6. Reuniting - Part Two

Raphael closed the door of his chamber behind him as he walked out, he looked highly styleworthy in his black attire - the princes of Axis Mundi are known for their love for dark cloths, be it a formal attire or not. They were never likened with light colored clothes. 

  He walked elegantly through the hallway that led to the throne hall, and as he walked pass a train of goddesses, giggles erupted among them.

   When he arrived at the entrance of the throne hall, the guards bowed and the sound of music instruments can now be heard with boisterous laughters - the hall was bustling with exuberantness, and he loved it.

       He inhaled deeply as he walked into the throne hall, and as a male servant that was carrying different varieties of wine in a sliver tray walked pass, Raphael swiftly collected a wine-filled chalice. He drank from it as his eyes sought for a certain god in the crowded hall.

  Not long after, he sighted him with Kal. They both seem to be having a good conversation, but the second prince was about to interrupt it. Raphael gulped down the wine and replaced the empty chalice with a full one, then he walked up to them.

 "The great impaler, is that you I sight with my very eyes" he said when he has covered the distance.

  Zander and Kal turned to their brother, recognizing the voice.

 "It is I" Zander mimicked a jocular voice, as they shared a hug. 

 When they released their embrace, Raphael said, "You are indeed a sight for my sore eyes" 

 Zander smiled, "Really, I thought it was your promiscuous goddesses" 

 Raphael smirked, "Well what can I say, I am a god of many predilections" he said and drank from his chalice.

 "We don't doubt that, Raphael" Kal added.

 "Hmm, Kal knows me well enough" Raphael said and continued, "But, brother -" he hung his arm around Zander's neck. "Do you know what a great war god, such as you need after a cold bloody war?"

 "Rest?" Zander asked, but knowing Raphael well enough, he knew that, that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. 

    Raphael looked at him with disappointment, and that caused Kal to grin widely.

 "I am not impressed with your answer Zander, am depressed with it" Raphael said. 

 "Is that so?" Zander asked with a smile, he fancies joking around with Raphael.

 "Aye, rest are for the weak" Raphael informed, only for Kal to raise up his brow, clearly perplexed by what he just heard.

 "It is not" Kal corrected, because Raphael has a way of blurting out nonsense with great confidence.

 "Am quite certain he knows that" Zander told Kal. 

 "Alright, Zander we need a serious chat. Excuse us Kal" Raphael said as they walked away.

 "Listen brother -" Raphael said as they both walked together to the other side of the hall. "You are highly irresistible. Am pretty sure that all the goddesses here are all wet because of your presence"

 "Your pervertedness has no end, Raphael" Zander said, as Raphael placed down the already empty chalice on top of the silver table. 

 "Am aware" Raphael replied with a wide grin. "Trust me, brother and you won't be disappointed" he added.

 "Fine. You have just two minutes" Zander said, because he was too weary to argue with Raphael.

   Raphael smirked with satisfaction. 

 "Now, look at this one -" Raphael said as he gestured to a certain goddess with red hair with raven eyes. "She is one of a kind, and extraordinary in many ways" Raphael added. 

  The talked about goddess was a beauty - but as was every other goddess, she didn't wear much clothes - which was also the way that goddesses are known to dress. Their clothes were always revealing and highly seducing. Zander admitted inwardly that the goddess was very alluring, but yet... 

 "Your two minutes is running out" Zander informed. Raphael grinned before he continued, trying to find out if Zander would be attracted to any of the goddesses - but his plan wasn't working out as he planned.

 "It's not surprising that you know every single goddess that is present here" Zander said

 "I know them in every single way" Raphael corrected, "And..." his words were cut short by a sudden voice.

 "Raphael Leviathan" the voice called out.

  Raphael sighed, "For fuck's sake" he sweared silently, recognising the voice well enough. Zander took a quick glance over their shoulders, only to see... what's her name again - he can't actually recall but he knew that she was one of Raphael's lovers. And she was approaching them.

  "Well, I'll leave you to deal with your problem" Zander whispered to Raphael.

 "Zander don't leave..." but it was already too late, because Zander swiftly escaped before he could hold him back.

 Raphael turned to the goddess, when she has covered the distance between them. 

 "It's not nice to address your prince like that, luv." Raphael said as he tried to cup her face but she pushed his hand away.

 "I am highly upset with you" She informed with a frown. 

 "Why? Did I strike a nerve?" he asked innocently. 

 "You most certainly did. You left me in Irell, after what we shared"

 "I didn't actually leave, I sent the carriage to escort you back"

 "That's not the point" she said  

 "It isn't?" Raphael asked, as he came  closer to her and kissed her neck. 

 "My lord, stop" she said, but Raphael knew that she wanted him to continue. But to Raphael this goddesses meant nothing to him, they were just for his satisfaction.