15. The god of Ramsgate - Part One

Zander kept his promise to his physician, because before dusk broke he was already at the physicians court. Morgana was stunned when she saw the extend of his injury, she couldn't believe that he had put up with the excruciating pain. Well there was so many things about Zander that bewildered her.

  Morgana's healing trait was water. With water she could heal any sort of injury and sometimes sicknesses.

  "I heard you were absent at your ceremony" Morgana said her hand which was covered by floating icy waters was placed on the great Impaler's shoulder injury - with a closer look one could see that the wound was slowly healing. Gods and goddesses had the ability of fast healing cells, but Zander due to some unknown reason, do not posses that ability. Which was utterly confusing, because he is a war god who practically gets hurt and injured most of his days. 

  "You heard, right" Zander answered.

  "I was really upset that I missed your ceremony, only to find out that you were mostly absent"

  "Hmm," Zander only hummed. 

  "I would have loved to see the disappointment on the faces of the goddesses" Morgana admitted.

  "Would you?" 

 "Aye" she said and then gently she removed her hands, the water floated back and settled into an empty bowl. 

  "It will be a completely healed by tomorrow but it will scar" Morgana informed, as Zander reached for his black shirt.

  "It is welcome to join the others" Zander joked as he wore his shirt. Morgana smiled at his words - well he was not actually wrong, because they were numerous scars embedded on his body. Morgana was aware of the horrors that Zander had gone through - but she was grateful, because those horrors were not a part of him. 

  Morgana watched him as she collected his black coat from a near by chair - Is she really in love with him? But who wouldn't be, he was so handsome, and his well built body complimented to everything, but it wasn't just that. Morgana had see many gorgeous gods, all the gods she knew were all good looking, but their was something about Zander - something that she couldn't quite fathom. 

  Zander looked up, and caught her staring at him. Morgana looked away immediately.

  "Morgana" he called. "Is something wrong" he asked coming closer. 

  "Nay" she said innocently. But suddenly it hit her that she actually had something to discuss with him. 

  "Umm, Zander..." she trailed off.


  "There is something that I wanted to discuss with you" she said. 

  "What is it?" he asked, as their gaze held for a while. Morgana stared fixedly at him, she didn't want to look away. 

  'I love you' she said inwardly - she didn't utter a single word, but her heart said it all. 

   She breathed in deeply, before she said, "It's something very serious and time consuming" 

  "Serious and time consuming" he repeated with a look of ponder. 

  "Aye, I'm aware that you are busy, but..." her words were cut off by a sudden thud. They both turned to the direction of the sound. 

   Carlisle grimaced, "Ouch, that hurts" he whispered, then slowly he looked up.

  "Hello" he said with a bold smile.

  "What are you doing?" Morgana asked.

  Carlisle got up from the ground, "I might have been eavesdropping" he admitted. 

  "Who is this?" Zander asked, he was clearly lost, he has never seen this god before. 

  "This is... the serious and time consuming matter that I wanted to tell you about" Morgana informed and Carlisle came and stood by her side. 

  "I don't understand" Zander admitted. 

  "If you could just give us a moment of your time, I'll explain" Morgana informed.

  "Hmm," Zander hummed pondering over her request. 

  Carlisle nudged Morgana slowly, before he whispered to her, "He has great visual"

  "Shut up" Morgana whispered back. 

   Zander looked at the both of them, only for them to smile. 

   Morgana knew that Zander wouldn't shut them off, he was the kind who gave listening ears, and his physician appreciated that. 

  "This is Carlisle, he is a mindler god," she began to explain. Carlisle stood up, smiling at the great impaler but Morgana's stare made him sit back down. 

  "And he is the son of Alfred" Morgana informed. 

  "Alfred - the lord of Ramsgate?" Zander asked. 

  "Aye," Carlisle answered. The other six realms were ruled by either a lord or a master. Even though that they are still subject to Axis Mundi. 

  "I think Carlisle will explain better, since..." she trailed off, and took a seat. 

  "Umm...I - I will?" Carlisle stuttered staring at Morgana. She gave him a nod and smiled - Carlisle has been dying to meet the great impaler, but now that he was in his presence, he felt a little bit scared - he does not want to blurt out any nonsense.

  Morgana's reassuring smile calmed him a bit. And then he began to explain. 

  "Three weeks ago, my father suggested for a hunting game. I, of course indulged with the idea." he paused and continued, "I'm not going to lie, I don't actually remember how it happened - it was so sudden and unpredictable"

  "What was?" the great impaler asked. 

  "An attack," he answered "We were attacked, by some gods, they weren't that great in number, but they were powerful...very powerful" he informed.

  "Chaos ... was everywhere..." he trailed off suddenly, as his eyes started to tear up. Zander was certain that he was remembering the incident. But now was not the time to be sentimental.

  "Carlisle, is it?" the great impaler asked.

 "Yes," he answered immediately as he sniffed back the threatening running nose.

  "You are being emotional, it is understandable. But it's not necessary, at least not now" Zander told him. 

  Carlisle nodded, "I understand, I'm sorry" 

  "You don't have to be, continue" Zander urged - he needed to know why Alfred's son was telling him all this. 

  Carlisle didn't as much as hesitate, "We were all captured - our armies were no match for them. They took over our realm, my father he was helpless, we all were. But those men they had a leader amongst them, he was actually the one ordering their every move." he informed before he continued.  "He ordered that my father, my sister and myself be brought out - he called it a trial. It was in that...so called trial that he murdered my father before my very eyes"

  "Carlisle, I'm so sorry" Morgana said with a look of remorse. 

  Carlisle replied with a weak smile. 

  Zander stood on his feet, Alfred was a good and peaceful god - he knew him well, that was the reason why he wasn't happy with the news of his death. 

  "Is everything alright, lord impaler?" Carlise asked. 

  Zander hesitated before he answered.  "Yes, you can continue"

  "After that, he ordered my execution, but as I was dragged out I saw how he was looking at my sister, the thought he has for her is ... amatorial, erotic"

  "How old is she?" the great impaler asked. 

   "Fifteen" he answered, she was too young, for what that cruel man had installed for her.

   "I was saved by one of our loyal men, and that was how I ran away. But before that, at the trial I read something off the mind of their leader" 

  Zander turned to the god and asked, "What?"

   "The attack, the death of my father. It was an order from the King." 

   Zander exhaled slowly - he was not surprised at all, Thorne might have have others fooled, but his bastard son knew just how heartless he can be.

  "According to what I read, the king referred to my father as 'a mere god' that was not fit to rule Ramsgate any longer. So he ordered that god to wipe us out" 

  "As we speak now, that cruel men holds Ramsgate under his tyrannical fist. Lord impaler I fear for my realm. When I ran awaybI was absolutely hopeless, I had a plan to search for you but I had no idea how to come about it. Then I met Morgana, and when I realised that she is your physician, I had hope again" Carlisle informed, before he stood up. "Please, I need your help. Those gods are to powerful, I can't...my sister, I don't want her to suffer like that ... am so..." he broke off, as tears started to run down his cheeks.

  Morgana stood up and went to him, Zander could hear that she was consoling him. The great impaler closed his eyes for a while and when he opened it, he said. 

  "Tell me more about that leader"

  Carlisle wiped his tears with out delay, "He was tall, I wouldn't describe him as old but he was not young... and oh" Carlisle snapped his fingers, "He was blind - but he had great martial skills, for a blind god. They called him --"

  "Adrelhael" the great impaler said.