Provoking Trouble

Fanny had a hunch about the panther's identity the moment he saw her.

This black panther must have been the guardian of the 'poor small country' of Wakanda, the goddess of the black panther.

Fanny felt a little uneasy in the presence of a god.

The other god that he knew, Loki, was rather weak—but that was because he was adopted.

Bast was different. She was a ruler of a dimension. Fanny didn't know how she compares to Dormammu, but with the way she destroyed the portal just now, he could feel that she wasn't weak.

"Hello." Fanny looked back at Bast, who was observing him. He calmed himself down and explained, "I accidentally entered this place. I apologize for disturbing you; I will leave immediately."

Black Panther ignored Fanny's words. She sniffed him and exclaimed, "You have the smell of Earth on you!"

Fanny subconsciously complained in his heart. Are you a dog or a leopard? A leopard is a big cat!

"Yes, I'm from Earth!" Fanny replied carefully. Since Bast was the guardian of Wakanda, she must have some connections with Earth, right?

"Mmhm..." Bast circled around Fanny. "You were from Earth, yet you were not a believer of mine. Still, you were able to reach this place. Are you a master of mystic arts?"

Fanny's heart tightened. He tried to read the leopard's expression, but unfortunately, Bast's face was much darker than Nick Fury's. He could not see anything.

"May I ask who you are?" Fanny calmly responded. He neither admitted nor denied her question for now.

It's better to play it safe before knowing her relationship with Kamar-Taj. Fanny wracked his brain for a way to escape while delaying as much as possible.

He would be safe if he could reach Kamar-Taj.

With 'Ars Magna' boosting him, his portal casting speed was relatively fast. But he had no idea how fast and strong Bast's attack would be. It took the black panther less than a second from noticing Fanny to reaching him. And he didn't even know if this was her fastest.

Even without being a goddess, a leopard is a strong animal. Fanny was afraid that he wouldn't have any second chance in front of her.

"I am the master of this place!" Bast approached Fanny gracefully. "There had not been anyone other than my believers in this place for a very long time."

"I'm really sorry." Fanny took a few steps back, determined to keep his distance.

Seeing Fanny's vigilance, Bast also stopped approaching, keeping about two meters of distance. She asked again, "Who sent you?"

"It really was an accident. No one sent me here," Fanny hurriedly explained. He was kicking himself in his mind; why hadn't he considered such danger before recklessly coming in?

This situation was similar to when he was walking on the road and saw a leaf that protruded near him. His hand would move to pull it before he could finish his thought.

It was the mental inertia!

Bast's blue eyes stared at Fanny as if judging his honesty. A few seconds later, he finally said, "This is not a place for the likes of you. You must leave!"

"I understand. I will leave now!" Fanny was no less eager to leave this place.

He had thought of using Wakanda's Black Panther to gain experience, but he never thought that he would meet their goddess instead. His current strength was a long way from challenging these big shots.

Even the casual paw swipe that the goddess had done left three scratches on 'Demon Armor Incursio,' and this was the version that had evolved 'Physical Resistance.' The armor would have suffered grave damage if he had gone there before the evolution.

Fanny hurriedly opened the portal in the air without any hesitation. A master of a dimension should have strong control of their dimension, so for Fanny to so easily open the portal, Bast must not have consciously prevented travel to his realm.

But just as Fanny was about to cross the portal threshold, Bast said again, "Go back and tell your Sorcerer Supreme that you mages broke the agreement first, so I must also be allowed a chance to return."

Fanny's face stiffened. He didn't know what the agreement was, but he guessed that that was probably why Bast let him go so easily.

Although Bast had Wakandan followers on Earth, she was the master of her dimension. Ancient One would definitely stop her if she tried to descend on Earth.

It wasn't like Bast could just invade Earth openly anyway. If that happens, Fanny would just happily let Ancient One slap the goddess to death.

Bast was a guardian of Wakanda with a deep connection with Earth. It could be said that this dimension was tied closely to the faith of her follower.

But she had the opportunity to bargain with Ancient One now.

If it was Dormammu, he would have gone to the Dark Dimension no matter what he said.

Fanny frowned after leaving Bast's dimension. He arrived at Kamar-Taj. He didn't hesitate and immediately reported what had just happened to Ancient One.

"You have caused quite the trouble, Fanny." Ancient One was kind, but she wouldn't coddle anyone too much. A Sorcerer Supreme must know the importance of fairness. "You have to be responsible for your own actions, so I ask you to solve this problem yourself."

Kamar-Taj had given Fanny knowledge and a place to train without asking anything in return for all this time. This was the first time that Ancient One asked Fanny to do something.

"In the event that Bast descends to Earth, you must ensure that she would not cause harm to Earth and that she would return as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Fanny nodded to Ancient One's serious words. He didn't expect that his experiment with portals would cause such a problem.

As if sensing Fanny's tense nerve, Ancient One relaxed a little and comforted, "Her power would considerably weaken when she leaves her own dimension, so you don't have to worry too much."

"I understand."

Ancient One's words did little to assuage Fanny's worries. Bast was still the goddess of the black panther, an existence that had lived for an unknowably long time.

If she refused to leave Earth, Fanny would definitely have to fight her.

Despite the trouble that followed, Fanny actually gained something from this incident. Bast's dimension was different from the sealed dimension that he had opened a portal to.

Although, it was also different from the Mirror Dimension that Ancient One had shown him. It was a very special realm that was created and maintained by faith.

Bast's dimension was supported by her follower among the Wakandan and the Wakanda royal family, who had an even more special relationship through the Heart-shaped Herb.

After death, those who ingested the Heart-shaped Herb would arrive in Bast's realm, helping to maintain the dimensional space.

The faith in such an afterlife under the embrace of the Black Panther Goddess helped stabilize the dimension.

The exploration allowed Fanny to understand the different dimensions that existed beyond reality. He was a step closer to learning how to access the Mirror Dimension.