A mistake

A typical day for Daphne usually involved waking up as early as nine in the afternoon, going to the gym, taking her bath, eating, going to the spa, then to the mall. Sometimes, it involved her staying in her house, scrolling through her phone and watching movies. Other times, it involved her going to her father's company to do a little bit of supervision and bossing around.

Today was no exception. She had intended to enjoy the day as much as possible. She had planned on going to the gym, ordering pizza for breakfast instead of eating what the cooks had made, spending the whole day at the spa with Lucy and finally going to the club with her friends.

The only difference was that today...she was sad.

Not just sad.

Sad and heartbroken.

Daphne laid on her bed, waiting for Lucy. She had booked an appointment at the spa for both of them and they had planned to leave from her house but Lucy wasn't here yet. So, Daphne stayed on her bed, fully dressed in a pair of jeans and a black crop top, scrolling through her phone.

Her phone rang and she groaned when she saw the caller ID. It was her mother. She swiped the answer icon. "Hello mum," she grumbled.

"Hey, honey, how are you feeling?" her mother asked.

"I'm fine, mum. This is like the sixth time you are calling to ask and my answer is the same. I'm fine. I'm not crying. I'm not crazy. I'm fine."

"Okay, good. Is Lucy there yet?"

"No." Daphne paused. "Mum, have Anna and Oliver heard from him?" she asked.

"Yes." She could hear the anger in her mother's voice. "They said he is at his cousin's house and that they will inform us once he is back." The anger in her mother's voice didn't surprise her. Karen made it very clear to Anna and Oliver that she wasn't pleased with their son's behavior towards her daughter.

"Okay," Daphne whispered.

"I'll talk to you later darling. Have a nice day with Lucy," she said.

"Yes mum," Daphne answered, hanging up.

Just as soon as they hung up, she heard the sounds of someone running on the stairs. The sound became closer as the footsteps stormed closer to her room.

The door suddenly burst open and Lucy dashed in.

"Have you seen this?" she demanded, panting from al the stomping and running. She was dressed in black leather pants and a blue T-shirt. She threw a magazine on the bed beside Daphne.

Daphne glanced at the front cover magazine. It was a picture of her holding hands with Adrian, a happy smile on her face. Above it were the screaming headlines: "C.E.O of the Kings' Enterprises, Adrian King set to marry billionaire heiress, Daphne Rodriguez." Daphne thought of how pretty she looked in the picture and how good she and Adrian looked together. But that wasn't the picture Lucy was worried about. Nope. It was the small one right beside it. The one of Daphne with a frantic look on her face that read, "Engaged C.E.O disappears: Trouble in Paradise already?"

Daphne turned away from the magazine. "What happened?"

"Girl, you are trending on twitter. Everyone is talking about how Adrian ditched you minutes after he announced his engagement to you. Is that true?"

Daphne swung her legs out of bed and rose to her feet. "Yes, it's true. He announced our engagement, people were congratulating us and he suddenly disappeared. I have no idea where or when."

"And you are not like, freaking out, or something?" Lucy asked, baffled.

"Honey, don't you know me?" Daphne let out an humourless chuckle. "I already freaked out all though last night and this morning. You can ask my parents." It was true. All through the previous night, she searched and searched for Adrian. She forced his parents to dial his number, asked everyone she could ask. At some point, she was becoming hysterical. When they got into the car, after the event, she began to cry. She cried all the way home. Waking up this morning and seeing in her mother's hands, a new copy of a magazine with her face in it and a devastating headline of how Adrian dumped her, sent her into another fit of tears. Scrolling through twitter and seeing herself trend for all the wrong reasons made her even more hysterical.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Lucy asked.

"Nothing," She answered. "Now, I'll just sit and wait for him."

Lucy stared at her in disbelief. Sit and wait? What?

"We already booked an appointment at the spa, Luce. We should be on our way," Daphne said, picking up her small purse and heading for the door. When she realized that Lucy wasn't following her, she paused and turned, "Are you coming?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Luce hurried after her.


"I still can't believe it," Lucy said, her eyes wide as she scrolled through her phone. Hours later and she was till obsessing over the fact that Adrian had ditched Daphne, and she was currently reading out people's tweets and comments. "'I think Adrian is a dick for ditching Daphne. Just because you are hot doesn't mean you should treat others shabbily, talk more of your fiancée."

They were currently in a restaurant where Daphne had booked a private booth for the both of them.

"I certainly agree."

"'Who cares if Adrian is a dick. He's hot,'" Lucy continued, reading off the comments under the tweet.

"Is she dumb?" Daphne wondered as she took a sip of her milkshake.

"'Who cares if he ditched Daphne? It's not like she's a saint. Everyone knows Daphne can be a bitch,'" Lucy continued.

"Another comment?"

Lucy nodded.


"Well, at least some people are defending you," she said, dropping her phone on the table. "That counts for something, right?"

"Most of them are defending Adrian," Daphne pointed out.

"Yeah, but only because he is hot and not because what he did was good."

Daphne hummed and shrugged in reply.

"Have you asked his parents if they've gotten through to him?"

"Nope. I expect him to be at my doorstep whenever they contact him," she answered.

"You expect him? What makes you think he would do that?" The Adrian everyone knew wasn't the type of person to apologize or make amends with people. He did as he wished and honestly didn't give a fuck what others thought. Everyone knew him that well.

"My mum was upset last night," Daphne explained. "And she told Oliver and Anna that she wanted Adrian to come and apologize to me once he was back."


"Yeah. I'm pretty sure he is going to apologize," Daphne answered with a shrug. Of course, she knew how arrogant and stubborn Adrian was but she didn't think he would disobey his parents. Or would he? She was pretty sure that he would come back to her.

"I think you should call him," Lucy said.


Lucy stared at her, baffled. Then, her eyes widened in realization. "You don't have his phone number, do you?"


Lucy shook her head slowly. "Daphne," she said, surprised. "Are you sure you want to get through with this marriage?" she asked. "I know I already said earlier – and by earlier, I mean yesterday – that I don't think it's a god idea. But I'm saying it again, this is all a big mistake."

"I don't see your issue with this Luce. I think Adrian and I are a perfect match."

"Perfect?! He's never going to commit to you! And with how he acted last night, I don't think he fancies you or the idea of this marriage very much."

A frown appeared on Daphne's face. "Whatever happened last night, I'm sure Adrian and I can walk it out. Like I said earlier, we are a great match." There was absolutely no doubt in her that she and Adrian would make a perfect couple. She was beautiful and sexy, he was hot. She was rich, he was rich. She was popular and he was also popular. What could go wrong?

"But can't you at least take things slow?" Lucy asked. She was only worried for her friend. She knew how crazy Daphne could get about a guy. She knew how easily it was for her to fall in love, obsess over a guy and probably lose her mind in the process. She had seen it happen and she didn't want a repeat. "You don't have to get married immediately."

"Oh, honey," Daphne chuckled. "We are not getting married immediately. We would get to know each other of course, before getting married."

"Okay. I guess, that makes me feel better. I don't just want you to go through another heartbreak like the last time."

Daphne froze at her words, her hands momentarily suspended in the air as she was trying to grab her glass of cola. Then, she regained her composure, a slow smile appearing on her face. "You really love me, don't you?" she teased. "You just love me."

"Oh please," Lucy scoffed but she was also smiling. "Who gives a fuck about you?"