The Chronicle of the Fallen 'Princess' of Mischief's Adventure

Chapter 130 The Chronicle of the Fallen 'Princess' of Mischief's Adventure

Red Skull had no way of knowing that Fanny wasn't only doing this performatively. He actually had a little desire to join Hydra in his heart.

Or rather, Fanny was actually preparing for the future.

When he returned, Fanny wouldn't go easy on the Space Stone. Tesseract will fall into his hand, no matter what SHIELD or even Asgard has to say about it!

It wouldn't be a bad idea then to prepare to oppose Nick Fury in advance. It was unlikely that Nick Fury would hand the Cube over to him so easily, and he would have to turn against the bald director and join Hydra.

He didn't really believe that Red Skull no longer had any loyalists in Hydra rank anymore.

That was why he recorded the video: as evidence that their leader still existed. Putting aside how valid or useful it would be, the most important thing was to have a justification.

Of course, it would be all the better for Fanny if none of these ever came to fruition and he only became a Hydra leader in tenuous technicality. His future interaction with Hydra would be his future self's business to take care of, unrelated to his current self.

Red Skull was unaware of all the thoughts inside Fanny's mind. The moment the video recording finished, it was as if a great burden had been lifted from his shoulder, and his expression became much more relaxed.

Fanny put away his phone and looked at the confused Red Skull. He comforted the wraith. "Don't worry. I will look after Hydra when I return. Perhaps I would even bring people here!"

Red Skull didn't even doubt that Fanny could do that. Even discounting Fanny's own wondrous magical ability, his bald teacher that came from time to time was proof enough that Fanny might just be able to do it.

Rather than disbelief, Red Skull instead felt a sense of anticipation.

"But they might be disappointed when they find out how weak you've become," Fanny noticed Red Skull's expression and slightly provoked him.

"You're just too strong," Red Skull retorted, aware of the provocation. He still suspected that the Earth hadn't changed that much; Fanny was just an exceptional case.

Despite what he said, Red Skull still humored Fanny. He wouldn't reject a chance to become stronger if he could.

Red Skull fought with renewed vigor after handing over his position as Hydra leader, to Fanny's great surprise. If he had known this would happen, he would've agreed to Red Skull long ago.

But it didn't matter if Red Skull unleashed all his strength; he was still a far cry from Fanny. The battle ended with Fanny's decisive victory.

After fighting for a full day, Fanny summoned Blue-Eyes White Dragon and began to prepare food for it. This was a much more laborious task than fighting Red Skull.

He needed to calm down and erase all distracting thoughts in his mind. He then used 'Ars Magna' to gather all the various excess energy drifting on the planet, condensing it into a small energy ball similar to the core of an Arc Reactor.

The process would fail entirely on the slightest mistake.

Fanny let out a long sigh of relief when he looked at the glowing energy ball in his hand, the result of his arduous and meticulous work. He threw it at Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mouth.

After three months of feeding, the third star on Blue-Eyes White Dragon's card was becoming very clear. It shouldn't be too long before it could evolve.

Fanny eagerly looked forward to the third star. He planned to try and inject the Soul Stone's energy again after the third star fully manifested.

Once Blue-Eyes White Dragon becomes strong enough to absorb the energy of Infinity Stones, he will not have to worry about feeding the dragon in the future. And then he could look forward to the true strength of the legendary dragon.

Time slowly passed.

While Fanny was steadily improving his strength on Vormir, A Certain Prince was living a hard life in a distant corner of the universe.

"I am a god! The rightful king of Asgard!" Loki clenched his fists and roared angrily at the strange creature in front of him.


The creature also roared, having no intellect to understand what it was facing. It opened its bloody mouth and lunged forward. But instead of Loki's neck, its fangs only found empty air.

A long spear suddenly appeared behind Loki's illusion, piercing the beast's mouth. It was a gruesome scene.

"Fear the power of a god!"

Not far away, the real Loki walked out of his hiding place. He looked at the skewered creature with a disgusted expression.

He couldn't help but long for Asgard's endless flow of delicious food.

Loki summoned his dagger and skillfully butchered the corpse. He then used fire magic to begin preparing his dinner, but a bolt of lightning flashed in the sky and interrupted his preparation.

Loki's body trembled fiercely. Fear filled him as he looked at the dark and gloomy sky, reminding him of what had landed him in this situation eight months ago.

"I was the one in the right!" Loki roared at the sky, his face filled with a complex mixture of hatred, fear, jealousy, and other emotions.

Just as the echo of his scream faded, a blast of energy suddenly sent him flying. He had no chance to brace himself with magic.

Fortunately, Loki's Jotunn physique could just brush off the explosion like it's nothing.

Loki didn't care about who was in the right or in the wrong. He quickly scanned his surrounding for the source of the blast and found a Chitauri hiding behind rock formations. Its attire identified it as a soldier.

Loki already knew about these notorious invasive species, but he did not expect to meet them at the edge of the universe where fuck-all else was around. But this was good news for him. He finally found a way to escape this damned place after being adrift for eight months since the destruction of the Bifrost.


Loki used his magic to create an illusion of himself raising his hand, showing that he came in peace. He wanted to speak with the interloper.

However, the infamous invasive species was not interested in anything other than conquest. It didn't give Loki any chance to speak and fired another energy bolt.

Fortunately, Loki already used his magic this time. The energy bullet passed harmlessly through the illusion and blew apart a distant rock.

Loki gave up on speaking with the Chitauri. He instead scanned it for positioning devices. Chitauri was a nomadic race that had no home world, instead living in a mothership that could move to invade planets over planets.

Therefore, Loki logically inferred that the Chitauri mothership must be nearby.

Dealing with a single soldier with a gun was an easy feat for Loki, the self-proclaimed god, even if he had spent some time being tossed around across the universe.

After obtaining the device containing a map from the poor Chitauri soldier, Loki wasted no time to go and find the target on the map.

He revealed an evil smile as he approached the destination marked on the map, and the massive mothership revealed itself.

With his magical tricks, Loki sneaked into the mothership. He carefully made his way to the bridge, ready to subtly take control of the Chitauri leader, but the other party discovered him first.

"Who is it!"

The Chitauri was an infamous race known across the universe, and their leader was obviously extraordinary as well. On the other hand, Loki had been lost in space for eight months without any sustenance, and he was wounded by the energy blast. He was in his weakest state yet.

The Chitauri leader predictably defeated and humiliated him.

But just as the Chitauri leader was about to strike down Loki and his silver tongue, a message suddenly arrived on the ship's computer.

The Chitauri leader was visibly shocked when it saw the content of the message. Taking care of Loki shot down to the bottom of its priority list. It restrained Loki with some sort of device and quickly opened a communication channel.