Applying Buffs, Throwing Food, and Giving Equipment

Fanny calmly took a sip of cold cola as he watched Tony announcing "I am Iron Man" on live television. There was no shortage of things in the fridge with Skye around.

"He admitted it just like that?" Skye looked up from her laptop in surprise. She immediately went to find Fanny after she saw the viral video on the internet because she recognized his 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

Fanny was urgently woken up last night for an explanation; thus, Skye joined the few people who were aware of the truth.

"So what? It's not like anyone could touch him." Fanny shrugged indifferently. "He is Tony Stark, the weapon development genius and a billionaire. Confessing that he was a superhero just added one more adjective to describe him."

"Did he really make the armor himself?" Skye asked curiously, still looking at the endlessly broadcasted videos about Tony and the battle footage.

"Well, it's just his second armor. He'd probably upgrade it soon." Fanny also watched the footage expectantly. Kamar-Taj had been a valuable source of experience, but it's time to upgrade to greener pastures.

"Then what about your 'Demon Armor Incursio?' Can you make more?" Skye looked at his eyes with a pitiful expression. She couldn't forget the feeling of the flight back then.

"Sorry, that's the only one," Fanny said, squinting his eyes. If he became strong enough in the future, he might be able to give Skye the 'Demon Armor Incursio.' But right now, he was as weak as a bug that couldn't even protect himself. He couldn't afford to lend his strongest equipment to someone else.

"Humph!" Skye snorted in dissatisfaction. She turned back to watch the TV attentively, turning her anger into appetite as she downed more coke and chips.

"Don't eat too much. I haven't seen you exercise recently!"

Skye had started training shortly after experiencing 'Demon Armor Incursio' some time ago, but her lazy personality soon won over her determination. That was also why the fridge was packed full of food.

"Humph, if there's only one armor anyway, what would I be training for?" Skye protested in a roundabout way to express her dissatisfaction about the 'Demon Armor Incursio.'

"Don't say that. Training is always a good thing." Fanny understood what Skye meant, so he played along and said with a smile, "What if one day I decided to give you 'Demon Armor Incursio,' but you can't equip it? Wouldn't that be a pity"

"You'll give it to me?" Skye looked at Fanny suspiciously. Since the last time she experienced flying, she had pestered him several times for him to lend the armor again, but Fanny never agreed once.

"Of course!" Fanny answered without hesitation. If he really didn't need 'Demon Armor Incursio' anymore, Skye would be the first in line to inherit it. Her vibration ability was a powerful weapon that the Incursio's absolute defense would complement perfectly.

Of course, that was based on the premise that he'll ever grow strong enough to no longer need the 'Demon Armor Incursio.' At the very least, he wanted to be strong enough to defeat the Green Fatty, around the same level as the Thunder God.

Despite Fanny's bad personality and his habit of teasing Skye, she could tell when he was serious.

"Alright, I will train my body well."

Skye's determination was reinvigorated. Although she didn't know when Fanny would ever decide to give her the armor, but she felt like she could trust Fanny that that day would come.

Tony's official announcement of becoming Iron Man did not have much of an impact on Fanny's life. Because of Tony's secrecy, SHIELD still did not know his identity.

The next morning, in the school garden brimming with youth.

"Morning, Fanny."

"Good morning, Helsed."

Many students greeted Fanny, mostly female students. The appearance he cultivated with the help of 'Ars Magna' was enough to entice any of these hormone-ridden girls.

Fanny politely smiled back at each student that greeted him.

"Fanny, we're having a party this weekend. Let's go together!"

A girl with shoulder-length golden curly hair walked over and invited Fanny, her beautiful face gleaming. Fanny was already used to this situation.

Fanny would usually join them for the occasion—though he would refuse those who wanted to get more out of his body.

But considering the dangers that he might face in the near future, Fanny hesitated and shook his head, "Sorry, Dandi, I have some things to do this weekend. I probably won't make it."

"Alright, that's a pity,"

Dandi said with a disappointed face. She was one of the girls who wanted Fanny's body, but she was the more patient type. Fanny had promised to attend her party before, so this rejection did not make her think too much.

"You can come at any time if you can make it!"

Dandi smiled and blew a kiss at Fanny. Then, she turned around and left, leaving Fanny helplessly shaking his head.

He could obviously understand what Dandi wanted, but he had no plan to get into a relationship right now.

He was a newbie mage who couldn't open a portal properly; how could he dare have a girlfriend?!

According to his past life's memories, two dangerous events would occur shortly after Iron Man debuted. The first was Thunder God's exile to Earth. This was an Asgardian family matter. The struggle between the third and second Prince had little impact on Earth for the time being.

The other event was more troublesome and would happen here in New York.

The Green Giant Hulk, a.k.a. Dr. Banner, would appear soon, and without Fanny's interference, Abomination will come with him.

Fanny was actually a little afraid of Abomination. With his current strength, his only advantage against Abomination was the ability to fly.

His strength, speed, rejuvenation—none of them were comparable to Abomination. And with Abomination's ability to jump dozens of meters into the air, his flight wasn't much of an advantage either.

He could stay out of Abomination's range by flying hundreds of meters in the air, but then he couldn't attack Abomination either.

Stopping Abomination from existing in the first place would also be very difficult. He didn't even know where the professor who made the serum with Banner was. And it would cost so much to make a 'compass' to look for them.

The 'Jack Sparrow Compass' points to the place he wished to find the most in his heart. He couldn't just change the destination randomly; it needed to be an intense wish, like when he found the New York Sanctuary by wishing to see Ancient One and Kamar-Taj.

If he wanted to find the professor, he needed to clear his heart to wish to see him.

Fanny had discovered that he couldn't do that for a man. He had tried to do that with Tony, but it failed. And Tony wasn't even an ugly man.

Fanny wasn't eager to sacrifice so much to find Abomination. Moreover, even if Abomination was born, the Green Fatty was still there to face it. Fanny could just play the role of support: applying buffs, throwing food, giving equipment, etc. The Hulk would handle Abomination just fine.