Marriage announcement: The Salvadors

Aderinsola didn't have any desire to struggle up the stairs that night in his tired state, all in the name of mobility exercise. That was why he was glad to see that his nurse was already waiting for him with his wheelchair when he drove through the gate of his mansion. Even though the journey was around Lagos, it was still a very long and hectic drive.

All he wished to do right then was to simply have his bath and head straight to bed... But no matter how bad his body needed the rest, he knew he wouldn't be able to, not until he let his family know about the outcome of Leo's situation and the marriage arrangement.

He has thought over and over about how he could put it to them that Emma was innocent of everything he had accused her of, without adding the information that Oracle said couldn't be disclosed. He thought long and hard, till he realized that there was no way around it.

Poor Emma would just have to live through the hatred that he Aderinsola had sowed into his family's heart. At least he knew Leo was attracted to her to a certain degree and Titi was always good towards people no matter who they are... As for the rest, he was not sure about them

The only consolation he had was that Emma was Silver's granddaughter and if she's anything like her grandmother then he's sorry for anybody who thinks they could give her a hard time, even Tola wouldn't stand a chance.

As soon as he stepped out of his car, his nurse immediately brought his wheelchair forward and helped him sit

"Thank you"

Aderinsola couldn't help but say before letting his mind wander to the task ahead of him again... He already knew what to do. Apart from the wedding, he has another important news to announce and it's been a long time coming. He could already picture the shock on their faces after his announcement. One thing he's sure about though was that the news is going to make one or two people extremely angry.

'Did I heard him right?... Did he just say thank you to me?' Aderinsola's nurse wondered as he pushed his boss inside the house. He said thank you to me today that I thought he would be at his most irritable because of how tired he appeared...

He was very surprised to hear such kind words from Aderinsola who was always curt and gruffly with everybody around him. The nurse had never heard him say thank you to anyone. Whatever he went out to do must have been a great success for it to have had such a positive impact on him.

After he has had his bath, the nurse insisted his boss had a light dinner even when he insisted he was not hungry. When they were done with his nightly routine he asked his nurse to inform his daughter-in-law and grandchildren to gather in the living room in twenty minutes for an urgent meeting.

Leo was still in his room discussing with Titi when they were startled by a very loud consistent knock on his door. The knock which was more like a bang was so loud, it was obvious the person knocking couldn't have been doing it with their knuckles. And it was also very obvious the person was doing their damndest best to annoy him.

Leo knew there's only one person in the entire household that would be stupid enough to act in such a childish manner and his thought was confirmed when he heard Tola's voice shouted through the door...

"Asshole!..." Tola shouted and laughed through the door. It seemed as if she was having a great time annoying him, which indeed she was. She gave his door another round of banging before she finally said what she came for

"If you're still alive, grandpa wants everybody in the living room in twenty minutes."

"I see you've suddenly grown a peer because of grandpa, right?" Leo said half-heartedly and chuckled. Tola's level of maturity with her way of thinking never fails to amuse him

Titi was also amused. She found such childish behavior coming from a twenty-nine-year-old woman hilarious

"What did you do to her to warrant such behavior?" She asked Leo who also has an amusing look on his face and doesn't seem to be perturbed by Tola's foolishness.

"I told her I would lock her up inside the help's quarters with only a tin bucket to relieve herself in," Leo repeated to Titi what he said that made Tola acted crazily.

"What!... You wouldn't!" Titi said and laughed. She thought Leo was joking and his words were mere threats but the look on his face made her shiver and think otherwise.

"You would really do that to her!?" She asked again, her eyes widen with surprise

"You think I wouldn't?... Leo asked back at Titi, his mouth was smiling but his eyes were cold and hard...It was obvious his baby sister had no idea what her big brother was capable of doing.

Things need to change in the Salvador's family. It was irritating how they've all been taking his love and care for stupidity. He needed to start showing them who is boss and show Tola especially that he's not someone to be trifled with.

He's going to get her a job on Monday and if she refuses to work then he's going to cut off all her allowances.

"It's just amusing how her brain functions... The fact that she thinks she could disrespect me and I won't be able to do anything to her just because grandpa is around shown she doesn't think much of me. What an idiot!" Leo sighed in exasperation. And got up,

"I'll see you at the meeting cutie. Need to get some report done for grandpa so I could hand it over to him immediately after the meeting" Leo said and Titi left for her room too

Some minutes before the meeting starts, the women were already gathered In the living room waiting for grandpa's arrival. Leo came down the stairs and walked straight to where Tola was sitting.

He squatted down in front of her so he would be at the same eye level as her.

"Tola what gave you the audacity to bang on my door with such disrespect!?..." He asked seriously with a raised eyebrow. "Do you really think I won't be able to do anything to you because of grandpa?...

Hmm... Your perception of me needs correction, and I promise to do the correction immediately after the meeting with grandpa so you would know even grandpa can't stop me from punishing you this night for what you did." Leo finished and went back to his seat.

Even though Tola was scared of this new attitude of Leo, she still believed that he wouldn't be able to do anything to her with their grandfather around. Grandpa wouldn't stand aside and watch Leo act like an animal. No, he wouldn't!"

Seconds after, they saw Aderinsola appeared at the top of the stairs with his nurse alongside him. Leo immediately got up to help in assisting his grandfather walked down the stairs. Slowly, the three of them took slow, baby steps together till they finally arrived at the foot of the stairs.

"Good evening grandpa" They all greeted Aderinsola when he was finally seated. Leo dismissed the nurse for the night before going back to where he was sitting.

Aderinsola looked at the faces of his immediate family before him. He saw they were all eager to know what the meeting was going to be about because they knew he only calls for a meeting if there's good news to announce or if someone was about to get punished.

'What's the good news going to be or who is getting punished?' Aderinsola could practically see those questions running through their minds

Leo knew for sure that the meeting was going to be about him and Emma, what he didn't know was if the outcome of the meeting would be what he wants to hear or what would make him sad.

'Has grandpa gotten in touch with Emma's family? What was her parents' reaction when they knew that he nearly strangled their daughter to death? Is there still going to be a wedding? Or has grandpa found another solution to the supposed oath he unknowingly took with Emma?'

All these questions beats on his mind. The feeling of not knowing what to expect makes his heart palpitate with anticipation.

Leo was still wondering to himself about what the outcome of the meeting might be when his grandpa's voice interrupted his train of thought