Chapter 29: Meeting

While Hijiri was telling his experiences to his mother, the front door was violently opened.

(Hue): "Brother!"

Hijiri's sister, Hue, entered the house searching for him. She was stunned seeing him sitting on a chair while her mother was cooking.

(Hijiri): "Hue! Come hug your brother. I really missed you!"

As an answer, Hue threw a chakra-enhanced slap to his face. Hijir didn't dodge and was sent flying to the next room through a wall.

(Hijiri): "That hurt, sister."

(Hue): "Why didn't you dodge?!"

(Hijiri): "I thought that if accepted your hit you would be more inclined to forgive me."

Hue murmured: "Idiot."

Hijiri got up with a swollen face and went to hug his sister: "I'm home."

(Hue): "Hmm"

When they separated Hue said: "Ah! I got notified that the Patriarch and the Elders are awaiting you in the main hall."

(Hijiri): "I guessed something like that would happen. I'm going."

(Hariko): "Will you be oaky, son?"

(Hijiri): "Don't worry they can't make me do anything I don't want to."

Hijiri then left the house, under the worried gazes of his mother and sister, and went towards the main hall.

Inside the hall, there was the Patriarch and the six Elders sitting in seiza. The patriarch was in the center with three Elders to either side.

Hijiri entered while sending subtle chakra ripples down the floor with his feet.

He sat down in seiza in front of the patriarch.

(Patriarch Hiashi): "You've returned."

(Hijiri): "I've returned."

(Hiashi): "Is this all you have to say after you abandoned the clan?"

(Hijiri): "I never abandoned the clan, I merely temporarily left. My growth inside the clan had become stagnant so I had to leave to gain experience."

(Hiashi): "You still left without permission, risking our precious byakugan to fall into the hands of outsiders!"

(Hijiri): "It didn't happen, besides I was always under a transformation technique."

(Hiashi): "Semantics! You are wrong and so you will be punished! You will bear the mark of the Caged Bird Curse Seal!"

(Henji): "Patriarch!"

(Hiashi): "Shut up Henji. The decision is taken."

(Hijiri): "Hahahaha"

(Hiashi): "Why are you laughing? Have you finally gone mad?"

(Hijiri): "I'm laughing at your foolishness. I expected to be pleaded to remain, not to be threatened. Do you take me for a pushover, or do you think that I am the same as 10 years ago?"

(Hiashi): "No matter how strong you have become: today you will fall! Activate the formation!"

Hiashi and 5 of the 6 Elders formed a few hand seals and then slammed their hands to the ground.

Nothing happened.

(Hiashi and the Elders): "???"

(Hijiri): "Pfft. Your faces are priceless. Did you really think that I wouldn't notice the sealing formation beneath the floor? Not only I have sensed it, but I also disabled it. And now I think is time to discuss the reason why I returned."

Hijiri started mobilizing all the chakra in his body. A terrifying pressure descended the hall, the floor cracked and a continuous wind caused by the bursts of chakra emanated from Hijiri.

The Patriarch and the Elders paled, and they automatically activated their byakugan.

(Hiashi): "What do you want to do?"

(Hijiri): "I will institute a new role in our clan: the Clan General. He will have the role of leading our clan in battle in times of war and guiding our clan's general development in times of peace. He will also have the authority to overwrite any decision made by this council. I will take that role."

(Hiashi): "No, I won't allow it!"

Hijiri activated his byakugan, which he had nurtured daily with senjutsu chakra for 11 years, at full power. Another kind of pressure descended the hall: bloodline suppression.

Hiashi and the Elders paled further.

(Hijiri): "I wasn't asking you. I was telling you. You can maintain your positions and roles for now but tomorrow I want you to announce my new position. Then I will start checking the clan's situation and making changes as I see fit. Are we clear?"

(Hiashi): "Yes."

Hijiri clapped his hands and retracted the pressure: "Good. Now I have to catch up with my family. Don't do anything stupid or you'll regret it."