining the duel, Persia is attempting to take control of the lane leading from Balbi into Pagus Ianiculensis. They killed Roman sailing merchants, stole a lot of resources and also abducted Roman citizens."

The atmosphere was tense, and I was really vexed, I mean, I risked my life and fought in that stupid duel that was so fucked up by the Persians, now they're going back on their word and even spilling innocent blood.

"Permission to speak, General Amphitryon." I said in a meek way

"My Lord, you're free to give suggestions." General Amphitryon appeared stunned as do the others.

"Well, in this case, I suggest an Ambush. I have a plan."

"Oh, what ambush plan do you have My lord." the general asked with interest.