Sound of Giant Angry Stone

Aaron accepted the tool but his face did not show any kind of happy expression. Seen from any angle, Sir Janson's tool already looked old and rusty. So, how could he believe that it still can be worked?

Seeing Aaron's expression, Sir Janson said again, "If you don't want it, I can take it back. As long as you know, I also don't want this tool to get damaged after you use it."

Aaron coughed from choking on his saliva. How could Sir Janson be more worried about his tools than the player's safety? Didn't NPCs generally put the players' safety above all else?

And, what was the point of Alice's medal of appreciation? It should have given Aaron a little privilege of honor from the NPCs. Now, look at how respectful Sir Janson is.

However, right now Aaron didn't have much of a choice. The tool of the shameless old man was bad, but it would be better than not using it.

"Alright, I accept it and I'll be right back with the Black Dragon Mushroom. But if I die because your tool is inadequate, what guarantee will you give tome sir?"

Hearing the negotiation from Aaron, Sir Janson couldn't help but laugh. He laughed so loudly and widely, that it was as if thousands of flies could fit into his mouth at the same time.

"Son, don't you remember that I don't really need you here at all?" said Sir Janson. "But never mind. If I hire a professional plant hunter, I'll have to spend even more money. There's nothing wrong with bailing out a clueless young man like you."

While Aaron was inflamed at the taunt, Sir Janson took out a large potion bottle of deep red color. Like the color of wild wine. It probably contained 100ml.

"HP-boosting potion for you," Sir Janson said. "If you can bring that mushroom for me, I'll give you 100ml of speed-boosting potion."

Aaron received the HP-boosting potion with a look of disbelief. For whatever reason, the price of this potion was much more expensive than the speed-boosting potion.

And what Sir Janson said just now... 100ml of the potion? Gosh, that was completely beyond Aaron's imagination!

In this way, Sir Janson had licked his own saliva that had been spat onto the ground. The old man really needed Aaron to retrieve the Black Dragon Mushroom!

Aaron had never encountered such an annoying NPC before, not even in his real life.

He was so annoyed that he didn't know what else to say to Sir Janson, leaving without making the slightest sound.


Ruby Forest, Fallen Star Kingdom, not too far from Gray Stone City.

Aaron put on his mask as he walked slowly towards the crowd of Black Dragon Mushrooms. The gas released by the mushroom was extremely dangerous. Only need one minute of inhaling it, and you will be killed!

Aaron counted. There were more than ten mature mushroom stalks ready for harvest, while some of them were still very young. Five mature mushrooms should be more than enough, but he was going to harvest all of them.

Even though he only needed 1 gram, he still could sell the rest to Sir Janson or other herb brewers who were not too annoying like the old man.

Aaron took out Sir Janson's tool from inside his bag. It was shaped like a large pair of lawn clippers, just a little more special-looking.

After that, Aaron also took out a special leather pouch he bought at the market. There was no way those poisonous mushrooms would be carried empty-handed.

After making sure that nothing was missing, Aaron ventured to start placing his large scissors on one of the Black Dragon Mushrooms.

With just a single stroke, barely even using any force, the mushroom was cut and fell to the ground like a piece of cotton.

When was cut, it emitted a thin burst of green-colored smoke all around. The grasses nearby instantly dried up in the blink of an eye.

Looking at those poor grasses, Aaron shuddered. What would happen if he didn't wear a mask?

After putting it into the storage leather bag, Aaron again cut out the remaining Black Dragon Mushroom. After all of them went into the leather bag, he smiled with pleasure.

With that many mushrooms, he could get more than 50 gold coins. Exchanging them for weapons, he would get a pretty good sword.

Currently, after killing many orcs, the sword Aaron was using was dull and jagged. It was completely inefficient for cleaving flesh, let alone bone.

If Aaron collected up to 200 gold pieces, he could obtain a spatial bag. The equipment can store many items in the spatial dimension, so Aaron doesn't need to feel the weight of his belongings at all.

With 200 gold coins, he would at least get a spatial bag of 2 cubic meters. It was the smallest size of any spatial bag, but it was already decent for a beginner like Aaron.

Apart from spatial bags, there were also spatial rings. This equipment, however, is much more expensive. While spatial bags could only store small items, spatial rings could store larger items, depending on the quality and price.

In the game 'Martial Earth Online', Aaron has a spatial ring with the most storage space, which is 1,000 cubic kilometers. He could even build his own city there!

Recalling his glory days, Aaron smiled bitterly. They were sweet times, but they ended very bitterly.

Someone once told him that great power is matched by great threat. The more powerful you are, the more people threaten you!

"I was too naive before." Aaron laughed softly. Yeah, he had been very naive in thinking that everyone was nice to him. The world was so cruel and harsh, that was the truth, but Aaron can't believe that truth.

He still had to pay dearly for his naivety.

Thinking of that, Aaron's ears suddenly caught a thumping sound from the distance. He directly stopped to make sure. The sound repeated itself periodically, getting faster and closer.

Aaron's face began to turn blue. He had heard sounds like this before in 'Martial Earth Online', and it was always a nightmare for novice players...

"Giant Angry Stone!"

Aaron didn't think long to immediately run with all his might towards the city. If he encountered the Giant Angry Stone, he must immediately dodge it at all costs!

The Giant Angry Stone belonged to spirit beasts, although some people disputed it because it didn't have the characteristics of a living creature at all.

It was composed of stone at all, and indeed there was nothing else but stone. Giant Angry Stone lacked a heart, intestines, and even a brain. Surprisingly, it acted like a living being. His intelligence exceeds that of the orc race!

They mimic the shape of a human body. They sually carry a weapon in the form of a giant hammer or axe.

Giant Angry Stone can be up to 100 meters tall, but it is typically 20-50 meters tall.

They are called 'angry' because of their temperamental. Anyone can offend it even if they haven't done anything. But that's not what makes them fear, it's that Giant Angry Stone can run at very high speed!

It doesn't matter if it's made of rocks, but as long as they still have power, they can still chase after unlucky novice players. When that happened, no one could evade its pursuit.

Since the Giant Angry Stone could not be classified as a living creature, it had almost no vital points on its body. If one of the fighters wanted to defeat them, then the fighters would have to destroy their body one by one. And to do that, the fighter had to have sufficient weapons, strength, and level.

Aaron lost hope as the thudding sound became more and more obvious, but his legs kept running no matter that.