Chapter 4

The skeleton looking clone raised both his hands to the sky.

"As the dead obey Hades, so shall they obey me. I summon every doomed soul within Minos' territory, hear my call and arise as death knights. So Mote it be."

(Note: This spell was originally written in Latin. Under no circumstance should you recite or experiment with this spell in any other language except English.)

The earth quaked and skeletal hands could be seen tearing the soil apart. Soon they were ten, hundreds and then thousands. All clad in black armor and were wielding burning swords.

I merely smirked, stared at the clone like it was some kind of a stupid creature.

"The more, the merrier, this just got more fun. And here I thought you were some mighty creature, I was wrong, you're just another dumb prey."

I gripped my sword and dashed towards the vast army at superhuman speed.

I was like a blur to them and they were unable to retaliate. The death knights were falling, battered, dismembered, headless and burnt. But then I soon began to feel weak.

Why the hell was I feeling weak? I should be feeling stronger the more I kill, shouldn't I?

"Do you feel it now demon wolf?" The clone smiled and said.

"You get weak and frail the more you kill my death knights." He laughed out loud.

"He's right Maximus, the death knights feel no pain and they have no life in them and as such, they feel no fear as they're already dead. So instead of absorbing and replenishing our powers, we are expending ours." The demon wolf said to me. It made sense to me as I knew the demon wolf feeds on pain, fear, anger and life.

"So you're saying in order to solve this problem, we need to take out its source." I replied.

"You took the words right out of mouth." it said and I could feel it grinning.

I came to a halt, turned around to face the clone and smiled as well.

"How right you are." I said.

And why shouldn't it be? This was simple logic, I just had to take that clone's head and be done with this débâcle.

The clone was puzzled by my action and statement but before he could figure out my plan, I had swooshed past him holding his head in hand.

I then stared ahead of me and smiled.

"You're right when you said I can't defeat your subordinates without the help of the demon wolf. Tell me Minos; who is it that can fight a great war without all his strength?" I then tossed the decapitated skull forward and Minos appeared. He looked at the skull by his feet and smiled.

"Well done Maximus, or should I say Demon Wolf?" he said.

"The demon wolf and I are one and the same." I grinned.

He was silent for a while as I stood awaiting his decision but I didn't let my guard down as I still held my sword just in case he got any funny ideas.

"Fine. I can not go back on my word. You have defeated my death knights and my clone, and you didn't lose control. You have earned my respect." He said and gave a slight bow.

Yeah right!, can't go back on your word my brown african ass!

Were we supposed to be fighting here in the first place? I made a mental note never to believe anything from Minos' mouth ever again.

He then waved his hand and a teleportation array began to form.

"A word of advise Maximus, always keep your anger in check, else there will be more death wherever you go. The world is watching this adventure of yours. Your mate and loved ones await you at home, do not lose control." He dissipated and the array was complete.

I sheathed my sword, stepped into the array and found myself at the edge of the dark forest. I looked back and felt relieved, this concludes my business with Minos.

"Till we meet again Minos."

"Shall we head over to the next cave?" the demon wolf asked.

"Who's next on our list?" I check my split lip.

"Versatile dark mages. They're the worst kind of mages as they specialize in all kinds of magic even necromancy. I know where to find them." the demon wolf said.

"Great, this just keeps getting more difficult. Oh let's go but first, let's find a town where I can grab a few snack, I'm starving." I said and started jogging.

"At this rate it will take us years to reach the dark mage tower. I can get us there faster." the demon wolf suggested. I knew exactly what it meant but I agree nonetheless. And in seconds I was cruising of at sonic speed.

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