Do You Like Men

Hulk held cola in his left hand and hamburger in his right hand. His frown had been replaced by a happy smile as he ate the food that Fanny brought.

"Would you be okay?" Fanny asked worriedly as he watched Hulk shovel food into his mouth, showing no sign of slowing down despite the green giant having inhaled dozens of fried chicken rolls before the battle.

"Eating, Hulk, like!" Hulk replied with his mouth full of food. It was hard to tell whether his muscular green stomach had any limit.

"Take it easy, don't eat too much."

Fanny bought several days' worth of snacks, but at the rate Hulk was inhaling them, the giant would finish all of it before the day changed.

Fanny had no problem splurging money, but he was a little concerned that Hulk would gain weight. The image of Kamar-Taj's increasingly rotund mages flashed before his eyes.

It was already late at night after Hulk finished consuming all the food that Fanny brought, but there was still no sign of Banner returning.

"Hulk, is Banner not coming out?"

Fanny looked at the energetic Hulk. He was a little worried about what to do if Hulk did not change back tonight. Was Hulk going to stay here?!

"Banner, asleep!" Hulk replied lazily as he lay on the sofa. After eating so much, he finally seemed to be a little stuffed.

Fanny's thoughts raced at Hulk's answer. He was afraid to leave Hulk here, and he still needed to convince Banner that letting Hulk out more often was a good thing.

After pondering for a while, Fanny decided to stay in the villa too that night, though he still had to inform Skye first. He called Skye's phone from the villa's yard.

"Hello!" Skye sounded a little tired. Fanny had warned her many times to train in moderation, but she hardly ever listened to him.

"It's me, Fanny!" Fanny had a helpless expression when he heard Skye's voice. "Have you been practicing too much again? You can't continue like this; you'll injure yourself!"

The equipment Tony had given her could effectively reduce the side-effect of Skye's ability, but they couldn't completely nullify it. Nothing good could happen from overusing her ability.

"I know!" Skye answered sharply, then changed the topic, "Where are you now? Why aren't you back yet?"

"I might not be home tonight!"

"What?!" Skye's voice suddenly cracked. She then barraged Fanny with questions, "Where are you? Who are you with? Why can't you go home?"

Fanny noticed the change of tone, but he brushed it off as her worrying for him. "I'm fine; I'm just taking care of a friend, so I can't go home today."

"A friend?" Skye's voice grew increasingly nervous, but not in a way that Fanny was familiar with. She continued, "Is it a classmate?"

Fanny felt something was wrong with Skye's voice, but he still replied to her question, "No, it's a new friend. What's wrong?"

"Fanny..." Skye's tone shifted again. She hesitated for a bit but then made up her mind and continued, "You're still young. You need to be careful with girlfriends and—"

"Wait!" Fanny interrupted Skye. "What are you talking about? My friend is a man!"

"Do you like men?" Skye's voice was perplexed.

"You are the one who likes men!"

Fanny immediately realized something was weird with what he said. Skye was a woman, so there would be nothing wrong with her liking men. It would be weirder if she liked women.

"What are you thinking about!" Fanny finally realized that Skye misunderstood what he said and presumed that he was staying with a girl tonight. His mood soured. "My friend had some health problem. He needs someone to take care of him."

He added, "Also, I'm not much younger than you!"

Skye's face was red from the embarrassment. She was very glad that Fanny couldn't see her face through the face; otherwise, she would just go find a hole to bury herself in.

And what if she couldn't find a hole big enough for her to fit in?!

She might just crack the ground with her shockwave and make a canyon!

"Ahem, I got it. Take good care of your friend. I'll hang up first!" Skye cut the call short out of embarrassment, leaving Fanny speechless.

Fanny shook his head while looking at the phone. He seemed to think of something but dismissed that thought as impossible.

Fanny sighed and returned to the villa, only to find Hulk watching TV with full concentration. Fanny glanced at the TV: it was an animated movie. He joined the green giant.

Hulk still didn't change into Banner even when he was asleep. Fanny decided to not wait around any more and followed the green giant to sleep on another sofa.

Fanny checked on Hulk when he woke up the next day. He found that the giant had fallen from the sofa, still sleeping with his green arms crossed. Saliva pooled near his head; who knows what he was dreaming of?

Fanny scratched his head with a headache. He had hoped to bring Hulk out before, but it was a hassle if Hulk didn't come back in too.

Right now, the public wasn't ready to accept Hulk. The green giant would cause problems wherever he went.

However, it was also impossible for Fanny to keep chaperoning Hulk. This was a conundrum that had two solutions in Fanny's head: the first was to make people accept Hulk, and the second was to make Hulk and Banner take turns with the body.

Fanny naturally hoped that the first solution could solve the problem once and for all. However, it wouldn't be easy to make the public accept Hulk. Hulk himself wasn't mature, with a troublesome temper and an overly strong physique. Without a reliable chaperone, Hulk would easily be manipulated for all sorts of things.

As for the second solution, Fanny would need to think of a way to reconcile the two people residing in the same body.

Fanny went on to take a shower and buy breakfast, but even after returning with the food, Fanny still had no concrete actions to implement this solution.

Hulk woke up from his slumber as if summoned by the food's fragrance.

The green giant scanned his surrounding, looking confused. He finally got a grasp of himself when he saw Fanny.

Hulk stood up, looking at the food that Fanny brought with anticipation in his eyes.


Hulk had surpassed Fanny's expectations in every way. He followed Hulk for almost the entirety of the next three days, bringing the giant to a remote place in the daytime to fight and returning to watch TV and sleep in the villa at night.

It wasn't until the evening of the third day, while they were watching an animated show, that Hulk suddenly said, "Banner, want, come out!"

The giant had reluctance in his eyes while he looked at Fanny and the TV alternatingly. His green body slowly shrank and finally returned to Banner's appearance.

Fanny sighed in relief. He wouldn't know what to do if Banner couldn't return. He needed to hurry up and make Hulk debut as a superhero like Tony.

"You're finally awake!" Fanny said with a tired expression to the dazed Banner.