27. His Alkarite

"What is this?" Zander asked holding a small bag, filled with a certain white substance. 

  Aurora looked at him, "That's yeast powder" she answered.

  "What is it used for?" he asked again.

  "I use it for baking, sire" Aurora informed.

  "Then, what about flour?" Zander asked. Aurora looked up to him, because he was sitting on top of the counter. 

  "They look like the same thing" Zander added, as he kept the small bag.

  "They are not the same thing," Aurora told him as she placed the butter cakes on a wooden plate. And then she carried it to him. 

  "Your food, sire" Aurora said, as he collected the plate from her. 

  "And, where do you think you are going" Zander said, as Aurora was about to move away. 

  "I have things to clean" she told him. 

  "Is this how you treat your customer?" Zander asked. He was deliberately playing around with her - it's was entertaining, especially when she frowns cutely. 

  "I have never had a customer before" she admitted. 

  "Well," the great impaler said as he came down from the counter. "There are certain rules involved" 

  "Rules?" Aurora asked.

   "Yes. First, you sit here" Zander as he made her sit on a chair.

  "And, I stay here" he added as he pulled another chair closer and sat opposite her. 

  "Why am I sitting down?" Aurora asked with an adorable frown, that made the lord impaler smile.

  "Because you should" Zander said, "You haven't heard my comment" 

  "On what?" She asked. 

  "On these" Zander said as he brought the plate closer.

  He was about to comment on her cakes - Aurora thought as she watched him ate them. But why was she so nervous? What if it had too much salt, or too sweet or maybe it wasn't well cooked. She was still in her hazy thoughts, when...

  "This is really good" Zander said.

  "Huh, what?"

  "Splendid" he remarked. 

  "It is?" Aurora asked.

  "First rule, a customer is always right" he said.

  Aurora smiled - no one has ever complimented her pastries like that before. She felt happy that someone else apart from her friends, appreciated her baking skills.

  "I have never had anything like this before" Zander admitted, and his alkarite's smile grew wider. He wasn't exaggerating at this point, even Axis Mundi's court kitchen haven't cooked this great before - and still they claim to be the best. 

  "Are you from the capital?" Aurora asked, she has heard that they are amazing bake shops there, because it was a rich city. 

  Zander kept the plate, "No." he answered.

  "Then where are you from?"

  "In a far land" he said. 

 His reply made Aurora to smile, "This far land, does it have a name?" 

  "Not that I know of" he said. Telling her that he is fearful war god from the great Axis Mundi will be very dangerous - if she even believes him. 

  "So, you live in a far away land that it's name is unknown?" 

  "Exactly" he said.

  Aurora had many questions running through her mind - because he seemed so unreal, and they were also things about him, the way he carries himself, and even the way he sat on the chair - it a pose-like manner, he sat well on the seat. The ethereal aura that was capable of drawing just anyone. But she could leave all that, for later. 

  "You are aware that...I'm being called cursed " Aurora said. Just so he knows, because she has never talked to anyone like this before, apart from her friends.

  "I have heard. But I don't believe in rumors" Zander said.

  "Why not?" 

  "Because they are bound to be lies. Word of mouth means absolutely nothing" Zander informed. 

  "Even when everyone believes it?" Aurora asked.

  "Hmm" he hummed, "Even if the whole world believes in it" he informed. 

  Aurora looked down - no one has ever said anything like that to her before. He spoke as if she meant something, and she was just overwhelmed.

  "Second rule, a customer always pays" he said before he stood on his feet. He could already sense her friends coming closer to the cottage. They would be here any time soon, and it was his time to leave. 

  Aurora stood also.

  "No matter how parsimony the customer is" Zander said.

  Aurora smiled, even though she had no idea what the word 'parsimony' meant. 

  "What is par...simo" she trailed off completely lost, by the pronunciation.

  Zander smiled widely, this her alkarite was indeed the epitome of uniqueness, combined with her ravishing beauty. 

  "Parsimony means stinginess" he explained.

  "Ahh" Aurora said, at least she has learned one fancy word today. 

  Zander brought out a pouch from his coat, and gave it to her. 

  Unlike some pouchs that Aurora has seen, this one was very clean and was golden in colour. 

  "Don't stay up too late" he advised before he started to walk towards the door.

  Aurora turned quickly and asked, "Third rule, should a customer's name be unknown?" 

  Zander paused just in front of the door, and then he turned and said, "No, it shouldn't" 

  "Then what is it?" 

  "Zander." he said - he will not lie about his name to her, because too many lying has been done. And with that he left.

  "Zander" She whispered. This was her first time of hearing that kind of name before. It sounded foreign.

   She looked down at the pouch and untied it. Her breathing nearly ceased at the sight of what was in it. They was about more than fifty gold coin inside - she was certain. He ate just two butter cakes, which only costs two silver coins. 

  She went to the door, glancing around - but as usual there was no sign of him. How can he walk that fast? Aurora asked herself inwardly, before she shut the door behind her.