Chapter 004

How every human being is able to read someone's mind just by looking into they're eyes, a face that is so stiff but there is a myriad of feelings of disappointment behind them gaze makes Fara slightly move their bodies away quickly. She let go of Bryan's hand that had flanked both sides of her waist.

"I'm sorry, I decided this a long time ago. I thought, I had no feelings for you. You know humans, they get bored and I-"

"Wild! You are such a wild!" Press it. Immediately, Fara's eyes widened slightly. Staring nervously at Bryan's two brown beads.

The look on his face that described how disappointed the man was with her, felt that he was being played with and lied to by Fara's sudden words. Wanting to deny that the girl was just lying or maybe making a video that he would show off on social media, Bryan knew very well that Fara was not that kind of person.

In fact, the woman rarely updates photos of herself and Bryan. Maybe the girl forgot that she had social media. From there Bryan really thought that what came out of Fara's mouth was certainly not a lie.

However, his little heart still hoped very much that Fara would take his words back and say that it was just a trick. He swear, Bryan wouldn't be mad if Fara actually said that.

He's not lie

Suddenly, Bryan shook the girl's body using both his hands that gripped the sides of Fara's shoulders. Hoping that the girl would come to his senses and let out a smile. However, he never got it until now.

"Please, tell me you're just joking. I won't be mad if you're just playing around. But please don't say that you want our relationship to end." He demanded with a gaze that still swept across Fara's face, trying to find a speck of lies there.

Unfortunately, Fara even got rid of Bryan's hands that were perched on the sides of her shoulders. Taking a step back before giving a wry smile.

"Don't be stupid, I don't love you anymore. You should let me go and find your happiness with another woman. I—feel no longer worthy to be with you."

Even though Bryan really didn't want to end without a definite clarity, he immediately pulled Fara's body quickly, grabbed her by force even though the girl was rebelling. Forced to collide their gaze at one point even though Fara looked reluctant.

There, he tried to restrain herself from letting out a clear grain that would make Bryan feel suspicious.

"Don't lie to me, I beg you. This isn't funny at all, honey, I love you so much." He said in a hoarse voice, a pair of eyebrows that had curled up indicating that the man was about to spit out clear hairs.

Really, if that was really going to happen, then Fara would actually witness those tears falling for the first time. The reason is, during these two years, she had never even seen the man sad in front of her, only whined when he was tired, came and hugged Fara's body to relieve his fatigue.

Once upon a time, where Fara fell ill until her father and mother took her quickly to the hospital. Until it made Bryan feel so worried and dropped tears. But she doesen't know, that's all Fara heard from her mother.

"How many times do I have to explain to you? I don't love you anymore, why don't you understand too. Please, let me get out of here." She slapped his hand away again roughly. Making the clear droplets spilled and Fara felt disappointed in herself for being the reason for the man's broken feelings.

"I want you, only you Fara. Don't leave me and stay by my side any longer. I will correct my mistake that irritated you."

She deliberately forced a thin grin to appear on her lips. She raised one hand and gave instructions for the man to remain standing there and not to approach her.

"What a fool, all this time I was just playing with you. You're the one who believes too much in what I say. I never loved you, it's just that I felt I would be so famous for being the lover of the famous guy at school. And I managed to get you, but I guess I I'm bored, so I want to end it."

As if he felt his body had just been struck by lightning, not forgetting the several arrows that crushed his little heart in there.

"So, I guess we should end." She said again after getting an expressionless face from Bryan. The man was frozen with a myriad of disbelief in his heart. It's all a dream, right?

"Even though it's just a game, can you stay by my side?"

Fara's small chuckle was heard, making Bryan's attention completely focused on her.

"Too bad, I don't want to sin any more. So I guess we should just end it." Giving a little pause while wetting her lower lip, Fara looked up again by throwing a nonchalant look at Bryan.

"What sentence should I give at the end of it all? Oh, wait a minute, let me give the sky a sentence for feeling relieved after letting you go. I'm so relieved, I've let go of the troublesome burden of my life. The last sentence for you, goodbye trash. "

Truly feeling like being hit by a rock, Bryan felt pain that was incomparable to some of his past pains. Watching how the back drifts away and disappears behind a shady tree.

Until Bryan felt a pair of legs become weak and difficult to carry his body weight again. His body slumped down, touching the cold grass on the ground. He hid his face at the intersection of his knees. Almost screamed if he didn't remember Fara's words that made him disapprove.

"If that's the case, then I'll do the same. I'll hate you, even if it's hard." His voice was sharp, holding back the stinging pain in his heart. Forced to sew the wound even though the thread he used was still unable to handle it.

While on the other hand, Fara is increasingly walking away. Bleed the clear grains that from the start had almost spilled out. Now, she is free to spill everything without anyone knowing.

Imagining how painful the words she threw at Bryan, made her want to drown her body at the bottom of the ocean without anyone knowing. It seemed, Fara wanted to end that night.

At one point, she felt she realized something, she looked around her, sweeping glances at every corner of the garden. An idea popped into her mind when she realized that Harry wasn't around.

Fara nodded confidently after strengthening her belief. She immediately ran quickly while sneaking from there.

"At least, I don't want to be a stupid woman who gets sued without doing anything wrong." Fara muttered in between gasping breaths.