Chapter 13

The neighing of a horse was heard and we all turned around to see a Roman soldier atop a horse riding toward us. When he was a few feet away from us, he stopped, looked at the dead bodies in surprise.

"What news do you bring from the capital?" I asked him and he jolted out from his shock.

"My lord" he saluted me and I could smell fear in him and I knew he was trembling beneath that armor of his. I felt my senses had been heightened to a new level.

"Orders from the Caesar, he requests that you and your squad remain here in Naumachia Vaticana." he said.

I was curious as why Father will request I remain here, did he suspect another attack?

"What's going on? Why are we to remain here in Naumachia Vaticana?" I asked with concern.

"My Lord, Germania sent letters to the capital moments after you left. They're declaring a full scale war." he replied nervously.

F**ken piece of shits, I should have known the attack on Naumachia Vaticana was to taste our combat capability.

"Are we to march against Germania? Or are we to wait here for the infantry?" I asked him as I looked straight at him.

"Caesar rides down to Naumachia Vaticana as we speak. He requests you remain here till he arrives." he said.

Knowing Father, I knew he won't put Rome in danger, so he's taking the initiative to meet up with Germania rather than have them besiege the Roman capital.

"Return to the capital, tell Caesar we shall do as he ordered." I said.

The messenger was relieved, I had guessed he didn't want to spend another minute with us. He saluted and mounted his horse, then he rode off.

"Caesar will be here before nightfall, clean up the place and burn these savages." I said and strode off to find a shaded place to rest.

I found an apple tree not far from the battle ground, I sat down and thought about how I could kill a Nephilim and four thousand barbarians in less than thirty minutes.

"Why do you think about that which your simple mind cannot comprehend." I heard the voice clear in my head but I still turned around to survey my surrounding, sure enough, I found no one.

"Why are searching for me when I am right here inside of you?" it said again.

I then knew I wasn't imagining it but I had to be sure.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am you Maximus, I am your other half." it calmly replied.

I was confused? What did it mean by my other half?

"Other half? Why then haven't you surfaced till now?" I asked suspiciously, I suspected this to be a hex from a witch or maybe I must have hit my head so hard when Ajax hit me.

"I was imprisoned by the one who saved you from your abductors." it said and I could feel it was angry.

"Lucius? Why would Lucius imprison you? And I never met Lucius till that day at Algeria, how then could he have imprisoned you?"

I enquired.

"You are wrong Maximus, you have met with Lucius before now but you just don't remember because your memory was wiped." it said.

My memory was wiped?

I had met Lucius before?

This was all too confusing.

"Okay, okay, slow down. Who are you first?" I had to know.

"I am known as a godlike demon wolf, reborn every five hundred years. I was created by Hades to battle Zeus but I found no joy in being a servant. I can only be reborn into the bodies of humans and now we're one. When I'm powerful enough, we can do what others see as impossible. When I was reborn into *Morgana* (during the time of King Arthur), I granted her the powers to become a dragon and summon dragons. And when Lucius found out I was part of you, he locked me up in the depth of your subconsciousness. I was awakened when Lucius and the witches performed the time spell." it said.

I thought about all it said and tried to process this information.

"So you were the one who helped me defeat Ajax and the Saxons." I got it now, how could I have run at that speed and kill like their lives were mine to take.

"Do not forget I gave you the knowledge of the sword and bow art, I also helped you to defeat the Cyclops or did you think that was of your own accord?" it sneered.

I couldn't believe it. It all made sense now. But I knew I had to become more powerful.

"How do we get more powerful?" I asked.

"I feed on pain, death, suffering, anger and fear. The more you kill, the more powerful we become. You need to become the god of death." it said.

"Done." I said without giving it a second thought. Rome had taught me that the strong trample on the weak, and I don't plan to lag behind and become weak.

I then thought about the upcoming war with Germania, I couldn't help but curl up my lips in a smile.