Iron Man, So Weak!

Chapter 95 "Iron Man, So Weak!"

"What kind of cooperation do you need?"

Banner showed some vigilance. Unlike Tony, who unconditionally trusted Fanny after he saved Tony's life, Banner had always been wary of Fanny.

"Let Hulk out a little more. You could just talk with me, but understanding Hulk isn't as straightforward."

"Just let him out?!" Banner was a little surprised. He did not expect that Fanny would say that directly. But it wouldn't be safe to let Hulk out, so he replied, "But he is very dangerous!"

"I don't think so!" Fanny looked straight into Banner's eyes. "You have to understand that the two people in front of you aren't helpless civilians. Iron Man aside, you have seen my power."

"What do you mean 'Iron Man aside?!'" Tony interjected with dissatisfaction, "Bruce, get that big guy out. I want to see how dangerous he is!"

Banner had understood Tony's character through their interactions, as well as the strength of the Iron Man armor, but he didn't think that Tony could win against Hulk. At least not with Mark VI.

Banner hesitated. In his heart, he really wanted to separate from Hulk, and Fanny was his only hope at the moment. It's not like this was an unreasonable request, either.

After hesitating for a while, Banner finally agreed.

"Should we call him out here?"

Fanny quickly shook his head. "I'll take you to the Himalayas later. You can summon him out there."

"Remember to pack extra clothes!"

Fanny did not forget to remind Banner that he would only have underpants left every time he transformed. It was a bit eye-catching.

Tony had no idea about this, so he looked at Fanny weirdly.

Banner was still thinking about the request itself and simply nodded.

In the evening, Tony tagged along due to his curiosity about Hulk. The three of them filled their bellies with fried chicken rolls before Fanny opened the portal to the Himalayas.

The scorching summer sun was replaced by the blinding snow glare. Banner was the only one who was unprepared.

Fanny already equipped 'Demon Armor Incursio,' which protected him from the frigid air. Tony's suit had taken frozen temperature into account ever since his Mark II.

Banner, however, was still in his ordinary human form instead of Hulk form. He shivered under the cold.

"Alright, transform!" Fanny urged Banner to transform when he saw the man trembling.

"Wait a moment!"

Banner crossed his arms, trying to focus his anger. Yet, perhaps due to the cold, he failed to manifest Hulk. The scene was rather awkward.

"What's going on?" Tony, who was looking forward to it, was very confused when he saw Banner just gritting his teeth for a while. "Does your stomach hurt?"

Fanny began provoking Banner with words.

"Think about your ex-girlfriend. She probably moved on from you already."

Banner's face turned green.

"Think of the future you could have. With a beautiful girlfriend that doesn't hate you. She might even love several men at once!"

Banner's eye lit up at the first sentence, but a surge of anger filled his head when Fanny finished the last sentence. His entire body was dyed green.

Hulk was emerging!


Hulk inherited Banner's anger, so he immediately roared after the transformation was completed. Tony took a few steps back in fear.

"He is the Hulk?" Tony observed Hulk's green body, clad in only pants. "He doesn't seem like much other than the big size."

"Hold on to that thought."

Fanny looked at Tony with pity. He knew that Tony came over wearing armor to fight with Hulk, and he had no intention of stopping him. He just had to be careful not to let Hulk kill Tony.

Hulk angrily scanned his surroundings. He paused when he saw Fanny and immediately charged toward the armored boy.

Tony carefully took a few steps back. Despite his bravado, he was still cautious.

"Mage!" Hulk's eyes were filled with joy. He was happy to see Fanny again!

"Long time no see, Hulk!" Fanny happily returned the greeting.

"Hey, big guy, I am Iron Man!" Tony quipped. He had always been the focus of attention wherever he went, so being ignored irked him.


Unfortunately, Hulk cared little about his feelings. He roared at Tony as if angry that Tony disturbed his time with Fanny.

Hulk's simple mind conversely allowed him to discern others' intent. He had felt that Fanny sincerely wanted to befriend him, which was why he accepted the approach. But Tony's tone was obviously not friendly—provocative, even. Hulk couldn't ignore it.

"I don't like this guy!" Tony complained.

"I feel that he doesn't like you either." Fanny was a little confused. He thought that Hulk might be afraid of strangers, so he comforted the giant, "It's okay; he was Banner's friend."

"Enemy!" Hulk spat at Tony, his eyes full of disgust.

Fanny scratched his head awkwardly. He instead turned to Tony. "Weren't you curious about Hulk's strength? Do you want a hands-on experience?"

"Are you sure?" Tony kept his eyes on Hulk. He said suspiciously, "He's only a few sizes bigger. Are you sure he could keep up with me?"

Fanny ignored Tony, whose head had surpassed Hulk's body size. He turned to Hulk instead. "Save me some face, and don't kill him, okay?"

Hulk nodded excitedly at the mention of a fight. His eyes were burning as he glared at Tony.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Looking down on Hulk would only bring misfortune; he could match a god in a fistfight!" Fanny gave Tony another warning.

He hadn't actually fought with Hulk. The first time he met the Hulk, the giant was preoccupied with the military, as well as worries about Betty.

"He has yet to face Iron Man!" Tony said, with arrogance as always, and rushed at Hulk. He didn't use his long-range armaments from the air because he wanted to test Hulk's strength first.

Fanny was dumbfounded. He didn't even dare to think about fighting Hulk head-on; he would die instantly if he tried.

The green giant and Iron Man had their punch collide in the air. The fight was almost over just with that exchange.

"Sir, damage level detected at 38%. Laser system damaged, hand repulsor damaged…."

Tony was a little dazed while Jarvis prattled the damage report. The single punch sent him flying away; Hulk's strength exceeded his every expectation.

"Iron Man, so weak!" Hulk commented while looking at Fanny, spitting on the ground with disdain.

Fortunately, Tony wasn't near enough to hear it. Hulk's words might be more damaging than his punches.