Chapter 013

Fara threw a surprised look at the man who was currently turning his back on her. There was no one in the room except them, where did the principal go? It was strange to let strangers into his room.

"He said you were looking for me?" The man turned his body after hearing a small squeak in the back.

"Are you stupid or what?" Again, Fara was surprised by Yasa's question that suddenly attacked her.

"Me?" Fara pointed at herself, inevitably making Yasa roll his eyes in embarrassment before grabbing Fara's hand, not forgetting to give her some pieces of paper that the girl believed were money.

"You intend to torture yourself with hunger? Don't be like that next time, if I forget, just remind me." Yasa intended to walk away from there, but Fara's voice stopped him first.

"Take it, I don't want to trouble you any more." She handes three red sheets of paper in front of Yasa.

The man did not answer, he ignored Fara and intended to leave from there. However, once again the girl's voice stopped him.

"Stop giving me trouble by thinking how I can repay your kindness."

Silence, both Fara and Yasa did not make a sound for a few seconds, Fara looked at the man's back, she walked towards Yasa with slow steps, again she thrust the money in front of Yasa who was taller than him.

Her warm slender fingers grabbed Yasa's long fingers, she returned to give the money Yasa had given her. It's not that she refuses or doesn't like it, it's just that Fara is trying to limit herself, she doesn't want to make herself a burden to others, moreover Yasa is still a stranger to her.

"I can still fill my stomach with your food at your house, that's enough for me. Thank you for your kindness from the start, one day I promise to make up for it." The corners of her lips lifted slightly, giving the man a faint smile before looking away.

Yasa still faithfully looked at the small back before disappearing behind the wall, he squeezed a small amount of his money before sinking it back into his pants pocket. Letting out a small sigh was the last thing he did before he walked away.


The bell had already rung, all the students scattered to fill the parking area, making the gatekeeper quite overwhelmed to keep up. Fara stepped out of the gate, she would wait at the bus stop for about a few minutes as the man told her.

If ten minutes have passed, then Fara prefers to pass from there relying on a pair of legs to carry her home. It doesn't matter, she doesn't want to bother too much, she's grateful that she can go back to school. Well, even though it's quite far from Yasa's house.

Five minutes passed just like that, Fara still faithfully landed her buttocks relaxed there, occasionally her gaze followed several cars or motorbikes passing by from the students. Apparently, she's the only one who doesn't have a vehicle.

She looked at the pair of luxurious shoes attached to her feet, she smiled crookedly. All the luxuries that she currently gets make her unable to think clearly, maybe one day things will happen that she doesn't want, so she always limits herself from Yasa.

Her deafness accidentally heard the noise from the exhaust of the ninja motorbike that suddenly stopped in front of her, she looked up, noticing the posture of the man in the same uniform as her slowly removing his helmet.

The man brushed his hair back, he looked at Fara who was nervous. Fara is afraid and doesn't like it, she hates cold men like Davin. Look, the man is still looking at her with a flat gaze.

Davin got off his motorbike, he stepped closer to Fara with a stack of books in his hand, it succeeded in making Fara keep her distance from the man.

"Finish it quickly, next Sunday everything will be collected by the homeroom teacher to prepare for the exam so that no one cheats."

"T-thank you," was the only sentence that managed to escape Fara's mouth, she immediately took her eyes off Davin who was staring blankly.

"Don't complicate my role as class president by not finishing your work on time, I'll suggest the homeroom teacher transfer you to another class if you let your guard down."

Really, Fara hates that man. The way he looked at or talked to Fara was as if he had a grudge that he had harbored for a long time. Fara didn't answer anymore, she just grabbed the stack of books which was then placed on her thigh.

Suddenly her mood changed, her anger grew, she swore in her heart that bad luck would always hit the man's life. Davin was still standing there, looking at Fara with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets.

Fara chuckled, "Is there anything else you want to say? For this matter, I guarantee I can finish it before next Sunday, you don't have to worry, it's over, right?" Davin actually understood if the girl was indirectly telling him to get out of there. A little different from the girl who used to bother him.

Both of their eyes were then distracted by the sound of a car engine that had just stopped near them. Davin put his helmet back on before Yasa's feet really hit the asphalt. The man walked away from there on his iron horse, successfully allowing Data to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What were you two talking about just now?"

Fara gasped, she immediately got up from her seat when she heard Yasa's voice greeted her deaf ears.

"He just gave me his book, he asked me to finish everything before next Sunday." There were approximately eleven books in Fara's hands, those were all their subjects that Fara had missed.

"How was your first day?" Yasa again threw questions at her after they were in the car.

"Not so bad as I thought. Oh, yeah, sorry to bother you by picking me up, next time if you're busy, you don't have to pick me up, I'm fine with that."

For some reason Yasa felt that he didn't like Fara who was always uncomfortable with him, he hated it if he had to keep listening to the words sorry or thank you from the girl's lips. Isn't that too formal?

However, Yasa chose not to answer, he preferred to focus on the steering wheel, even though the girl preferred to lean her head against the car window, looking at several passing vehicles and some tall trees on the side of the road.

If it's like this, Fara's mind will definitely focus on Bryan, she misses him so much. How are him now? Has he been sleeping well all this time? Had he forgotten about her or had he really hated her?

"Have you ever been in love before?" Suddenly Fara made that statement.

"I've only been close to a few girls, but I've never been in love."

"Is that so? Your life is so good, you don't need to miss someone who has stopped in your heart." Fara leaned her head back against the car window, she took a deep breath that did not escape the man's attention.