75. Once Upon a Family - Part One

"There you are." Damien said, when he finally saw his brother - the Fifth Prince standing in front of the brick wall. "What are you doing here?" Damien asked, coming closer to Theo. 

     "To be honest, I don't know." Theo replied, "It's like something, like a force is keeping me here." He has been standing in front of this weird brick wall for more than an hour now and yet, he still wasn't tired. It was like he needed to be here until he discovers something. When Theo noticed Damien's awkward silence, he looked at him and asked. "Why are you so quiet?"

     "It's nothing." The Sixth Prince lied.

     "You are lying, I know you Damien. What is it? Did you see anything here?" Theo asked his brother, staring fixedly at him. 

     "I don't...know. Raphael told me not to talk about it." Damien said. 

     "Raf is not here. What did you see?" Theo asked urgently. When Damien was hesitating - Theo shook him "Damien. Tell me."