Two childhood friends growing up together until the guy falls in love with the girl without the other noticing. Then the girl starts to fall in ove with different people and always end’s up as the cupid rather than the partner because she’s the goddess of love bound to never find true love. Then the guy comforts the girl wishing for her to find the one person who will truly love her, he didn’t really think that the girl will love him because he knows he’s just a friend. By some miraculous happening the girl ends up falling in love with him and one night when they hangout by a fountain in mount Olympus the girl confesses. The guy fells over the moon over the confession hugs the girl and say “you don’t know how much I’ve dreamed and hoped for this” the girl gets shocked over his statement, questions him and then falling deeper in love with the guy. Now there in a relationship the girl starts to feel insecure because of her past relationship thinking that the guy her friend since childhood whose been with her like forever will break up with her and find his true love because she’s the goddess of love and shit.