That Bald Head

Fanny woke up early the following day, brimming with excitement and nervousness. He was ready to see the effect of 'Demon Armor Incursio' for himself. Skye tried to follow him out, but without knowing anything about the effect of the skill, Fanny ended up stopping her.

He rode the bicycle to a remote corner of the suburbs. This place used to be a small factory, but it had been long abandoned. Fanny transformed it into his secret base after accidentally stumbling into it. He would deal with occasional extra 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' here or test the extent of reality manipulation through 'Ars Magna.'

Fanny opened the locked door, vigilantly watching out for any abnormal movements. He then began the preparation for the test.

Standing in the wide-open space, Fanny took a deep breath and shouted,

"Demon Armor Incursio!"

A silver sword with a chain tassel and ruby ornament appeared in midair, emitting a dangerous aura.

Fanny had thought about whether an extracted skill could harm him ever since he first succeeded in using 'Ars Magna;' the splitting headache he felt back then was still fresh in his mind. He was only seven years old, and it took him two months to fully recover.

Instinctively, Fanny felt that the system would not harm him, at least not through the extracted skills. He couldn't use 'Ars Magna' at all when he extracted it as a baby, but he could progressively use more of its effect as he got older.

Therefore, Fanny was not very afraid of the dangerous aura emitted by 'Demon Armor Incursio.' His instinct told him that in the worst-case scenario, the system would prevent him from equipping it.

Fanny reached out and grabbed the silver sword's hilt without any hesitation.

A massive wave of energy exploded from the red gem embedded in the sword, wrapping itself around Fanny. A huge shadow wearing bright silver armor appeared behind him, reaching out its hands as if pulling him into its embrace.

A fierce roar pierced Fanny's ears, and he felt something flowing on his body.

The huge shadow disappeared.

Silver armor completely wrapped Fanny's body. A white cloak fluttering behind him despite the lack of wind, greatly increasing his style points.

Fanny clearly felt the power of 'Demon Armor Incursio' coursing through his body. Now, let alone Hawkeye, he was not even afraid of Captain America.

"All this power, this strength!" Fanny clenched his fists and shouted excitedly in his heart. The anxiety he had about the uncertain future finally eased significantly.

Demon Armor Incursio' gives a bonus to its user's ability when equipped. It boosted Fanny's speed, strength, and spirit. Of course, the most important thing was defense. Fanny did not know whether the 'Demon Armor Incursio' metal was stronger than vibranium, but combined with its power to evolve, it might be able to knock vibranium across the street.

However, its strength didn't come without a price. Fanny could feel that his stamina rapidly dwindled: even with the physical fitness he trained for years, he could only sustain the armor for about 20 minutes.

The stealth ability that Demon Armor Incursio had in the anime was unusable to him, perhaps because he was still too weak right now.

"Right, Ars Magna!"

Fanny considered about how the 'Demon Armor Incursio' had enhanced all his abilities. Would it be possible to use the enhancement on 'Ars Magna' to then use it to boost 'Demon Armor Incursio?'

"Double my physical fitness!"

He emptied his mind and used 'Ars Magna' to increase his strength. He had tried this before, but he had yet to succeed.

This time, however, even more power surged into his already-enhanced body. All this power made Fanny feel invincible. The doubling of his physical fitness also slightly extended the duration of 'Demon Armor Incursio,' but he couldn't gauge by how much precisely.

"Double my physical fitness!"

Fanny excitedly repeated his 'command,' but perhaps his excited mind messed with his concentration, so he failed this time.

After focusing himself again for a while, Fanny said in a low voice, "Increase my physical fitness by two hundred percent!"

He felt like his body had entered a warm bath, comfortable and intoxicating. But then a wave of exhaustion flooded into his mind—this was probably the limit of what he could do with these two skills.

Fanny wasn't disappointed by this result; on the contrary, he was satisfied that he could improve his strength. After the letdown that was Sumire Karaage Rolls, Demon Armor Incursio was already exceeding his expectations.

He couldn't test the extent of his strength and speed without some equipment, but he could easily pick up the heaviest object in the building. It was a pity that he still could not use Incursio's stealth ability even with his physical fitness tripled. It seemed that he had to go even further beyond.

Moreover, the physical fitness enhanced by 'Ars Magna' was not permanent. As more and more thoughts went through his mind, his concentration broke, and the enhancement weakened over time.

About forty minutes later, Fanny felt his stamina was about to reach the limit, so he dispelled the 'Demon Armor Incursio.' It returned into a long sword and appeared in front of him.

A surge of pain that followed made him fall to the ground.

"I played around too much..."

Fanny thought as he fell. He had somewhat underestimated the aftereffects of 'Demon Armor Incursio.' He barely had any strength left in his body, and he was in severe pain all over.

As the skill was canceled, the long sword also disappeared to thin air. It seemed Fanny wouldn't have to worry about carrying it around, so it was essentially a skill, not equipment.

Fanny laboriously turned over to lay on his back, ignoring the mess he made. He reflected while looking at the ceiling.

"I used both Ars Magna and Incursio to greatly increase my physical strength, but both of them disappeared simultaneously, so I have to deal with double the aftereffects."

In summary, this situation was created by Fanny's own weakness.

His current body was only a fifteen-year-old teenager. With the ordinary training methods of a normal human, there's a limit on what he could achieve.

Fanny quickly dismissed his depressing thoughts. It was not like him to blame the heavens. It would be more productive to think about how he could continue strengthening his body.

"Should I follow the original plan to find the big bald head?" Fanny subconsciously whispered while thinking on the ground.

A gentle voice suddenly came from behind him, "Talking about other people's hair behind their backs is not polite!"

Then, a shiny bald head appeared in his field of vision.