Chapter 114: Longing

Morgana took them to different sections of the castle. Annika and Amberly could only stare with their mouths agape by the opulence, splendour and magnificence of Axis Mundi. The whole castle was like a dream come true. They wouldn't have believed that Axis Mundi existed if they weren't here experiencing it in person.

Amberly was convinced in herself that she was made for this kind of life. Privation and neediness, weren't meant for her at all. She sucked in the rich fragrant scent of the castle and smiled with content. Her eyes were glancing from place to place, when she caught sight of Aurora, walking along with a certain...dashing, flamboyant - Amberly couldn't find the right words to describe him. She came closer to the rail of the balcony to get a better view of him. His striking, salient and outlandish appearance took Amberly's breath away.