Chapter 21 Bunny is cute, so of course it is made into spicy bunny

Time flies and the days are fast approaching February.

The academy semester of a year had come to a brief end, and the month-long annual leave was about to begin.

Because the academy stipulated that students were not allowed to go home during their studies, and could only be visited by their relatives, Lin Manshan had not returned to Holy Spirit Village for several months.

However, his adoptive father and mother had come to Nuoding City once some time ago to purchase things for their son Jackie's marriage and had stopped by the academy to visit him. When he thought about what old Jack had said about coming to pick him up, how inconvenient it would be for an old man to travel in the cold winter months. Lin Manshan therefore took the opportunity to let the two of them inform Old Jack when they return, that he didn't need to come to pick him up when the academy was on holiday, and that he could just walk back on his own.

He informed the boss of the blacksmith workshop, Tie Shan, a day in advance, and bought some things in the city; Early in the morning, Lin Manshan carried a parcel to the Holy Spirit Village; of course, because of the same route, Tang San and Xiao Wu were also with him.

Perhaps for fear of exposing the existence of the spirit tool, Tang San didn't open his mouth to mention using the spirit tool to help him store things, Lin Manshan didn't say anything either, after all, it's true that he's not very familiar with him.

In the past half a year, the relationship between the two is basically kept lukewarm, when meeting, Lin Manshan would kindly smile and greet him, and Tang San would respond with a calm nod of his head, without saying a few words. For the other dormitory friends, Tang San's attitude is neither cold nor warm, always maintaining an inexplicable sense of detachment. As for Xiao Wu, it is unknown whether she was affected by Tang San's influence, or whether it was her nature, her temper is getting worse and worse.

To put it nicely, it is called lively and active, to put it badly, it is called a chaotic mess, and it was not clear from where she learnt a bunch of cuss words, at the drop of a hat, she started to spew them, no matter how unpleasant it was, if someone says anything, she will ask for a duel, and there are quite a lot of students in the academy who have been beaten up by her.

However, Lin Manshan was not affected by anything, after all, he woke up very early in the morning to run, and then went to class in the morning, and in the afternoon he had to go out to work, he was not at school at all. When he returned to the dormitory in the evening, he also quickly entered a state of cultivation and didn't have many chances to interact with Xiao Wu.

The trio walked on the not-so-broad mountain path, Tang San and Xiao Wu were talking, laughing and empty-handed, while Lin Manshan was carrying a large parcel and looking at the scenery along the way.

After a few months of exercise and a career in blacksmithing, his physical strength could be said to have improved immensely compared to the past, and it was very easy to carry a few dozen pounds of stuff. On top of that, his spirit power had also been raised to level 6, a little short of level 7. There was no choice, being born as a commoner, with innate level 3 spirit power, the cultivation talent of his body was indeed very poor, and being able to reach this level was still the result of hard work and training.

'In these few months, perhaps the fastest improvement is my height.' Lin Manshan silently laughed at himself in his mind.

He had only just turned 7 not long ago, yet he had a height of close to 1.35 metres, which was nothing short of exceptional amongst his peers. With intense workouts that far exceeded what could be endured at his age, and with the protection of his soul power on his root bones and muscles, he was able to gain height quickly and steadily.

As they walked, patches of cultivated land appeared in front of the trio's eyes, and in the distance, smoke curled up from the cooking pots, and the outline of a village could be vaguely seen.

'Tang Hao should already be on his way to meet Yu Xiaogang by now.' Lin Manshan glanced at Xiao Wu not far away with a fleeting side glance, in fact, Tang Hao had already been to Nuoding Academy several times, and the first time, he even spent several days squatting in the academy and had long known Xiao Wu's true identity.

The original Tang Hao had mentioned when he brought Tang San to see the Blue Silver Emperor that after sending Tang San to Nuoding Academy, he had been secretly observing Tang San's growth, and why wasn't the purpose of this to keep an eye on Xiao Wu, to avoid her being exposed? After all, she could be a future daughter-in-law and also a walking one hundred thousand-year-old spirit ring and spirit bone.

Of course, for Lin Manshan, none of this was the point, the point was that Tang Hao had once actually followed him when he went to work at the blacksmith workshop.

He was almost sure that it was Tang Hao who had learnt about him working at the blacksmith workshop from Tang San's conversation with Xiao Wu, and suspected that he might have stolen a look at the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique and come over to verify it. If he didn't have the special ability to sense souls and discover the trail in advance, and only used conventional techniques when hammering iron. Even if there was the slightest trace of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique being used, he probably would have been killed instantly.

After casting a casual glance at Tang San, Lin Manshan turned back and accelerated his steps towards the entrance of the village.

Looking at the village in the distance, Tang San's face was also visibly a little excited, pulling Xiao Wu on to speed up his steps.

Arriving at the village entrance, Lin Manshan stopped, turned back and waved with a smile, walking quickly towards his home.

When he returned home and waited for Old Jack to return, the family gathered together and happily ate lunch.

Everyone also liked the gifts that Lin Manshan had brought back. The only thing that made Lin Manshan a little regretful was that he couldn't make it to Jackie's wedding.

After lunch, Lin Manshan packed up his things and headed to his parent's graves alone to pay his respects.

The graveyards of the Holy Spirit Village were all clustered on a small hill, climbing up one step at a time that resembled a ladder Lin Manshan made his way there. The surrounding trees on the hill were lush, and the scenery was quite nice.

The weeds around the grave had already been cleaned up by his adoptive mother, so all he had to do was burn some paper money and bow down.

After finishing everything, Lin Manshan began to follow the path to the bottom of the hill.

The sun was warm and high, and the mountain breeze was refreshing, blowing the dense weeds that occasionally appeared on both sides.

"Rustle. Rustle." The sound of grass clippings being arched and crushed.

Lin Manshan stopped his steps and turned his head to look at the grass pile not far away, he felt the presence of two very weak souls.

"Out to bask in the sun? Extra dinner tonight" He hurriedly picked up two slightly sharp-edged gravels from the ground.

He has also practised the hidden weapon technique, but because there are too many things to do every day, he can only practice occasionally, such as picking up the stone and flinging it in the morning while running, so it is estimated that it is not even considered as an entry-level, and he can't use it to kill someone with strong spirit power, but it is still quite accurate in hitting the target.

Squatting quietly for a while, catching the right moment, "Swoosh."

Two quick sharp stones shot out in response to the sound.

Afterwards, "Plop." Two crackling sounds came, and the silence returned to the air.

Lin Manshan hurriedly ran over and summoned his hatchet martial soul to open the way.

Soon found a hole covered by dead grass within the pile of grass, and outside the hole, there were two grey hares lying on both sides, looking not big. He reached out and picked up and turned it upside down, each weighing about three pounds, and he lifted it up to look at it and brought the couple to his home.

"Sin sin sin." Lin Manshan recited a word and rushed to his home with them.

Only halfway into the village, there was a sudden shout came from behind, "Ah Man, quickly stop for me!"

Xiao Wu. Lin Manshan straightened his expression, turned around, and smiled innocently, "Sister Xiao Wu, what's the matter?"

Only to see Xiao Wu's red eyes, her gaze shifting from the hare in his hand to his face, muttering with an indignant face, "Rabbits are so cute, how could you kill them?"

The rabbit is so cute, of course, it has to be made into a spicy diced rabbit, so you can have two more bowls of meal for dinner. Lin Manshan put a puzzled look on his face, "Because it's edible! Just like wolves eat rabbits and rabbits eat grass, isn't that normal?"

"Besides, rabbits are very fertile, they can have several litters a year, and a litter can have several more."

"The elders in the village said that when you see rabbits around the crop fields in the winter, you must catch them, or else they will all run out and eat the crops when spring starts."

At these words, Xiao Wu's face instantly reddened, her tiny fists clenched, and her body trembled slightly, it was unknown whether she was angry or not, "You you..." After stammering for a while she couldn't think of a reason to retort, and tears welled up in her eyes.

With a stomp of her foot, wailing, she turned and ran away.

"Xiao San, did I say something wrong?"

Lin Manshan looked at Tang San who remained in place with a bewildered expression, raising the female hare he was carrying in his right hand, "Xiao San, do you want to take one back for dinner? I have two here, I can give you one."

"No need." Tang San glanced at Lin Manshan with an indifferent look, turning to chase after Xiao Wu.

Skimming his lips, Lin Manshan turned to leave.

That night, he happily ate four big bowls.

The annual holiday lasted for a month, and he could still avoid them if he just went out alone, but with his family, he would inevitably have to meet up with Xiao Wu, who was out and playing.

Every time they met, the way Xiao Wu looked at him could be completely described as bitter and angry.

For this, Lin Manshan just looked innocent and bewildered and took the initiative to smile in return. Throughout Xiao Wu had no choice at all, after only less than half a month had passed in the holiday, she pulled Tang San back to the academy.

As for Lin Manshan, he also returned to the academy when half a month of the holiday had passed. The memory of the spiders controlled by the Beast Control Technique was limited and could only be preserved for about a week. In order not to miss information, he could only return after they left.

Luckily, he had a tight schedule and was basically absent from the academy during the day except for sleeping at night. Although Xiao Wu was unhappy with him, she didn't take the initiative to provoke him.

But undoubtedly, the relationship between Lin Manshan, Tang San and Xiao Wu has reached a point of non-reconciliation.


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