Chapter 116: His and his alone

Aurora was so pure and innocent and good, whereas he was a half bloodthirsty demon god. AIl his good senses screamed at him to stay away from her, but his heart was stubbornly pulling him back to her.

What if he lost his head with rage and hurt her.

No, no. Zander would kill himself before he'd hurt Aurora. But wouldn't he have said the same thing about his Third Battalions. And look what happened to them. Could he risk it with Aurora? But then, Aurora was special. Zander had known from the moment he set his eyes on her.

There was something about her.

The air around her was fresh, relaxing. Her scent was a soothing balm. Her whole essence exudes calmness and serenity. Zander had long found solace with her, even back when he visited her in Aztlan. And now that he lurked around her in Axis Mundi.