Blue-Eyes White Dragon’s Next Evolution

Despite his versatility, though, Fanny's strength was still limited. He wasn't confident he could win against Thanos even without the Infinity Stones.

His Physical Resistance and defense weren't nearly enough to resist cannon fire. His stamina was still too lacking. His buff and debuff required innate knowledge of the target. And his healing ability couldn't even compare to normal technology, much less alien top-secret ones.

Therefore, despite being plenty powerful at a glance, he was far from invincible.

All those reasons were why Fanny really hoped that he could extract a powerful skill or cultivate Blue-Eyes White Dragon further.

The intense feeding sessions had brought Blue-Eyes White Dragon closer to its third star. Fanny hoped that the third star evolution would allow it to absorb the energy of an Infinity Stone.

Somewhere on Vormir.

For once, Fanny and Red Skull were not caught in a fierce battle.

Compared to Fanny and his system, Red Skull's strength had been growing at a far slower pace. Thus, instead of brute strength, Fanny wanted to practice his 'Ars Magna' in the current battle.

Fanny stood still, frying pan in hand. He looked straight at Red Skull, who was rushing at him, and shouted, "Creation: Stone Wall!"

A short but long blue stone wall appeared between the two of them. After so many battles, Red Skull wasn't even phased anymore.

He calmly looked up at the sky. He didn't see any traps, but he still decided against jumping over the wall. He had tried that last time, but Fanny had immediately created a massive cauldron to drop over his head. The mage then created an immense spear dozens of meters long—the proportions made it look like it could pierce a hole in reality itself.

Thus, Red Skull was determined to not leave the ground no matter what.

The stone wall was about ten centimeters thick and constructed of ordinary blue bricks. Red Skull recklessly tried to break the wall with his strength.


Red Skull clenched his fist and slammed it to the wall while shouting loudly.

Fanny narrowed his eyes and shifted his strategy. Focusing his thoughts on a verbal command, he shouted, "Change material: Cotton bricks!"

The blue wall instantly turned pure white.

All the strength that Red Skull focused on his fist slammed into the almost-weightless cotton, and he had no time to react as he fell headfirst to the ground.

Without hesitation, Fanny decisively used Ars Magna again, shouting, "Material change: Water! Rapid Freeze! Reinforce!"

The cotton pile transformed, drowning Red Skull in water and trapping him in ice before he could react!

The battle ended.

Fanny sighed while looking at Red Skull, who barely posed any challenge to him anymore. As the two became more familiar with each other, Red Skull felt that the battle became harder and harder, while Fanny felt the opposite.

Now, they were at a point where Fanny could end the fight long before they came into melee range.

"Clear!" Fanny dissipated the ice and rescued Red Skull after confirming the experience points.

Fanny handed over a 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' to the shivering Red Skull and asked, "Are you alright?"

Red Skull shook his head. After an extended period of repetitive torture, his mental and physical resistance improved the most.

"I may be leaving soon!" Fanny said after observing Red Skull recovering with the fried chicken nugget for a while.


Red Skull was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

"Yes." Fanny nodded. The memories from the past 150 days actually made him a little reluctant to part with Red Skull, who had been obediently fulfilling his duty as an experience dummy.

Human is a species that would create unbreakable bonds even with pets of different species. And with only the two of them on this entire planet, Fanny really did come to see Red Skull as his friend.

"When will you be leaving?" Red Skull suppressed his excitement and asked Fanny urgently.

"It's probably within a month!" Fanny did a quick math in his head. Even if Loki was somehow prevented from activating the Space Stone, Fanny could consult Ancient One to force it open when she comes next time.

Red Skull was a little disheartened that he still had to endure another month of beating, but he was still happy that he could be free if he just persisted for the next month.

Just like that, another week passed by. Red Skull's anticipation was still going strong.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon had obtained the third star!

"It's evolving!"

Red Skull couldn't help but sigh at the ferocious beast in front of him. Fanny was already very powerful on his own, and with such a terrifying pet, he was horror made flesh.

The three-star Blue-Eyes White Dragon had changed quite a bit from its two-stars form. It was as if it had grown out of a juvenile phase. Its size had obviously increased, but most importantly, it had gained an ability similar to a dragon's breath.

Although, the ability's name was not dragon's breath. It was called 'Burst Stream of Destruction,' as noted in its description when Fanny returned Blue-Eyes White Dragon to card form.

Fanny summoned Blue-Eyes White Dragon again after discovering this new ability.

"Come, fire a Burst Stream of Destruction!" Fanny pointed to a mountain not far away, looking expectantly at Blue-Eyes White Dragon.


Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared. It still couldn't speak after evolving to three stars; it probably wouldn't be able to even if it evolved to be a nine-stars card.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon aimed in accordance with Fanny's command. It opened its mouth, and white light particles slowly gathered between its jaws.

About two seconds later, the bright white ball of energy shot toward the mountain like a laser cannon.


Fanny's arrival had been followed by the disappearance of Vormir's mountain peaks, one after another.

The word "Destruction" in the ability name was not a joke. Fanny was excited to find that the power of 'Burst Stream of Destruction' was not inferior to his own Explosion Magic, and its blazing-fast speed was unavoidable to all but the fastest of enemies.

The system had given him another ability with immense destructive power!

One unfortunate downside was that it drained a lot of Blue-Eyes White Dragon's energy. Currently, it could only fire three shots before getting completely exhausted. But Fanny was already satisfied.

Instead of recalling Blue-Eyes White Dragon back to its card, Fanny instead flew to its back. He bid farewell to Red Skull before ordering his dragon, "Take off!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon flapped its huge wings and left the ground.

Fanny flew all the way to the Soul Stone's altar before landing and stepping down from Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The flight speed of Blue-Eyes White Dragon had increased significantly with its third star. It could already compete with Sky Dance in a straight line.

Fanny took a deep breath when he arrived at the edge of the cliff. He was a little nervous about the next experiment because it was a crucial one: He would be testing whether Blue-Eyes White Dragon could withstand the power of the Soul Stone.

If it could, then the path to the next evolution would be much more straightforward. But if it still couldn't, Fanny had no choice but to wait until Blue-Eyes White Dragon reached its fourth star.

Fanny stood at the edge of the cliff and shouted for quite a while before Soul Stone finally appeared.

"We agreed that you would provide more energy," Fanny demanded at the glowing Soul Stone in front of him.

"This is the last time!" The Soul Stone didn't renege from its promise, but it made sure to note that there would not be a next time.

Fanny thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. He'll be returning to Earth shortly, anyway. If the Infinity Stone energy absorption succeeded, he would continue with Space Stone's energy. If it didn't, he would probably not have time to retry anyway.

Under Fanny's command, Blue-Eyes White Dragon once again held the Soul Stone in its hand.

It roared as orange energy exploded from the Soul Stone.