43. Family: The Ties That Bind

Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter. Hope that you guys enjoy this one as well.


3 Days Later

The sound of the rhythmic beeping of the pulse oximeter on Everly's foot was lulling Jay into a much needed sleep as he sat in the glider in Everly's hospital room, his daughter sleeping against his chest.

Everly's tests had come back positive for RSV and with the form that she had she was admitted to the hospital for her care. Care that both Erin and Jay could do without seeing. The blood work, the forcing medicine down Evie's throat and worst of all the multiple times a day they stick a tube down her nose to clean her airway out.

The first time they did it, Jay thought he was going to lose it. Hearing how distraught that Everly became from the tube down her nose. Every single time it happened and Jay had to listen to the pitiful cries of his daughter, it felt like he was being stabbed in the heart.

At the moment it was just him and Evie alone in her hospital room. Erin had went to fill out some paperwork for insurance purposes and Hank had went home for the night to get some rest, so Jay was left alone with Evie. But that's how he liked it.

Evie grunted in her sleep and Jay opened his eyes at the sound and dropped his gaze to his daughter who rooted her head against his chest as she slept. Jay adjusted the pink blanket over Evie and closed his eyes as he started to nod off again. The lack of sleep that he and Erin have had over the last 72 hours was finally wearing him down.

The sound of the door opening didn't even stir Jay as Erin stepped in. Even through the physical exhaustion and the circumstances of the last 3 days in the hospital, her heart still skipped a beat anytime she saw her husband holding their baby girl.

Erin washed her hands and walked over to the couch and grabbed the blanket off of it before walking over to the glider where Jay was and draping it over him. Jay opened his eyes and looked up at his wife.

"Hey" Jay whispered his voice caked with exhaustion as he spoke. "Everything ok?"

Erin nodded and leaned down to kiss the top of Jay's head. "Everything is fine. Go back to sleep. I love you"

Jay nodded and adjusted his hold on Everly and he mumbled "I love you" as his eyes closed.

Erin looked down at Everly and sighed sadly at the oxygen tube that was taped to the baby's face. Erin reached down and traced her finger along Evie's cheek and went to sit down on the couch as the door to Evie's room opened and Teddy walked in.

"Hey" Teddy whispered as saw Jay and Evie asleep.

Erin stood up and walked over to her brother and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey"

"How is she doing today?" Teddy asked pulling back from the hug and looking over at Evie on Jay's chest.

"She's doing better" Erin said running a hand through her hair. "They think we might get to go home tomorrow. It all depends on how her she does with them continuing to lower her oxygen"

"Her color looks good" Teddy said "She looks way better than she did when she first came in"

"You want to sit down?" Erin asked gesturing over to the couch.

"Sure" Teddy said "Here I got her this"

Erin smiled and took the white stuffed sheep from Teddy. "You're going to spoil her. You know you can come and visit her without always having to bring a present"

"Ah, the hell of working in a hotel gift shop. I have to use the employee discount on something" Teddy said taking a seat on the couch.

Erin walked over and sat down on the couch and ran her thumb over the soft material of the sheep. "You didn't have to come all the way over here. I know that you don't want to spend your spring break here"

Teddy shook his head "Erin, Everly is my niece, you're my sister and there's no where else I'd be. You guys are my family, Jay too. You both have done so much for me to help me get sober and back on my feet, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you Er Bear"

Erin sighed and looked at her brother "I know that"

Teddy nodded and wrapped an arm around Erin pulling her closer to him. "Why don't you get some rest. No offense, but you look like hell. You're never going to keep Jay with those dark circles. I might just to move in on your man"

"Teddy...please" Erin shook her head, but didn't fight the smile on her face as she rolled her eyes at her brother.

"I'm not blind Erin. My brother in law is pretty hot. Are there any other Halstead brothers that are my type?" Teddy asked looking over at Jay.

"None that you want to meet" Erin said.

"I take it Dr. Halstud hasn't exactly come around with his attitude" Teddy asked.

"No. It's just awkward. I know that he and Jay have a rocky past but you'd think that Ryan would put that stuff aside for family...or at least work" Erin leaned against Teddy's shoulder and sighed.

"What exactly happened between the two of them?" Teddy asked wrapping his arm around his sister.

Erin covered her mouth as she yawned. "Jay didn't exactly follow in the family footsteps that Ryan and his sister Rachel did. They both followed in their dad's footsteps and went into the medical field and that was really the plan for Jay's life and he decided the summer before college that he was going to join the Army and it caused a rift with his father and Ryan. Jay said that Ryan never got over Jay coming back for their father's funeral when he died. But Jay said that he couldn't face coming back. That the doctor the hospital saw wasn't the man that Jay and his family saw. From what I understand Mr. Halstead wasn't exactly the kindest man to his kids and wife"

"Have you talked to Jay about it?" Teddy asked.

"No...Yes...Well, not really. I don't want to bother him with it. He doesn't like to talk about it, just like he doesn't like to talk about his experience when he was deployed. Every now and then he'll tell me bits and pieces of it, but he always says that I wouldn't want to know what happened because I wouldn't look at him the same" Erin yawned again and kept her head on Teddy's shoulder.

"Kind of like me and you with our parents. Is there nothing about you and Jay that's not a perfect match?" Teddy asked.

"Oh, yes. Because horrible childhood memories are what brought us together. Jay's family came from money Teddy. I had to steal bread and peanut butter so that we could eat. Not exactly star crossed lovers" Erin explained.

"Ok...sorry. God, I forgot how grouchy you are when you're tired" Teddy said defensively.

"I'm sorry" Erin offered. "It's just been a long couple days. Ignore me. I'll make it up to you"

Teddy nodded "Does that mean that you might let me come over to Voight's and see Jay shirtless?"

Erin shook her head "Would you stop"

"It was worth a shot. I can only imagine what he's got going on under those clothes. I bet it's nice...real nice"



"Darlin' whatever you want is fine with me" Ruzek assured as he and Kim walked around the Chicago Botanic Garden. "Just give me a date and a time to be there and I'll be there"

"Adam, you're not helping" Kim sighed and rolled her eyes as she walked around the garden.

"Burgess, I don't know what you want me to say. I'm not good at the wedding stuff. I like this place, I also liked the last place and the place before that" Adam confessed.

"I really like this place" Kim said looking around the garden at the flowers and the fountains.

"If you like it, then so do I" Adam said "I just want to marry you"

Kim rolled her eyes and looked at him "The wedding folder says that the price starts at around $160 a person so...if we invite 120 people that is..."

Burgess was quiet as she figured the math in her head "19,200"

Adam nodded and looked around at the garden "Are they going to name a tree after us for that price?"

"It's actually a pretty fair price. That includes food and everything and the venue price" Kim explained.

"Can I request a favor?" Adam asked walking over to Kim.

"If this is about that orange creamcicle cake the answer is still no" Kim said looking down at the brochure in her hand.

"Can our first dance be to "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes?" Adam asked.

Kim looked up from the paper in her hands and up at Adam and laughed. "Why that song?"

Ruzek shook his head "Well if you're going to laugh at me then forget it"

Adam turned and started to walk up the brick walkway. "If you have a better suggestion for our first dance then have at it"

"Wait" Kim said trailing after him. "Tell me"

Kim reached for Adam's shoulder and he stopped in his steps and looked at her. "You're just going to laugh at me and then run and tell Nadia and Erin and then the three of you will have a damn laugh over it"

"I won't laugh" Kim said "At least not in front of your face"

Adam shook his head and looked away from KIm.

Kim sighed and reached her hand up to touch Adam's cheek "Just tell me"

"You know after our first date how we went to Molly's for a drink afterwords? When we danced that night it was the song that was playing on the jukebox. It was when I realized you were the one I wanted to dance all my dances with" Adam confessed his cheeks blushing as his gaze broke from Kim's and he looked down at his shoes.

"You remember that?" Kim asked.

Adam nodded "Yeah. It was one of the best nights of my life. You don't forget something like that. I know you don't like country music and it's..."

Kim stood up on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around Adam's neck. "You know, it's perfect. I love it. I want that to be our first dance"

Adam bent his head and kissed Kim on the lips before pulling away "See, I made a decision"

Kim laughed and ran her hand down Adam's chest "I'm proud"

"Does that mean I can wear my blue leisure suit for the wedding?" Adam asked.

"No. Actually I don't want you to bring that thing into our apartment" Kim said looping her arm through Adam's as they walked back to the main office.

"What? Burgess you know you like that suit. Your sister and brother in law gave me some serious compliments on it when we went to dinner that night" Adam said.

"Because they were trying to be polite" Kim said "Don't bring that thing into our place"

"And what if I do? I had that suit before I had you" Adam stopped walking and looked at Kim.

"Well, you can lose the suit or lose the sex...it's all up to you my friend" Kim said.

"You drive a tight ship, Burgess" Ruzek said. "I'll put it in storage"

"That's all I ask" Kim nodded and leaned up to kiss Adam on the mouth.

Adam pulled away from the kiss and he and Kim started walking back up to the main office. "You're lucky I love you so much. You shouldn't come between a man and his suits"

"Are you Barney Stinson all of a sudden? Suit up, Adam" Kim joked as she looked up at her fiance.

"I'm not marrying you for your sense of humor, Burgess" Adam rolled his eyes and bent down to tie his shoe.

"I know. I throw that in for free" Kim looked over at the waterfall in the garden and back at Adam as he stood up.

"You're just lucky that I love you so much and the fact that you're brutally sexy has it's perks" Ruzek said handing Kim a yellow lily that he picked.

"Adam!" Kim whispered sternly as she looked around the garden. "It's like a $1200 fine to pick one of these"

"Like they'll miss it" Ruzek said. "There's nobody out here"

The sound of high heels against the brick walkway broke Adam and Kim apart.

"Be cool, Burgess. Be cool" Ruzek said

"Have you guys made a decision?" The director of the botanical garden asked.

"Yes ma'am" Kim said "We'd love to do our wedding here"

"Wonderful" The botanical garden director said "If you want to follow me up to the office then we will get everything straightened out"

"How much is a down payment?" Adam asked.

"It'll be 10%" The woman answered.

Adam nodded "So $2000 as a down payment"

The botanical garden director nodded

"Plus the $1200 for the yellow lily we picked" Kim confessed holding out the flower "We're sorry"

The botanical garden director looked between Kim and Adam. "Right this way"

"Damn" Ruzek said as he looked over at Kim who shrugged her

"I'm sorry" Burgess said looking at Adam "She knew...I could tell by the way she was looking at us"

Adam shook his head "You had no chill Burgess. No chill"

"I can't lie...My mom always says it's because I'm too pure of heart" Kim said.

"Yeah and your mom is full of shit" Adam mumbled.

"What?" Kim asked.

"I said "Your mom is a hit. I just adore her" Adam said.

"Sure" Kim said walking into the office and holding the door open for Adam to follow her.


Two Days Later

Jay held the door open for Erin as she carried Everly's carrier into the living room of Voight's house.

Erin laid the car seat down on the couch and carefully unbuckled Evie. "Hi Evie-Bug. Are you happy to be home?"

Evie answered her mother with a coo and a smile before coughing. Erin sighed and lifted Evie out of her car seat and cradled the baby against her chest.

"How was the drive home?" Voight asked as he walked from the kitchen to the living room.

"It was good. I'm just glad to be out of the hospital and have Evie home with us" Jay answered.

"Can I?" Hank asked as he walked over to Erin gesturing to hold Everly.

Erin nodded "Of course"

Erin reached over and placed Everly in Hank's arms.

Hank looked down at Evie as she focused on her grandpa's face. "Hey little lady, you gave everybody a scare didn't you? Grandpa is getting way too old for that"

Everly smiled showing off her gums and cooed as she looked at Hank.

"Is that funny?" Hank asked "You have to get better. Your daddy needs to get back to work before grandpa puts him in the cage"

"That's funny" Jay said rolling his eyes.

"Relax Halstead, it was a joke" Voight said looking up from Evie to Jay. "Roman can take your spot for a few days"

"Roman?" Jay said

Voight nodded "Regardless of how you feel about him, he's good police"

Evie loudly cooed wanting her grandpa's attention back on her. Hank looked down at Evie and shook his head "What's the matter? You're demanding just like your father"

Jay rolled his eyes and picked up Evie's car seat and diaper bag and sat it on the table in the hallway. "I'm going to go get our stuff out of the car"

Erin nodded and looked at her husband. "I'm going to go and start dinner"

"It's already taken care of. I made dinner. It's in the oven" Voight said.

"What did you make?" Erin asked.

"Just a meat loaf and some mashed potatoes. It's nothing fancy" Voight said "You guys can go get you something if you don't want to eat it"

"Meatloaf is fine with me" Jay added before walking out the door to the car.

Erin yawned and walked to the stairs "I'm going to shower. Are you ok with her for a minute?"

Voight nodded and took a seat in his lazy boy chair "We're fine"

Erin nodded and walked upstairs.

Hank shook his head and looked down at Evie. "Your mommy and daddy are finally gone. You can relax now"

Evie cooed and laughed as she looked at her grandpa

"I know it, right? They need to relax a little. Grandpa keeps trying to tell them that. But they just don't listen. But you need to listen, you don't ever need to go back in the hospital. You really scared me, I didn't like seeing oxygen and wires all over this beautiful face. Grandpa didn't like that at all. It made him think about your Grandma Camille. You know she would've been crazy about you. I wish you could've met her. She was the most amazing woman. She was my best friend, and when she got sick grandpa was really sad. But you're here now and that makes grandpa so happy. You can live here forever if you want. Mommy and daddy can go off and do whatever they want. You want to stay here with Grandpa Hank forever?" Hank asked looking down at Evie.

Evie cooed back at Hank as she looked at him.

"It's nice that you agree with me" Hank said


Jay turned around as he felt a car pull up behind him and he sighed when he saw Ryan step out of the car and walk over to him.

"Hey" Ryan said taking the few steps over to Jay.

"Hey" Jay said closing the trunk of his car and setting his and Erin's duffel bag down on the top of the trunk.

"You guys left this at the hospital" Ryan held up the soft pink blanket and extended it out to Jay.

"Thanks, she can't sleep without this thing" Jay said taking it from Ryan.

The two brothers stood in silence for a few moments.

"Listen Jay...I..." Ryan started.

Jay held his hand up "Whatever you have to say Ryan, don't worry about it. It's fine"

Ryan shook his head "You don't know what it was like when you were deployed Jay"

Jay narrowed his eyes at Ryan "Are you kidding me?"

Ryan ran a hand through his hair "No, you don't know what you being gone did to our family. Mom and Dad..."

"Don't bring mom into this. You and dad made your feelings about my life choice pretty damn clear when you didn't even come to the airport to say bye to me when I left for my tour" Jay said his anger rising.

"I'm sorry" Ryan held his hands up. "But you threw away your life Jay. For the Army. You could've been a doctor. You could be anything right now, you could be a surgeon or anything, but you're just a detective"

"Just a detective?" Jay said "Just a detective? It's because of people like me and the other "Just detectives" I work with that keep your ass safe. And let me tell you another thing, I am proud of my service to this country. I would do it again in a heartbeat"

"I never said you shouldn't be proud of your service Jay" Ryan shot "You said that, not me"

"You know...Thanks for the blanket Ryan. I'm going to go inside before you really piss me off" Jay yanked the duffel bag off of the trunk and walked towards Hank's front steps.

"Wait" Ryan called.

"What do you want?" Jay asked.

Ryan took a breath and stepped towards Jay "I need your help"


Hope that you guys liked this chapter. I think that I'm going to end this story at 50 chapters. I haven't made up my mind though.

If I do, would a sequel be something that you guys would want to read?

Please Review!