Sister Skye

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and tell me." The girl waved her fair hand in front of Fanny and urged with a dissatisfied expression, "My time is very precious. Hurry up and tell me, what happened to that guy just now?"

Fanny came back to his senses, his reminiscence interrupted. He frowned, "You are still talking about that?! Skye, I already said it many times. That matter is very dangerous, and it is not the time to investigate it."

Skye was the girl's name, and she was also Fanny's older sister. However, she was not his biological sister, nor was she a step-sister or illegitimate daughter. Fanny had accidentally recruited her with 'Ars Magna.'

She was also the reason he could successfully use the skill for the first time.

Fanny had studied the system since he had extracted 'Ars Magna' as a baby. It was a shame to put away a skill as powerful as 'Ars Magna,' but there are many other skills across thousands of anime, so he decided to not think too much about it.

Instead, he focused on finding out how to do the next extraction.

Every day, Fanny noted the changes in the progress bar. After observing it for a whole month, he discovered that it would move forward very slightly every day. This made him a little worried. At this rate, he didn't know how many months he had to wait for the next extraction. But as a baby who couldn't even crawl, he obviously had no way to resolve this conundrum in the near future.

However, as the saying goes, the wheel of fortune rises and falls. When he was about one year old, he discovered something different about this world.

Soon after he crossed over to this world, Fanny already felt like he had been transported to the past. There were electrical appliances in his house, but they all had a bit of an 'old' look.

After learning the language and hearing the TV news about the billionaire Howard and his wife's fifth death anniversary, as well as his son Tony Stark's achievements, Fanny finally realized what kind of universe he had arrived in.

His heartbeat quickened. His dream of lavish life and great riches had been thrown out of the windows.

"Marvel." This word was not unfamiliar to Fanny. He had liked to watch movies in his previous life, but he never imagined that he would enter the world of those movies. This was a realm full of aliens, with all kinds of superpowers on bargain sales and many vibrant worlds across the universe.

After hearing about the death anniversary of the future Iron Man's father, Fanny began to ask and probe about the outside world. Fortunately, he was already one year old, so his curiosity did not look out of place.

From what he knew, there were no mutants in this world. This meant that the danger factor had dropped by a large margin, which made Fanny slightly relieved. However, he was sure that he had been transported to the world of Marvel. After all, there are strange places like the Captain America Museum.

Fanny's mind was filled with a sense of urgency, recalling that there was a possibility that he might be turned into ashes with the snap of a finger in the future. He would rather not gamble on the 50/50 chance. Moreover, New York was basically a disaster magnet city. He would need to live through all of them, never mind the Snap.

While he grimly and diligently studied the method of using 'Ars Magna,' he reached the age of seven before knowing it. In these seven years, he had tried everything he could to hasten the progress bar, including electrocuting himself, eating more food, and other training methods. Alas, it was all useless in the end.

But perhaps there were meanings in the number seven. This was the year that he released 'Ars Magna' for the first time, and it was used in a situation he absolutely did not expect.

Because of the memories of his past life, Fanny had been a very smart and cute child. However, he was careful to not reveal any abnormalities. After all, the current SHIELD and Hydra were still terrifying. It would be over if he was discovered. Nevertheless, it had made his parents dote on him excessively, especially since he was born relatively late in their marriage.

Fanny wasn't too comfortable with their incessant doting because he was basically an adult on the inside. He had tried explaining it or resisting to no avail. In the end, he concluded that he would have to play the role of a delinquent that stirred trouble everywhere to stop his parents.

On the day of his seventh birthday, after his parents dragged him around the shopping mall and forced him to accept childish gifts, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He sat quietly in his room that night, surrounded by an astonishing pile of cute dolls, with a calm and cold heart. While watching at the chandelier on his ceiling, he formulated a way to become an annoying delinquent.

But suddenly, an inexplicable thought appeared in his mind, "If only I had an elder sister!"

Fanny's logic was that it might be more bearable if there was someone to share his parent's love with. As for why it's not a brother, he had an impression that most mischievous kids are boys, and he didn't want to deal with them.

And the reason he wanted an elder sister was because he was only 7 at the time. If a baby little sister comes, it might add even more trouble for him than relief. Therefore, through the process of elimination, an elder sister was the only logical choice.

Originally, this was just an idle thought. He was an only son. No matter how strong his father was, it was impossible for him to go back in time and give him an elder sister.

But just as this thought came to his mind, Fanny suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. His vision went black, and he almost fainted with dizziness comparable to three days' worth of hangover.

Unbeknownst to him, right then, a cute little girl suddenly ran into the door of their family house in a panic and fell to the ground while holding her head.

The pain in his head made Fanny extremely confused, but the sense of success that followed angered him.

Seven years, a whole seven years. Does this broken skill know how he spent these seven years!?

He checked the system in his brain and was surprised to find that the energy bar that had been only a little over half-full after seven years was suddenly full.

He could extract a skill again!

However, his parent's shout from downstairs interrupted his excitement. He was reminded of what just happened with his skill.

"It took effect so quickly?" Fanny muttered to himself. He put the thought of extracting another skill in the back of his mind and limped down the stairs.

In the living room, a girl was sitting awkwardly on the sofa. Her eyes were clear amber, framed by curved eyebrows and long eyelashes, and they were trembling slightly. The only flaw in her white and flawless forehead was a large bump.

His parents were sitting next to the girl, and opposite them was a man and a woman, with a helpless expression on their faces.

"Fanny, this is..."

"Skye!" The girl interrupted Fanny's father and declared with a crisp voice, "My name is Skye!"

"I am very sorry for disturbing you tonight, Mr. Helsed, but we really have to go back to Saint Agnes." The man opposite the girl stood up and said apologetically.

"Saint Agnes?"

Although Fanny was currently very uncomfortable and confused with the way his skills work, he didn't want the person that might get him out of his trouble just leave like that.

"That is an orphanage," Fanny's mother walked over with a reluctant face. She held his hand and explained, "Fanny, your father and I wish to adopt her; is that okay?"

"Of course!" Fanny nodded quickly. This was precisely what he needed: an elder sister to share his parents' affection with. And fortunately, it was clear that his parents liked this girl very much.

A trace of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes when she heard what Fanny's parents said. Yet her face didn't show happiness, instead filled with loneliness and sadness. She had been through three foster parents; she didn't want to suffer the pain of being driven out of their house ever again.

But her emotions won't do anything against 'Ars Magna'—or rather, Fanny's parents' torrent of love.

Fanny's parents, who were lawyers, finished the various paperwork in just two hours the next day. And thus, that was the story of how he gained an older sister.

Summoning Skye through 'Ars Magna' gave Fanny a rough guess about the functionality of the extraction system. He postulated that the increase in the progress bar might be related to the use of skills, besides just waiting for natural progression.

And the second skill he extracted solidified his theory.