Chapter 12 The Solution, Yu Xiaogang's Suggestion

This bear child. It is not a good time for you to speak out. Tan San was obviously moved by my words. Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with a hint of displeasure, but listening to Lin Manshan saying that his own martial soul may be a mutated martial soul, his heart could not help but feel a trace of interest. Mutated martial souls rarely appear. If Lin Manshan's martial soul is really a mutated martial soul, it is also a good research subject. He could also take the opportunity to display his theoretical knowledge in front of Tang San.

Thinking of this, he slightly reorganized his mind and unhurriedly turned to look at Lin Manshan, his tone was light.

"Oh? Then summon your martial soul."

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded, summoning his martial soul in his right hand, and a green hatchet appeared out of thin air.

"Is this rust?" Yu Xiaogang bowed and had a closer look, then stood upright, nodded slightly and faintly said, "It is indeed a beneficial mutation of the martial soul, and the point that caused the mutation of this hatchet martial soul should be the rust on the body of the blade, the rust itself is not harmful, but if it comes into contact with a wound, it can make the wound become infected, and it is also considered to be a good mutation trait."

"But also because this attribute foundation is too weak, it can only awaken the level three innate spirit power, if the characteristics of the mutation lie in the hardness, toughness or sharpness, perhaps the quality of this hatchet martial soul can be higher, maybe it can let you awaken the level five or even more than level five innate spirit power."

As if thinking of something, Yu Xiaogang added: "Child, this hatchet martial soul of yours is barely considered to be an attack system weapon martial soul, and the mutation characteristic is the rust that can cause people's wounds to become infected, therefore, I suggest you to choose to hunt the hardwood plant spirit beasts that carry toxins."

"The spirit rings produced by these types of spirit beasts can greatly increase the hardness of your martial soul after absorbing them, and they can also add a certain amount of toxins to give full play to the infective nature of rust. The hatchet isn't a powerful weapon martial soul, attaching the poison attribute can just cover up the shortcoming of insufficient attack power."

Fuck you in your damn arse! Are you blind? This is mostly a metal attribute weapon martial soul, isn't it? Why are you asking me to attach a plant-attribute spirit ring? This is really treating me as a test product to prove your theory. Lin Manshan wanted to curse his father and mother in his heart, but he still nodded his head, put a respectful look on his face, and smoothly said, "Master, in that case, the reason why the martial souls have mutated is because of a certain characteristic of the martial souls which excels in a particular way, right?"

This child is quite intelligent and even knows how to draw inferences from one thing to another, but unfortunately, the quality of the martial soul is really too poor, if he has a level 7 innate spirit power, then I can consider accepting him as a disciple, to assist me in researching Spirit Master Theory. Yu Xiaogang nodded, "Not bad, most of the mutations of the martial souls occur because some kind of characteristic has become exceptionally prominent."

"It could be an extra trait of some kind. It could be that a certain characteristic in itself is strengthened and becomes exceptionally prominent, stronger than any other martial soul of its kind. It could also be that a certain characteristic undergoes an abnormal transformation, such as the lightning attribute turning into the fire attribute, or the water attribute turning into the ice attribute."

"Once these characteristics appear, it is obvious to discern that they are more unique than other martial souls of the same kind, for example, in your hatchet martial soul, the rust on it is obvious, and it is very different from ordinary hatchets. While there are multiple variations of traits, in general, martial souls do mutate because a certain trait becomes particularly prominent."

Of course, it is also possible for an outstanding martial soul to become inferior, a dragon body to a pig body, thunder to a fart. Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but think of his own martial soul, Luo San Pao, and his eyes flashed with a hint of bleakness. However, he was not ready to mention it now, after all, when meeting for the first time, first impressions are important.

"Master, in that case, I feel that Xiao San's Blue Silver Grass martial soul should also be a mutated martial soul. It's like the capsicum grown in the village ground, although they all look the same, some of them taste sweet, while others are particularly spicy. Although the Blue Silver Grass is found everywhere on the mountain and looks ordinary, I feel that they are all very tenacious, no matter if they are trampled on or eaten by the animals in the mountain, they will be able to grow again the following year. Perhaps Xiao San's Blue Silver Grass is one of those mutated varieties with particularly tenacious vitality."

Lin Manshan revealed a look of dawning realization, excited, but in the next second, he lowered his head again.

He whispered somewhat restrainedly.

"Master, Xiao San awakened his martial soul in the same room as me, and there were many other companions in the room at that time. None of us saw him awaken a second martial soul. So. I guess... It should also be a mutated martial soul, right?"

There was no second martial soul. Yu Xiaogang froze for a moment, and also felt what Lin Manshan said was indeed possible, there is nothing unusual under the sky, there will always be one or two unexpected occurrences, just like how there were only two Twin Martial Souls in the continent for hundreds of years.

Besides, the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul information that he had acquired over the years had all come from the civilians in Nuoding City Academy, combined with the spirit master information that he had previously read in the Spirit Hall.

The spirit hall records so much information, with the short time he had, he didn't pay too much attention to the trash martial souls like blue silver grass; so he didn't read all the records, maybe there was a mutated blue silver grass martial soul on this continent in the past.

But at that time, What was the reason for Tang San's surprised expression? Yu Xiaogang inwardly wondered.

It must be said that Lin Manshan is indeed a good seedling for researching spirit master theories, but unfortunately, his talent is too low, and he is not yet qualified for me to teach him. After glancing at Lin Manshan, Yu Xiaogang once again secretly sighed, in this world, there are numerous smart people, if Lin Manshan has outstanding talent, and has the opportunity to step into the realm of Spirit Douluo or even Titled Douluo, it would be considered honourable to teach him.

But with level three innate spirit power, it is difficult to break through the Spirit King in this life, so his influence would be limited, and not enough to prove and spread his theory, instead, because of the civilian origin, after learning, he may forget him as a master due to greed for prestige. Even attributing the achievements gained to himself, and if he luckily teaches one or two good disciples later, with comparisons, wouldn't that make it even harder for him to make a name for himself.

Even if he wants to accept other disciples, he has to wait until he teaches an excellent disciple who could make a name and has an example to follow.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang turned his head to look at Tang San again, attempting to see something from the expression on his face.

This Lin Manshan doesn't seem to believe that I have a twin martial soul, and the idea he extended from the theory described by the grandmaster is quite plausible, it exactly gives me a reason to cover up my twin martial soul, It is really unexpected that this demented child still has such a talent for learning after he fell, and his brain turned bright; Tang San secretly thought inwardly, for Lin Manshan, in fact, he actually didn't have the heart to kill him at all.

In his previous life, he was an orphan adopted by the Sect, so he could see his own shadow in Lin Manshan from time to time. And this child is similar to old Jack, both of them are good people, with a simple and kind temperament, and treat him well in the village. Although he is not that familiar with him personally, he will take the initiative to smile and say hello when he meets him. Unlike the other children in the village, the moment they see him, they will reveal a look of dislike.

As for this man known as Master, his theoretical knowledge is indeed profound. It's very helpful to his growth in the early stages, so let's test it out a bit more. Tang San thought inwardly, then raised his head and asked the question in his heart, "Grandmaster, can the Weapon Martial Soul also absorb plant system spirit ring?"


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