What Does It Feel Like to Be a Super Hero

Chapter 109 What Does It Feel Like to Be a Super Hero?

Fanny was too stunned and lazy to explain the truth to these two. Let them think whatever they want. Anyway, if things spiral out of control, he would need their help. He should tell them the situation sooner rather than later.

Fanny then urged Banner to summon Hulk before going to a remote mountain to start fighting.

The final result was a draw. Fanny was tired from a lot of things that happened recently, so he couldn't unleash the full extent of 'Ars Magna.'

Neither of them liked it when things ended in a draw. Fanny received less experience points, while Hulk simply hated not winning.

Even a battle maniac like Hulk would be aggravated if he never won after months of consecutive battles, so his rage accumulation had accelerated. This caused Fanny to be unable to grasp his strength accurately.

Fanny headed straight to Kamar-Taj after bidding farewell to Hulk. He was running a rather tight schedule nowadays, to the point that he had to secretly study the Mirror Dimension during school.

On the days when he left school early, he would help Skye develop her abilities or go out to practice his own skill. In the evening, he would fight with either Tony or Hulk, and then he would proceed to train in Kamar-Taj.

Fanny only returns home after finishing Kamar-Taj cultivation, maximizing his experience gain.

Skye looked with concern at Fanny, who had left early in the morning and returned late at night almost every day. "Fanny, what have you been doing recently?" She asked, worry in her voice.

"Nothing. I just had some difficult and complicated magical problem."

Fanny didn't tell Skye about the Black Panther Goddess Bast. He told Tony and Banner because he might need those two's help, but there wasn't any need for him to let Skye in on the matter. Her current ability was outright terrifying, but he still didn't want to involve her if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

Skye didn't doubt Fanny, but it made her feel powerless. She couldn't even learn the magic of Kamar-Taj, much less help him with problems. She could only comfort him, "Don't worry, just take your time."

"Yeah...it's getting late. I should hurry and rest." Fanny yawned. His daily research and combat drained his body and spirit equally.

"Good night!"

Skye returned to her room after saying goodnight. She sighed silently before going to the kitchen a moment later to get something to eat. As Skye didn't have a full-time job nor any need to get one, she actually had only woken up. She can't go back to sleep at all now.

She opened the refrigerator and found it almost emptied of food and drinks.

Perhaps because Fanny had recently suggested that her power could be used to lose weight, she had recently stopped moderating her eating habit.

The clock on the wall showed that it was about ten o'clock. She paused for a second before deciding to change her clothes and go buy something in the convenience store.

It was relatively late at night, so there were almost no people in the convenience store when Skye arrived.

Skye happily pushed the shopping cart, filling it with various snacks.

Just as she was about to push the cart to the counter, a masked man suddenly barged into the store. More importantly, he was holding a gun.


The masked man shot into the air and then pointed the gun at the cashier. He shouted quickly, "Hurry up and take out the money!"

The cashier was a little stunned by the gunshot and failed to react until the man urged her two more times. She trembled in fear as she opened the cash register and slowly took out the money inside.

Skye was watching not far away without an ounce of fear. Perhaps it was because she had experienced a similar thing before, or maybe her new power had given her confidence. She instead felt an unexpected sense of nostalgia.

A while back, two people had similarly barged into her store with guns. They tried to rob the store, but Fanny ended up subduing them. Their two guns were still hidden in the corner of the store.

That was also how she discovered Fanny's peculiarity—and the absurdity of the world. She even became a member of that absurd world.

The woman that the robber held at gunpoint reminded Skye of her past self. She wanted to help, but the convenience store was riddled with surveillance cameras. It would be troublesome for Fanny if her powers were to be discovered. In the end, she gritted her teeth and didn't make any move.

The robber was quite professional. He quickly escaped without hurting anyone after bagging the money.

But that doesn't mean nobody was harmed. Skye looked at the female clerk who was crying on the counter. Immense guilt filled her; if only she had acted, things wouldn't have ended like this.

Skye walked over to comfort the clerk. She paid double for the things she bought,

but her guilt remained. She thought about her powers; was it right to reserve them only for herself and her parents?!

Skye walked slowly after leaving the convenience store. She wanted to ask Fanny about her doubts after going back home.

However, a figure suddenly came out of an alley to stop her before she could get back home.

"Stop; take out all the money you have."

"It's you!" Skye heard the familiar voice and recognized it as the robber from the earlier incident. He had continued his criminal spree around the area.

The robber, however, did not recognize Skye. He was puzzled when she exclaimed as if she knew him, but he simply pointed his gun at her and barked, "The hell you're talking about? Get your money out if you don't want to die! Hurry up!"

This was the second time Skye was held at gunpoint, but she was no longer afraid. Instead, rage ignited inside her, mixing with her guilt. Now that the target of her wrath had appeared before her, she could not suppress herself.

Skye quietly activated the silver bracelets on her wrist. She asked in a low voice, "Why are you doing this? Shouldn't you find a real job?"

The robber was stunned when he saw Skye fearlessly begin to preach to him. A strange feeling filled his heart, but he ignored it and raised his gun. "This is my real job. Don't make me shoot. Give me your money, now!"

"Sorry, I won't give my money to anyone else!"

Skye raised her arms, pointing one finger at the robber, and gently released her ability.

A few ripples appeared in the air.

Before the robber could realize what was happening, he was blasted through the air and fell quite a distance away, dropping his gun on the ground.

Skye had made her move out of rage, but now all that was left inside her was anxiety. She didn't know what to do next, so she hurriedly took out her phone to call Fanny.

Fanny arrived a short while later to find the unconscious robber and the worried Skye. He yawned. "Don't worry, he was just unconscious. There won't be any big problem. Do you want to send him to the police, or do you want him to just forget everything?"

"Won't we be exposed if we hand him over to the police?" Skye was surprised at Fanny's suggestions.

"It's fine; I gained some good connections recently. Just this much would be nothing."

Although calling the Director of SHIELD for this kind of thing was like shooting a mosquito with an Anti-Aircraft gun, it's not like Nick Fury would refuse.

"Let's make him forget what happened tonight. Make him try to find an honest job and become a good person!" Skye said after hesitating for a while. She felt that it was better to solve the root of the problem. She then added, "Also, make him return the money he robbed from the convenience store."

After everything was over, Skye suddenly asked, "Fanny, how does it feel to be a superhero?"