Chapter 19 Xiao Wu, won’t make use of the opportunities given to her

6 years old, level 12, the innate spirit power must be at least level 9, Xiao Chenyu's heart shook dramatically, the time when the Spirit Hall Deacons went to the villages every year to awaken the children's martial souls was usually three months before the beginning of the Primary Spirit Master Academy. During this short period of time, it was not difficult for those with high talent to raise 1 level, and if the spirit ring absorbed happened to be close to the optimal number of years, it was also very possible to raise 2 levels.

This child in front of him, who is called Ah Man, his innate spirit power is only level 3, his qualification can only be considered average, and his strength is great because of the mutation of his martial soul, at most he can be considered uniquely talented. But this Xiao Wu, is truly exceptionally talented, after confirming with his own eyes, he is sure that he can't afford to mess with her.

With such a high innate spirit power, he wouldn't believe it even if she said that she didn't come from a big family.

Pushing aside the crowd of little brothers, Xiao Chenyu hurriedly bowed slightly and politely said, ''Big sister Xiao Wu, I'm convinced. Since you are Ah Man's Big sister and I lost to Ah Man, from now on, you will be the Big sister of our Nuoding Academy students."

After saying that, he waved at the back.

"All of you pay your respects to Big sister Xiao Wu!"

"Greetings Big sister Xiao Wu." When the crowd of little brothers heard this, they bowed and saluted in unison.

Why does this whole thing look just like a gang. Lin Manshan looked blankly, but in his heart, he was very satisfied with this situation, to hide his strength, he had previously defeated Xiao Chenyu by trickery, and if he was not convinced and proposed another Spirit Duel in the future, it would be another troublesome matter.

With Xiao Wu's help in calming the situation, in the future, he could go to the blacksmith workshop to do his own thing in the afternoon without worry.

"Good point, very good point." Xiao Wu then enjoyed this feeling, and after scrutinising the newly accepted little brothers once, she waved her hand to let Xiao Chenyu and the others leave, and then turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, patting his shoulders and said with a smile, "Ah Man, good job."

You're really addicted to being a Big Sister. Lin Manshan was speechless inwardly but had an innocent smile on his face, "Thanks, I guess."

"Ah Man, quickly tell us. What happened just now," Wang Sheng, who was on the side, hurriedly asked.

A few people talked and walked, quickly returning to the dormitory.

When they pushed open the door, Tang San was lying diagonally on the bed, sleeping soundly.

The few people did not say anything to disturb him, each took small steps and went back to their beds, sat on their knees and prepared to start cultivating their spirit power.

Cultivating in the night, in the Douluo Continent, it was considered a tradition.

Only Xiao Wu, who didn't seem to have the intention to cultivate, bounced back to the bed, directly lying on the dividing line that connected the two beds, right in front of Tang San's face, carefully sizing up his face, and suddenly uttered, "Hey."

Tang San was instantly awakened, opening his eyes.

"It's not even night yet? You're sleeping now, will you still sleep at night?" Xiao Wu smiled and said.

"You've crossed the line." Tang San sat up and pointed at the boundary line.


The two of them instantly chatted idly.

When Tang San finished eating the coarse bread for dinner, Xiao Wu immediately pulled Tang San's arm and said that she wanted to go out for a stroll together.

Unable to resist the urging, Tang San nodded in agreement and followed Xiao Wu out of the dormitory.

And right at that moment, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes and fell into thought.

He knew that Xiao Wu had pulled Tang San out for the sake of sparring, but felt that it wasn't that simple.

Ever since the last time she fought with Tang San when she first came to the dormitory and asked Tang San if he had Innate Full Spirit Power, Xiao Wu seemed to have been taking the initiative to approach Tang San. Firstly, on the issue of bedding, it was still noon then, so Xiao Wu could have asked her dormitory mate to borrow money to go outside to buy a new one like him, but she still took the initiative to propose to share bedding with Tang San, and her words had a lot of urging.

She even said words like "Are you afraid that I'll push you down."

Now she took the initiative to wake Tang San up and invite him out for a sparring session.

Could it be on purpose? The purpose was to reconfirm Tang San's strength. Lin Manshan couldn't help but think of a certain possibility. Spirit Beasts must go through a period of growth from the juvenile stage to the mature stage upon spirit beast's re-cultivation. Xiao Wu was currently in her juvenile stage, which was undoubtedly her weakest period. As for how to get through the juvenile stage, apart from striving to improve one's own strength, finding a powerful partner to protect her is undoubtedly the best choice.

And finding one in the civilian class is the most secure option.

There are no high-level Spirit Masters to see through their identity, and they also have their freedom.

Tang San had innate full spirit power, no matter talent or strength, he was undoubtedly the most capable person of the same age that Xiao Wu had been able to meet so far, following him, there would be a comparison, not only could he act as a shield to cover up her own fast growth in spirit power and reduce her sense of existence, but she could also integrate into and learn about the human world through him.

'So, Xiao Wu has been pretending to be pure?'

Lin Manshan stroked his chin, 'After all, it's still a human world.'

However, did this silly rabbit really have that kind of intelligence?

Lin Manshan was a little sceptical again.

The reason why spirit beasts chose to re-cultivate was to fight for a ray of life, as there are many restrictions placed on spirit beasts in this world after 100,000 years of cultivation; although Xiao Wu was still burdened with the hatred from her mother's murder, after coming to the human world, she had never properly cultivated. Although the previous cultivation in the body can be transformed passively, active cultivation can promote the transformation process to be much faster, and at the same time, you can also absorb the external spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the martial soul and transform it into the spirit power, right? There is such a multiplier effect in spirit power cultivation, but she didn't make good use of it, so what is her goal and purpose?

All day long only known to stick close to Tang San to talk about love, spoiled and acting cute. Later when she obtained the Yearning Heartbroken Red Immortal Herb, she didn't eat it, resulting in her true form being revealed when Yearning Heartbroken Red came out during the final match against Spirit Hall Academy in the Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. If she ate it, not to mention that she could enhance her strength, maybe she could also inherit the hidden characteristics of the immortal herb, and would there be such a drama later on?

Damn, you were given such an opportunity, but you failed to use it!

This stupid rabbit is really giving me a whole lot of headaches. Lin Manshan slightly shook his head and stopped blindly guessing. Anyway, whether or not Xiao Wu was pretending to be pure, has nothing to do with him.

Closing his eyes, he continued to cultivate.

There was an opening ceremony in the morning, the following day.

In the afternoon, since he didn't need to clean the garden, Lin Manshan went straight to work at the blacksmith workshop.

In the late evening, after taking a bath in the inner room of the blacksmith workshop, and being kept behind by Tie Shan for dinner, he returned to the academy.

When he saw Lin Manshan enter the dormitory, Wang Sheng asked a question with a puzzled face, "Ah Man, what did you do in the afternoon?"

"Went to work." Lin Manshan said with a smile, "Xiao San's father is the blacksmith of our village, he is tall and strong, his arms are thicker than my thighs, and he has a lot of strength at first glance. My martial spirit is a hatchet, and I feel that using it requires a lot of strength. Similar to chopping wood and cutting down trees, it's a strength-consuming work. So, I thought of working as a blacksmith to exercise my body, and now I'm an apprentice blacksmith."

"Ah Man, your brain is quite smart, you can even think of something like this." Xiao Wu, who was lying on the bed, rubbed her head and sat up straight, staring and nodding repeatedly, "And, your strength is also quite decent, so you're very suitable for this kind of work."

"I also think so." Wang Sheng nodded in response.

"Ah Man, do a good job and buy me good food when you get your wages." Xiao Wu beamed with a smile and said.

"Okay." Lin Manshan nodded and walked back to his bed on his own, starting to cultivate his spirit power.

In the early morning, he ran to warm up and exercise and then attended classes all morning, went to work at the blacksmith workshop in the afternoon, and in the evening, he mainly cultivated his spirit power and at the very end, he cultivated his soul power for a short time. Although the strength of his physical body grew slowly, every night Lin Manshan would still spend a small portion of his time cultivating his soul power so that he could always maintain his physical strength at his body's limit.

Just like this, a few days passed in a row.

Until Tang San returned.


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