lunch table

Damian:where are you going it is not our place come here on this table.
Elisa still not over of what Damian did to her last night. she tells Lilith that she would be sitting outside as she is sort of air.
Lilith alone comes and sit on that table with her fellow kingdom nation heirs .
Damian: where is Elisa? does she quitting her job this early .
Lilith: she is still up to this job .she just went outside as she was short of air .(lilith is unaware about the incident last night between Damian and Elisa)
Damian :ok ( starts feeling guilty).

Elisa sits outside alone . she hears a familiar voice.
she turns around and see draken .
Elisa: what's up with you again.
draken : I should be the one asking this question.when ever we meet you always has pulled a long face .
Elisa: like last time It is none of your concern if I'm having a long face.
draken comes towards her table .
Elisa: I won't leave you this time if come close to me again pervert.
draken takes a drink from the table : I came here just to pick up my drink and stop your wild imagination.
you have nothing so I come close to you .
bye long face ( walks away ).
Elisa : hey you basterd come back .
. how does capella allow these basterd. I'm sick of capella (looks at food ) but food looks good ( digs in food ).

Lilith asks that the food tables are also assigned here to everyone.
Damian: no , we have divided the area to avoid conflict between us .
Lilith: us ?
Damian: ofcourse the two kingdoms.
Lilith: there is hate between both the kingdoms
but last time all of you seemed to go well with each other.
Damian: they are two faced.
not only we guys don't talk or go well with each other .
bullying is also done .I'm sure no one ever dare to bully you after the ceremony day .
Lilith: this place is very messed up .
Damian: yeah the table you were going to sit is of the seven .these are heirs of powerful nations of North West. they are the biggest enemies and our competitors this year for " the crowned kingdom".no one dares to sit there .

Lilith looks at that table. she stands up .
Damian: where are you heading to .do you need something.
Lilith goes and sits on empty chair of that table
Damian: ( lays down his head ) why does not i keep my mouth shut . lilith please don't get into fight otherwise Aron going to kill me.

Yuji : miss lilith I think you are not aware but this table is of us and on seat you are sitting is of our friend.
please look for a another table .
Lilith: I do know about this table. I like this table design.I want to sit here that's why I came here.
Adrianna: I think you didn't heard Yuji properly it is our friend sit you cannot sit here even you want to.
Lilith: I can't but I'm already sitting here .
starts eating her food .
Ken tell his friends: let her sit here on this place .akio doesn't usually eats with us here .there is no worth fighting for a empty sit of his.
Lilith: you only got brain among them.
misa bangs her hands on the table: enough of your bullshit .who you think you are to come on our place and insult us .
Lilith so not pay attention to her and keeps eating by seeing lilith reaction less temper of her rises .
she goes to Lilith and throws Lilith plate away .
misa : move out, this is akio sit even he is present or not you can't sit here .
Lilith still does not give a fuck about her. misa loses her temper and raises her hands towards Lilith .
on the side of place Damian breath stops: oh no
misa : get this bitch .
akio suddenly appears from nowhere and stops misa hands .
Damian come back to live : oh thank God .
misa : leave my hand .let me teach her a lesson.
lilith still doesn't care .
akio backs misa hand: why are you angry . you don't look good with this temper on .relax
(misa calms down) why are you fighting over a sit if Lilith like this table and she wants to sit here she can use things whenever she wants ( go close to lilith face ).
misa : but
akio : it is end of discussion.
misa get out of place Adrianna goes behind her and everyone leaves one by one .
akio sits beside Lilith: you are something you made them lose their appetite.(place a another plate of food towards Lilith).
Lilith starts eating the food again .
akio introduce himself to lilith but she do not talks back .akio keeps staring at her .she finishes the food .
Lilith: thanks for the food Mr akio and stands up and walks away .
akio : (smiles) there something about you girl.