Do orcs have a peace?


The roar of a savage rabbit broke the silence of the forest when Aaron managed to plunge the sword into his quarry. In no time, the poor rabbit died before giving Aaron some experience.

"Ah, you're just bothering me." Aaron wiped his sweaty forehead. "I didn't want to deal with you at all, but you attacked me first. Don't blame me if I have to kill you."

Killing wild animals would indeed give players more EXP than killing orcs or goblins, but Aaron's goal was not to hunt wild animals or anything like that. He was only looking for orcs or goblins to pay off all his debts before quitting playing any kind of video game.

However, the nuisance of wild animals is unavoidable. They wouldn't be called "beasts" if they didn't attack humans for no reason. When faced with them, there are only two options: fight or die.

Aaron didn't want to die for such a silly matter, so he had no other choice but to fight back, even if it cost him a lot of time.

"Bring up status!"


Level: 1

Physical strength: 35

Soul power: 32

Endurance: 100

HP: 1000

Mana: 0

Armor resistance: 100]

[Want to display total EXP?]

"Show," Aaron said.


Level: 1

EXP: 20

Physical Strength: 35

Soul power: 32

Endurance: 100

HP: 1000

Mana: 0

Armor resistance: 100]

Aaron nodded his head. To reach level 2, he had to accumulate 80 more EXP.

When fighting the savage rabbit, Aaron should have only gained 2 EXP. But since his level difference with the creature was 5 levels, the amount of EXP was multiplied by five. Totally, he gained 10 EXP.

If he was willing to kill more beasts, his level increase would be faster. That could help him wipe out more orcs and goblins!

"There's no harm if I kill more beasts than collect EXP from them. Besides, if I'm lucky, I can also get their skin or meat. Some spirit beasts even leave behind precious crystals."

There was nothing wrong with diving, drinking water, and snaring fish at the same time!

Aaron resumed his journey to look for traces of orcs or goblins. He cut down all the shrubs that blocked his footsteps with his sword. But only a few moments later, his steps were halted.

He looked at the surrounding trees that had lost all their leaves. There were no leaves left at all. The scene almost resembled autumn, but the leaves that fell underneath were not orange. Everything was still light green.

Aaron went closer and touched one of the trees to check its condition. It was fine!

He didn't find that these trees were suffering from diseases or anything like that. They were still healthy and would grow leaves again after a while.

After all, why would all these leaves fall off their stalks?

Aaron then picked up a leaf near the root of the tree before discovering something surprising. The leaf was still fresh!

And even more surprising, Aaron saw that this leaf hadn't fallen off the stalk at all, as if someone had deliberately cut it very carefully and neatly.

But who could have cut these millions of leaves without harming a single stem? Who would have the lack of work to do this?

Aaron looked around and found no one but himself in this place. There were no tracks or anything that could be used as a clue.

None of this made sense, so Aaron immediately labeled this place as something that contained danger. He thought about radiation, plague, or even bugs. It was better to avoid it immediately if you didn't want to be miserable.

But when he wanted to walk away from this place, the surrounding bushes made a gurgling sound. Not only coming from one direction, but the sounds were also coming from almost all directions.

Aaron's body stiffened. He again raised his sword to chest height and strained his ears as best he could. Those gurgling sounds indicated that a lot was coming this time. Just hope it wasn't the enemy!

After all, Aaron was currently still at level 1. Facing too many enemies could get him killed, and that would mean he would have to restart after all the EXP he had accumulated. So he really hoped that what came was a horde of adorable bunnies who had no intention of attacking him.

However, Aaron's hopes were completely unfulfilled when an orc jumped out from within the bushes while hissing at him. Other orcs sprung up shortly after that!

Aaron counted quickly. The orcs numbered at least a hundred. They wore wolf's skin armor and wielded long bones as weapons.

No matter how brave Aaron was, he would still gulp and feel fear when faced with this many enemies. It wasn't death he feared, he just wasn't willing to leave his armor and sword in the middle of nowhere like this.

"I can't die here!" Aaron exclaimed, and convinced himself. If he didn't have enough strength, he should at least have more faith.

Behind it all, from the top of a tall dense tree far away from where the young man was, Leen and her assistant were watching Aaron's movements using binoculars. They were the reason behind the appearance of that many orcs!

"Miss Leen, isn't this too much? You just want to test his strength, not to kill him." Her assistant said with worry. "If Aaron should die vain in this place, Miss's superiors might be furious."

"I know what I'm doing. You don't need to fret." Leen only replied briefly without taking his gaze off the binoculars.

Far away from there, the orcs began to approach Aaron slowly. They howled like wolves, making the young man's heart beat even stronger.

From the crowd of orcs, a goblin appeared that was much larger than the others. It almost matched the size of an adult. He wore a steel helmet and fine leather armor. His weapon was a metal sword, which still looked sharp enough to cut through flesh despite its rust. He looks like the leader of the orc horde!

"You seek death!" The orc leader roared, followed by the rest of his men. "Why are you disturbing our peace?"

Aaron raised his eyebrows while glaring at the orc. "I was just taking a walk in this place until you came. You're the ones who disturbed my peace. After all, do orcs have a peace?"