lilith princess of Roranth

Court is ready to declare its the justice . People are ready for the judgement of girl case. Girl which was beaten brutally by upperclassman for not obeying his order. The queen of Roranth Mrs karin and her courtmens all had heard about the case .

Queen stands up and ask for her courtmens opinion.
mr olive :as we heard that the girl didn't obeyed the mr xin on his order . According to kingdom law to punish the servant for not obeying is allowed. so Mr xin can't be punished.
mr hied :I agree with Mr olive we can't punish him.
mr shen stood up by looking at the girl whose half body was covered by bandages and was not even able to stand on her own.
mr shen : I oppose your words mr olive .we can see how brutally girl has been beaten. we can not justify mr xin actions.
mr Olive : I'm not justifying mr xin action . I'm just going with the rules due to which we cannot punish him.
mr shen : I don't agree. i pray to the queen, to punish mr xin .
queen : I want to know how many of you all agree with mr xin.
only three hands get up among the 15 courtmens .
Queen sigh and gets up.
Queen : Decision is made.
mr xin who was bring to the the Roranth court for beating a girl is free as no charges can be implemented against him. The court is adjourned.

The attendee of the court, all were are unhappy. but can't express their displeasure against the queen decision.
girl broke into the tear. she is all shattered the decision.
mr xin : I'm free no one can punish me . (he goes to the girl ) you better obey me in future .

there go a sword though his mouth .
everyone stops at their place startled seeing the lilith :the princesa of Roranth.