Thank You Captain Jack Sparrow

The sun was shining brightly in the June sky.

It had been almost a month since Fanny met Ancient One. He only needed a few more credits to apply for graduation.

Universities valued organizational experience and teacher recommendations, but Fanny's grades were high enough to ignore such things.

Carson returned to school a few weeks ago and ceased to bother Fanny. Fanny initially suspected Carson was planning something in secret, but he perished the thought after the two of them reconciled, and Fanny used 'Ars Magna' on Carson.

Apparently, Carson indeed planned something during his absence, but he hesitated after accidentally discovering that Fanny's parents were well-known lawyers.

In this country, lawyers were a very special profession. No one wanted to offend a powerful lawyer. Although Carson was reckless, he wasn't an absolute idiot.

After thinking about the consequences of offending Fanny, he finally decided to cut his losses. Of course, the other thing to consider was that Carson had to attend Fanny's graduation in the near future, and it would be awkward if he made trouble right now.

Fanny did not know whether to laugh or cry, but this was a rather good outcome. He used 'Ars Magna' to reinforce Carson's reluctance to cause trouble and left him alone.

Right now, the most important thing for Fanny was to quickly complete his credits and go through his graduation. Then, he would find the New York Sanctum and have a good talk with Ancient One.

He had been thinking about the purpose of Ancient One's visit that day. With his limited information, he finally decided that 'Demon Armor Incursio' was the most likely answer.

Thus, he only tested the 'Demon Armor Incursio' a few times on the weekend and never touched it otherwise.

He had never thought about becoming a superhero and making his debut before Iron Man.

It would be great if he could survive until he was invincible, but with his current growth rate, it was obviously impossible.

Therefore, finding Kamar-Taj was very important. Even if he could not learn magic directly from Ancient One, that place could help him quickly improve his strength.

The growth of the experience bar was related to the use of skills in combat. Apart from the SHIELD/Hydra and some unknown organizations, Kamar-Taj's sorcerers were the most powerful group of people on the planet.

Sparring with them on a daily basis would definitely be much faster than selling fried chicken rolls in the shop. And with 'Demon Armor Incursio,' he shouldn't be any weaker than an ordinary sorcerer.


"Congratulations, you have graduated."

With the graduation certificate in hand, Fanny finally breathed a sigh of relief. The hot weather felt a little cooler. It was a bit too early to start college yet, so he finally had some free time.

At the graduation ceremony, Fanny looked at the bustling crowd around him, his happy parents, and Skye. His heart was calm and peaceful.

Fanny had once thought that it was selfish of him to be attending the school leisurely even though the world was about to fall into chaos in just a few years. He hesitated whether to directly drop out of school and search the world for a way to improve his strength. This world was filled with secrets. If he searched carefully, he would definitely find a way.

He asked himself what he really wanted to do every time he saw his parent's old faces. He had thought about returning to the previous world when he was just reborn, but as he grew more and more used to this world, the idea gradually faded away.

In this world, he had a pair of parents who doted on him very much, a cute but not well-behaved sister, and even a special ability. Although the surroundings were a bit dangerous, his overall life was better than before. Moreover, there was still time and chances to grow up and become invincible.

Fanny decided after arduous consideration that he wanted to live freely. There was a sense of urgency regarding the upcoming dangers, but he could not be controlled by this sense of urgency. He could enjoy a happy and comfortable life while being watchful of the possible dangers. In the end, he abandoned the thought of increasing his strength at all costs and instead advanced step by step according to his own pace.

The sight in front of him reassured Fanny that he had done nothing wrong. Even if he was given the Time Stone right now, he would not turn back time to change anything.

Fanny's family talked about the graduation well into the evening. His parents didn't particularly care about his choice to learn ancient languages. From the beginning, they were people with sizeable incomes. And Fanny himself had earned quite a bit of money in the past two years. There wasn't any pressing need for him to choose a major with direct practical use.

Fanny woke up early the next morning, feeling weird that he didn't have to go to classes anymore, but immediately felt happy to make free arrangements of his own time.

When he got down to breakfast, however, he found that Skye looked listless. "What's wrong? Did you sleep wrong?"

Skye shook her head, supporting it with her elbow on the table. "You're not going to the store anymore, so I don't know what to do."

"You can find a job!" Fanny said, exasperated, "It's been two years since you graduated, but you haven't gotten any proper job."

Skye's face reddened. "Who said I haven't? I wrote software on the internet to make money!"

"That's good. Don't borrow money from me when you upgrade your equipment next time!" Fanny nodded mockingly.

Skye opened her mouth in a dilemma. She really wanted to say that she would be just fine without borrowing from him, but she might not be able to afford a new computer without his money.


In the end, she could only glare at Fanny angrily. She stopped eating breakfast and left with her bag.

Fanny finished his breakfast in a good mood after completing the daily routine of bullying his sister. But unease quickly returned when he thought about what he had to do next.

New York was a big city of more than twelve hundred square kilometers. It would not be easy to find an inconspicuous or hidden building here.

Fanny thought about it for a month. He tried to explore the map on the internet and walk around the city blindly. Finally, he thought of a method.

Fanny took out a worn-out compass that he had bought after meticulously combing the antique market. He took a deep breath and commanded in a low voice,

"Give this compass a special power to guide the owner where they want to go the most!"

The pointer of the compass suddenly moved. After swaying a few times, it finally stopped and pointed in a direction.

"It succeeded!"

Fanny's dizziness suppressed the excitement in his heart. With a clear image to focus his mind on, the success rate of 'Ars Magna' increased substantially.

Most importantly, while the device was special, its function was simple and posed no threat to the world. It was a great success.

Thank you, Captain Jack Sparrow!

Fanny praised in his heart. He then walked in the direction pointed by the compass without hesitation. The enchantment bestowed by 'Ars Magna' was not permanent, so he had to finish what he wanted to do before the effect vanished.