Hurry and Summon Buddha Fanny

It was impossible for Fanny to stay by Skye's side all the time. He would have to attend classes when school started again. Yet, Ivan's disappearance really made him uneasy.

He drilled Skye before heading to the school, "Remember, call me immediately if you need anything, or go to the Sanctum and find someone to help you."

"Got it."

Skye dismissively waved her hand, keeping her eyes glued to the computer screen. She had heard Fanny's warning hundreds of times; she knew Fanny was worried about her, but she disliked being treated like a little girl. She was the older one, you know?!

Fanny sighed. At this point, he would much prefer if Ivan was captured by Justin Hammer. At least he would have a concrete plan to work with.

The students at Fanny's school were still immersed in holiday excitement. The atmosphere was abuzz with discussion about Tony's recent incident.

Billy, an eyewitness, became a target of curiosity. Being surrounded by people (especially girls) had rejuvenated his mood after being fired from the Stark Industry internship.

"Fanny, I heard that you were there that night?"

Some of them had asked Fanny out of curiosity, but Fanny deliberately evaded and shook his head, "There were so many people there, so I couldn't see anything. Billy would probably know a lot more, so go ask him."

Seeing that Fanny clearly didn't want to talk about it, most of them dispersed and stopped asking him about it, except for a few girls with ulterior motives. In the end, Fanny told them about the exhibits that he saw at the expo.

Another two days passed peacefully, and Fanny began to think that Tony had secretly dealt with Ivan.

As Fanny was contemplating whether to ask Tony about it, the next wave of revenge against Tony Stark finally began.

In the afternoon, three o'clock.

Ed was an employee that worked in the Stark building. He was competent enough to finish today's share of work early.

His favorite way to pass the time after finishing his job was to look at the scenery outside the window. Looking at the world from up high gave him a certain sense of satisfaction.

However, when he stood by the window today, a steel robot suddenly appeared before him and startled him from the other side of the window.

More robots soon joined it, one after another, and the building was surrounded in no time. Their metallic exterior gleamed under the sunlight, contrasted by the cold indicator lights in place of their eyes.

"Boss's new technology?!"

Ed was initially scared, but the fear turned into curiosity. The world knew that Tony Stark was Iron Man, and he was the only one capable of making such armor.

"Hey guys, come look!"

Ed called his colleagues to look at the robots.

The other employees looked up curiously at what Ed was pointing at—and were in turn shocked by the countless robots outside the window.

Then, like Ed, their surprise returned into curiosity. They gathered and gawked around the windows.

Some of them noticed that something wasn't quite right, but most of them thought that these were just their boss Tony Stark's newest antics just like Ed.

There were also robots stationed at the entrance of the building, attracting onlookers.

The controller of these robots, Ivan Vanko was grinning far away, publicly provoking the target of his vengeance.

He had been brought into an unknown place and suffered for a while, but he had reached an agreement with his captors. They even allowed him to raise his bird.

Most importantly, he was given the chance and power to continue his crusade against Stark.

Tony's villa.

"Sir, there's an unknown call!"

Jarvis' sudden bark halted Tony's hands from continuing the upgrade on his armor. He flipped the wrench in his hand and casually replied, "Was it the special agent? Put the line on."

"Hey, Tony!"

Tony's face turned serious the instant he heard the voice from the phone. He rushed to the computer and replied, "Ivan Vanko. You're still alive."

"I will live until the day I see your painful death."

Ivan's voice was cheerful, a total opposite of Tony's. Tony immediately assigned Jarvis to run a tracking program while stalling the man on the other side of the phone,

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a very long time."

Ivan didn't care to quarrel with Tony—not with his hour of retribution at hand.

"Tony, today the history of the Stark family will be rewritten. I will do in 40 minutes what your father did to my family 40 years ago!"

"Sir, the traced location was near your building."

Jarvis' tracking report tightened Tony's heart. He half-yelled at the phone, "What are you trying to do?"

"I hope you are ready!"

Ivan hung up, giving no answer.

"Status report! Show me the building right now!"

Tony shouted a command at Jarvis to check the company building's situation. He was stunned to find the dense crowd of steel armor in the air and ground around the building.

Even if he produced the new element non-stop, he wouldn't be able to make enough reactors to power that many robots.


Tony slammed his fist on the table. He was not the type to admit defeat so easily, especially since he was the pioneer of armor technology.

"Call Pepper!"

"Yes, sir."

Pepper's doubtful voice came immediately after the call connected, "Tony, there are a lot of these—"

"Listen, leave the building immediately!"

Tony interrupted Pepper with an anxious command, "Secure yourself, then get someone to evacuate the others. Make no contact with the robots!"

Tony hung up the phone before Pepper could ask what was going on. He was still rattled and without any solution to the problem at hand.

Tony immediately thought of asking Fanny for help, as well as his organization. He dialed Fanny while equipping his Mark 6 armor.

Unfortunately, Fanny was different from Pepper who would pick up Tony's call anywhere and anytime.

"Sorry, sir. Mr. Fanny has refused the call. It is likely that he is currently in class."

"Find their principal's phone number. Tell him that I want to donate a laboratory building that required construction to start immediately. Get them to have the day off!"

Tony issued ridiculous order out of anxiety but quickly realized that it was impossible. He calmed his tumultuous heart and amended his command, "Stop looking. Just keep sending messages to Fanny; tell him it was an urgent emergency."

Fanny's concentration in the class was only broken after the third ring from his mobile phone. He immediately knew that an incident had happened after seeing that all three were SOS messages from Tony.

He was surprised and worried, but above all, he was confused. Did Tony think Fanny was some sort of guardian deity or Buddha?!

Why would he call me every time he had a problem?!