Let's See If You Can Still Run Your Mouth

Fanny opened his eyes to find a strange ceiling.

The thick scent of medicine immediately told him that he was in a hospital. Fanny turned his head; Skye was sleeping by his bed.


Fanny gently shook Skye with his hand. She woke up in an instant; it seemed that she was barely asleep. A flash of joy and relief filled her eyes when she saw him.

"What happened to you?"

But her face immediately stiffened with worry and anger. She stood up and asked, "The doctor said that you were exhausted to the brink of your life. What have you been doing recently?"

The crazy special training made Fanny a little absent-minded, and Skye was kept busy with Stark's stock. They didn't have any time to properly talk for the last week. He didn't expect that this would be the result.

"I had special training. I was a little too careless."

Fanny coughed and hid the insane detail of his training.

"Special training?!" Skye was stunned at first, then frowned and said angrily, "Fanny, don't be reckless. I don't think just any special training will push you this far. If this happens again, I will talk to Master Ancient One."

Skye had stayed with Kamar-Taj for a period of time, and she also knew Ancient One. Her words were not an empty threat.

"It's over. I promise it won't happen again."

Fanny raised his hand in surrender. He already confirmed that he had broken through the restriction for 'Demon Armor Incursio's' stealth ability before he fainted, so the purpose of the special training had been achieved.

It surprised him to discover that the breakthrough didn't only involve his physical strength but also his will—rather, it was breaking through the barrier in his will that improved his strength.

Demon Armor Incursio' had evolved a little as a result. It wasn't any drastic evolution, but it evolved in a way that Fanny needed the most.

Cold and Frost resistance.

After the near-death experience in the snow, 'Demon Armor Incursio' evolved on its own and gained resistance to ice and snow.

It wouldn't be enough to nullify the harsh wind and snow of Mount Everest, but it would make the extreme environment bearable.

Regrettably, despite 'Demon Armor Incursio' gaining two new abilities, Fanny still couldn't extract the fourth skill. Only a sliver of empty space remained in the bar—perhaps a battle would be enough.

Fanny checked his body to ensure nothing was wrong and wore the sling ring on his hand. He then went through the discharge formality; he had not been unconscious for long, only about five or six hours.

Fanny left the hospital and stretched his body under the beautiful sunshine outside. This was the first time he had been so close to death, so he fully understood the happiness of living right now.

"Are you sure you don't want the doctor to do a proper examination?"

Skye had a worried expression on her face. The doctor had advised placing Fanny under controlled observation, but Fanny rejected it.

"I'm really fine, just a little too tired. It's not a big problem." Fanny comforted her again.


Fanny wasn't visibly sick, so Skye stopped insisting. She knew about Fanny's special situation and wouldn't have brought him to the hospital if she had any other option. She was worried that something about him would be exposed through the examination.

Fanny reflected on the breakthrough when he got home. He had wanted to force himself through from the beginning, but his method this time was a bit too risky.

The feeling of death slowly claiming his body was still fresh in his memory. He had succeeded this time, but he couldn't take this extreme bet every time.

Thus Fanny decided to increase his strength slowly and steadily. Doing this kind of suicidal breakthrough just once was enough.

Fanny glanced at the experience bar again, expectant. The fourth skill would come very soon.

All of his three skills were pretty strong, including 'Sumire Karaage Rolls', so Fanny was pretty excited to see what the fourth skill would be.

Unfortunately, the breakthrough left Fanny with quite a severe after-effect. He was completely drained of strength and needed a good rest before filling that final sliver of experience. Senior Mordo seemed to be in Kamar-Taj around this time, so Fanny thought to get his last bit of experience from his most treasured experience dummy Mordo.

The distant Mordo suddenly sneezed!

"Maybe I should get Master Ancient One to help me out…."

Fanny had an idea to use the Eye of Agamotto to predict the future and see what skill he would extract. If the skill extraction system depends on a time-based random draw, seeing the ever-changing future would allow him to extract whatever skill he wanted.

However, he had two reasons to hesitate. First, he didn't know if this method would even work. Second, he didn't know how to convince Ancient One to help him.

Those who play with time would become a plaything of time. Likely afraid of the consequences, Ancient One instead treated the future she saw like a movie and said nothing to anyone.

Fanny could not find a convincing enough reason for Ancient One to change her policy and help him without exposing his biggest secret.

His rebirth and the system were Fanny's largest secrets. He didn't want anyone to know about them.

Should he tell Ancient One frankly? "Hey, I might awaken a new ability in a while. Could you use Eye of Agamotto to help me see what it is? If not, I will awaken it later!"

Ancient One would probably think he was insane!

He thought of taking the Eye of Agamotto and seeing the future himself, but he would probably have to crack the artifact open and take the Time Stone out.

In the entire Kamar-Taj, Ancient One was the only one who could use the Eye of Agamotto. The magic to see the future was the most secret of secret techniques.

Therefore, Doctor Strange's magic talent...

Thinking about it would only make him sad, so Fanny stopped right there.

Fanny scratched his head, going nowhere in his dilemma. He could only give up and leave it to his luck. It's not like the method was sure to succeed anyway.

After having enough rest, Fanny immediately returned to Kamar-Taj and found Mordo. He walked over with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, let's go. Let's spar for a bit. I have a lot of fried chicken. If we don't go, I won't give it to you!"

Fanny used his full strength as 'The Owner of Kamar-Taj's Mage' to persuade Mordo. The temptation of food swayed Mordo's decision.

"Fine; come on!"

Mordo gritted his teeth and finally relented. He led Fanny to the training ground.

"I have something else to do now, so I might not come here as often," Fanny said on the way.

Fanny could be considered Kamar-Taj's most free mage. Ancient One didn't arrange any task for him, and he didn't have to abide by the strict schedule. He was free to come and go.

So his nickname as 'Ancient One's most favored disciple' was not without merit.

"Academic matters?"

Mordo asked casually. Everyone who was familiar with Fanny knew about his school in New York.

Fanny smiled but did not answer. He changed the topic, "Oh right, let me tell you in advance. I just learned a very powerful move. Don't be killed in one shot."

"Hmph, I have 17 spells that can defeat you!"

Mordo snapped back bitterly, silently considering how to defeat Fanny.

Let me see you run your mouth after I beat you down 17 times!