Chapter 23 Yu Xiaogang's pride

"That's good." Matthew Nuo smiled as he took the papers, glanced down, turned around and walked behind the table, took out a token from a drawer, picked up a yellow crystal ball from the table, and walked back to Lin Manshan, "Ah Man, infuse your spirit power into it."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded and stretched out his right hand to place it on the crystal ball.

Soon, a faint yellow halo lit up.

"It has indeed reached level 10. Here, this is the most basic token, remember to return it when you're done using it." Matthew Nuo handed the token to Lin Manshan and said with a kind smile on his face, "Ah Man, pay attention to safety along the way, I hope that the next time I see you, you'll already be a First Ring Spirit Master."

"Hmm, thank you, Deacon Matthew." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, took the token, tucked it into his arms, and bowed slightly, "I won't disturb you then."

"Go." Matthew Nuo smiled and nodded, watching Lin Manshan walk out the door and politely close it again.

Walking out of the Spirit Hall, Lin Manshan walked straight towards the academy.

After entering the academy's front gate, he rushed straight to the faculty office again and knocked on the wooden door of the faculty head's office.

"Come in." A soft shout came out, and Lin Manshan gently pushed the door in.

"Something wrong?" Director Su leaned back in the chair behind his desk, slightly opening his eyes.

"Director Su, I'm a third-year work-study student Ah Man, this time I'm here to ask for leave from you." Lin Manshan walked forward and bowed slightly, "My current spirit power has reached level 10, and I'm preparing to head to the Spirit Forest to obtain my first spirit ring."

"Ah Man?" Director Su instantly remembered the two children that Yu Xiaogang had led into the academy two years ago. One of them was called Ah Man and had even beaten Xiao Chenyu, he sat up straight and looked up and down, 'I hadn't paid attention to him before, surprisingly, he has grown so tall.'

'Did he seek Yu Xiaogang's help?' The academy arranges for instructors to help hunt spirit beasts. There is no need for students to take leave, they only need to speak to their instructors, and the instructors will report to the faculty office. At the end of each month, they will uniformly arrange for a team to go to the Spirit Forest.

Rather a lucky child, with Yu Xiaogang's help, perhaps he can hunt a fifty-year-old spirit ring.

Director Su nodded, "Good, I understand."

"I won't bother you then, goodbye Director." Lin Manshan bowed slightly and excused himself to leave.

When he had just walked not far out of the faculty office, Yu Xiaogang came from a different direction.

'Ah Man?' Looking at Lin Manshan who was walking towards the dormitory building, Yu Xiaogang instantly recalled Lin Manshan's comments in front of Tang San back then about him depending on his friend for food and drink, as well as his sudden interjection which interrupted the conversation between him and Tang San, resulting in him almost missing out on a twin martial soul disciple. Although in the past two years, Tang San had already been completely estranged from Lin Manshan under his initial persuasion, whenever he saw him, he still couldn't help but feel a trace of distaste in his mind, and at the same time, there was also a trace of suspicion, "The new semester has only just begun, what's he doing here at the faculty office?"

"An ordinary civilian spirit master, why should I care so much?" Shaking his head, Yu Xiaogang walked straight into the faculty office.

Knocking on the door and walking into the office, he looked at Director Su who had a slightly puzzled look in his eyes.

"Master, why are you here? Didn't that child called Ah Man already come to ask for leave just now?"

"???" Yu Xiaogang immediately frowned slightly, "Does it have anything to do with me?"

Wasn't it Yu Xiaogang whom he had sought help from? The puzzled look on Director Su's face instantly increased, and he explained, "Just now, that kid came to ask for leave from me saying that his spirit power had already broken through level 10 and that he is preparing to go to the Spirit Forest to obtain the first spirit ring, and I thought he had sought out your help."

"He didn't come to me, perhaps he has already found someone else who can help." Yu Xiaogang faintly said.

Inwardly, he was full of disdain, 'This kid really gave birth to the idea of competition, wanting to hunt for a hundred-year-old spirit ring.'

'But is it really that easy?'

Lin Manshan was born as a commoner, and his talent is ordinary, so he simply isn't qualified to have the academy dean help him out. As for the academy instructors, their spirit ring configurations were too inferior, and they were also incapable of hunting a hundred-year-old spirit beast on their own unless he paid out a large sum of money to hire several of them, but did Lin Manshan have that kind of financial power?

Obviously not!

Without becoming a Spirit Master, he can't receive the subsidy from Spirit Hall, so how much income can he earn by working as an apprentice in a blacksmith workshop? As for looking for someone outside, he had never heard of any high-level spirit masters in Nuoding City in all these years.

As for the Spirit Hall, with Lin Manshan's talent, even if he joined the Spirit Hall, he wouldn't receive key training. Besides, the spirit ring configuration of the resident spirit masters of the Nuoding City Spirit Hall is similar to the situation of the instructors of the Nuoding Academy, so it's unlikely that they would take a risk for an ordinary spirit master.

'Could it be that he's preparing to go hunting by himself with a team?' Thinking of this possibility, Yu Xiaogang was even more disdainful inwardly, 'Simply ignorant! Without even a first spirit ring, which team would accept him? He would probably quickly run back in disgrace and accept the ten-year spirit ring that the academy helps to hunt. No talent means no talent, to think of changing one's fate against the heavens is simply delusional.'

If a commoner can change his fate, then what am I? As if thinking of something, Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, but it was only for a split second before he regained his radiance and continued, "Director Su, I'm here today to ask leave for my disciple Tang San."

"Could it be that Tang San's spirit power has already reached level 20?" Director Su was instantly startled.

"Not bad, that's right." Yu Xiaogang's chest was slightly puffed out, a rare smile appeared on his face, a wave of pride emanating from his eyes.

At the end of the first academic year, Tang San's spirit power was already close to level 17. Now that it was March and a whole year had passed in between, which also included two annual holidays, with no need to attend classes in the morning, Tang San had more time to spend on cultivation.

Spirit power breaking through level 20 was just a matter of time.

In terms of age, Lin Manshan was still above Tang San, but in terms of spirit power levels, one is level 10 and the other is level 20. In terms of cultivation difficulty, the first 10 levels of a spirit master are the easiest stage to improve, but Lin Manshan still spent a whole 2 years to break through.

This was the gap brought about by talent, an unbridgeable gap.

"Remarkable, it is beyond comparison. The Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul can unexpectedly be cultivated so quickly, it's true, that a renowned teacher produces a great student. Today, I've gained some insight. Grandmaster, congratulations." With a respectful expression, Director Su congratulated him.

Yu Xiaogang just loved this feeling, his hands on the back trembled slightly, but his face was bland, "The path of cultivation should not be slacked off, the road that Xiao San has to walk is still very long."

"Director Su, since the matter has been settled, then I will take my leave." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Today he was mainly here to find the dean to help Tang San hunt a spirit beast, taking leave and greeting Director Su was merely in passing, after all, the office was on the ground floor.

"This temper of Master's, it's still the same as always." Director Su pulled the corner of his mouth and shook his head, turning around and walking towards his seat.

On the other hand, Lin Manshan returned to the dormitory, picked up the bag he had packed long ago, and directly left the building.

After walking out of the academy, he immediately rushed to the station at the entrance of the city and spent 6 silver soul coins to hire a carriage for the journey.

The nearest Spirit Forest to Nuoding City was located four hundred miles to the northeast. It is a Primary Spirit Forest, and the Spirit Beasts in captivity within it are mostly ten-year-old and one-hundred-year-old Spirit Beasts, thousand-year-old Spirit Beasts are very rare. Although it is not very far, walking alone, one day is not enough to get there, not to mention that he does not have a spirit tool, and is carrying a lot of things, although it is not heavy, such a long distance, it is still a hassle.

Renting a carriage was undoubtedly more trouble-free.

After leaving the city gates, the carriage travelled slowly and soon moved away from Nuoding City.

Because the hired carriage had a closed wooden frame structure with curtains on both sides and a layer of black linen over the top, outsiders couldn't see inside at all. Lifting the curtains, he looked at the environment ahead of him. The road was quite smooth, and it shouldn't be too bumpy for a while.

Greeting the driver, Lin Manshan put down the carriage curtain, sat firmly and summoned his Martial Soul.


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