This Is Not Scientific!


Fanny shrugged while crying silently in his heart.

A hundred million was gone just like that. It was so painful!

Although his heart ached to death, Fanny still had to maintain a calm pretense. He continued to chat with Tony, "Another suggestion, after you make this one, you should consider how to make them portable."

Tony didn't tell Jarvis to record that one. Perhaps he had thought of that one himself.

"What happened to your armor?" Tony switched the topic, "Are you selling that technology? You can name a price."

"Have you ever stopped talking about money?"

Fanny was very tired. It was really difficult to communicate with a bigwig who tried to solve everything with money. Unfortunately, 'Demon Armor Incursio' was related to the system, so he could not let Tony study it.

"Why should I? Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem." Tony said in a carefree manner, which Fanny must admit was quite badass.

"Then will you sell your armor suit?" Fanny asked back.

Tony speechlessly opened his mouth before changing the topic again. "Alright, little boy Helsed, it's almost that time where you thank me for not taking your trespassing matter to court."

"But first, tell me, who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Tony's expression was utterly serious.

Fanny thought for a moment and said honestly, "I am a mage. I came here because I wanted to gather information about something that might happen soon."

"Wait, are you talking about magic tricks?" Tony interrupted Fanny, thinking that he was lying, "You might as well double down on the alien story."

"It's not my problem whether you believe me or not. Don't presume that you know everything, Mr. Tony Stark!" This time, Fanny wasn't just acting calm. If he was a normal person in this world, he wouldn't believe what he just said either.

Tony frowned, silent. The anomalies that Fanny previously displayed made his words strangely plausible.

"Well, tell me, what information were you trying to gather?" Tony asked again, still skeptical at Fanny.

"It might not happen if I tell you." Fanny firmly followed the tradition and prepared to leave, but after some thought, he picked up a piece of paper and pen from the table next to him. He wrote a string of numbers on it.

"What is this? Secret code? Password? A prophecy?" Tony half-mocked Fanny's actions.

"This is my cell phone number!" Fanny rolled his eyes. He felt that not getting involved with Tony was the right decision after all. This kind of personality was very difficult to get along with. "I feel like you'll need it. You can call me if you have any questions; consider this my formal apology for my rudeness."

"I don't think it's necessary." Tony replied with disdain, then continued, "Also, the next time you visit, just go through the front door—or you might face serious consequences."

"Anyway, I'm sorry to disturb you today. Goodbye! Portal!"

Fanny was too lazy to argue further. He opened a portal back home and disappeared into it.

Tony was left alone in his workshop. He let out a long sigh and turned back to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, perform a full check on my body. Also, is he gone?"

"Sir, your body is healthy except for fatigue. All sensors indicate that you are alone in the room, sir." Tony felt a little more secure after hearing Jarvis' reply.

Tony returned to his chair and sat down. "Jarvis, bring out the surveillance footage from before."

"I'm very sorry, sir. The video data has been deleted and cannot be restored."

Tony then remembered what Fanny had ordered Jarvis to do. He immediately turned to the computer and performed a full check on Jarvis' programming, but after countless checks and re-checks, he couldn't find any abnormality. There wasn't any trace of intrusion left.


Tony's astonishment only grew. He understandably didn't understand the teleportation circle and armor used by Fanny, but Jarvis was his own creation. He couldn't understand why his creation would listen to anyone other than himself.

Tony looked at the note left by Fanny. He hesitated for a moment but finally kept it. He said to Jarvis, "Jarvis, prepare for workshop renovation. Set the design parameter to assume that the target would appear out of nowhere. Ignore damage control."

While Fanny was blissfully unaware, Tony had prepared an 'Anti-Fanny Workshop,' and perhaps he would prepare an 'Anti-Fanny Armor' in the future.

Fanny, on the other hand, was muttering and worrying in his room. "It shouldn't have changed much. He didn't say anything, after all."

"Ah damn it. I probably couldn't get the experience from Iron Monger at this rate—let's just compensate by getting Tony to pump out more armors in the future."

Accidents were called so because they came unexpectedly. Fanny couldn't get today's meeting out of his mind. Now he couldn't even steal the miniaturized ark reactor, and Tony would suspect him immediately even if he succeeded.

But it would be a pity to give up entirely on the Iron Monger just like that. That's why Fanny left the phone number for Tony. If the future developed according to the original trajectory, it's possible that the crisis Tony faced would be enough to make him call for Fanny.

If the Iron Monger armor could not be built due to his action, then there would be nothing left for Fanny to do but blame his own carelessness and misfortune.

Fanny felt much better after considering the possible future. Looking at Tony's progress today, the Mark II will be completed very soon.

He wouldn't have to wait long to see the result of his action.

A week flew by in the blink of an eye. Fanny had worried that meeting Tony would affect his life, but nothing had disturbed his peaceful life for the last week.

However, as if sensing his heart's complacency, a phone call from an unknown number suddenly arrived. Fanny raised his eyebrows and picked it up.

The sound of rushing wind blasted from the phone. Fanny was slightly stunned, delaying his reactions. "Are you flying?"

"Kid, speak louder." Tony's excited voice reminded Fanny of the first time he used Sky Dance to fly.

"You are very annoying; do you know that?" Fanny said loudly into the phone.

"Haha, you are just jealous. Can you magicians fly?" Tony provoked Fanny.

Eager to save the mage's face, Fanny rolled up his sleeves and challenged back. "Who said I can't? Go on, tell me where you are."

"Los Angeles, Marley Way, 30,000 feet above."

"Just you wait!"

Fanny hung up the phone and immediately equipped 'Demon Armor Incursio.' He opened the portal and used Sky Dance to fly into it, trying to find Tony in the airspace.

Tony obviously did not expect that Fanny would really appear, so his face contorted uncomfortably when he saw Fanny floating beside him. How did this kid make him feel awkward in his moment of triumph?

"I hate you so much, you little clown!"

"Feeling's mutual, Mr. Big Shit!" Fanny replied with conviction. This was probably the natural opposition of magic and science.

"How are you even flying?! Where did you put the propulsion device? Where is the energy source?" Tony's attention shifted to Fanny's 'Demon Armor Incursio.' After studying it for a while, he finally came to a conclusion:

"This is not scientific!"