73. "Something is not right"

Allen has led the Fifth Prince to the creepy side of the castle. And, ever since Theo has been staring at the brick wall, as if he wanted to find out what was behind it, by staring at it. His male servant has already left, to complete his duties. 

    "Theo" he heard a voice. Turned, and saw the wine god. "What praytell are you doing at this side of the castle?" 

     "I'm staring." Theo answered and returned his eyes back on the brick wall. 

     "I can see that." Seth said, as he came closer to the god of memories. "But, you can't find out whatever it is that you want to find out, by just staring at it." 

      "It's worth a try." Theo turned to Seth and asked, "You've lived for a thousand years, surely you should know why they sealed this side of the castle?" he asked.