Chapter 25 I just want to take the opportunity to pick up girls

Showing the token to the guards, the crowd swarmed into the Spirit Forest.

After taking no more than a few steps, Lin Manshan raised his own question, "Big brother Xiao, I have a question. You are all students from the Intermediate Spirit Master Academy. How come you don't have a token?"

"Of course, I'm waiting for a needy student like you, Ah Man." Xiao Zi Zai blurted out without hesitation, then slightly puffed out his chest and said seriously, "I've always been a helpful person."

"Are you waiting for a male student? Brother Ah Man, don't listen to his nonsense, he only wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to lead some younger sisters before, so he didn't bother to apply for a token." The cool-looking teenager beside him mercilessly backstabbed.

Unfortunately, there was no chance ... he said in his heart.

Xiao Zi Zai's face suddenly flushed.

"Give me some face, I'm your own brother."

The teenager simply ignored him and began to introduce himself, "Brother Ah Man, my name is Xiao Zi Wang, Martial Soul Pangolin Armour, Level 20 Spirit Power, I'm the one who needs to hunt spirit ring this time. We are all roommates in the same dormitory, I'm not going to hide it from you, I originally wanted to let my teacher help me hunt for the optimal year spirit ring, but I was rejected, and I was also advised by him not to be overly ambitious." Speaking of this, he sighed helplessly.

"It can't be helped, this is how it is for civilian-born spirit masters like us. No power and no influence, most of the teachers in the intermediate academies are born as nobles, so why would they be willing to take the risk of hunting the optimal year spirit rings for a civilian spirit master like us."

Xiao Zi Zai also smiled bitterly, civilian spirit masters who could cultivate to the level of Spirit Elder and Spirit Ancestor were already rare, and most of them joined the Spirit Hall, those who could stay in the intermediate spirit master academy as instructors could be said to be a rare breed of people. After all, they were more or less oppressed by the nobles when they were in the Primary Spirit Master Academy and were afraid of being marginalised if they stayed.

Only by going to the academy of the Spirit Hall where the civilian spirit masters gathered, they would fare better. At least they wouldn't be in a dire situation, would they?

"And what my brother needs is a Defence System Spirit Ring, brother Ah Man, you know about Spirit Beasts well, so you should also know that in this kind of Primary Spirit Forest, there are very few Defence System Spirit Beasts that can reach a 700-year cultivation level, and those instructors are simply not willing to spend a lot of time to look for it. As for intermediate spirit forests, there would be many thousand-year spirit beasts there, making it even more dangerous, so they are even more reluctant."

"So, I can only bring my roommates to this Primary Spirit Forest to try our luck. There are Spirit Grand Masters among us, although our spirit power is only at the beginning of level 20, but with 7 people coming together, we still have a good chance."

"Heh, saying so much still doesn't change the fact that you want to take advantage of the opportunity to pick up a girl." Xiao Zi Wang backstabbed again.

Xiao Zi Zai, who had just built up his emotions, was instantly furious, "Can you stop bringing this up all the time, I simply made a suggestion. This decision could have been put to a group voting by you guys and voted against, do you dare to say that you didn't think that you would be lucky enough to meet a younger sister who just happened to need a spirit ring and had a token back then?"

"If you dare to say that, please swear to heaven now."

"Hmph, I am not going to argue with you." Xiao Zi Wang immediately turned his head away and didn't say anything.

"Brother Ah Man, don't mind him. This bastard has always been ridiculously haughty since he was a child." Xiao Zi Zai turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, with a beaming smile, "Come, let me introduce you to my brothers." He said, naming them one by one, "This one you can call him Brother Pig, his martial soul is a mountain pig, and his family raises pigs. This is Brother Dog, this is Brother Hoe, this is Brother Rake, and this is Brother Big Stick."

Lin Manshan smiled and responded one by one.

When the introductions were finished, Xiao Zi Wang on the side finally couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ah Man, what do you think we should do next?"

Lin Manshan looked at the surrounding jungle that had become secluded, he pondered and turned his head to look at Xiao Zi Zai.

"Big brother Xiao, you and a few seniors are all Spirit Grand Master, I think you've been to this Spirit Forest before, so do you know in which direction the water source exists?"

Saying that he continued with a reason, "The Pangolin Armour is a defensive martial soul with scaled armour, so if we talk about the most suitable spirit beasts that can be found in this Primary Spirit Forest, it should be the Scaled Beast and the Iron Armoured Crocodile. Both of these two spirit beasts live near water, with extremely strong defences and astonishing strength."

"Iron Armoured Crocodile and Scaled Beast?" The eyes of the crowd immediately widened, Xiao Zi Wang also had an incredulous look on his face, "These two spirit beasts have been rumoured to be very powerful, can we beat them?"

"The thousand-year-old ones are definitely hopeless for us, the jumping power of them is too strong, so we can't run away from them at all, let alone hunt them. But 700-year-old ones, it should be possible, compared to a hundred-year-old spirit beast, a thousand-year-old spirit beast is a qualitative leap in terms of power." Lin Manshan smiled, "The Scaled Beast and the Iron Armoured Crocodile are both reptilian spirit beasts with thick but short limbs. Because of their body structure, they are unable to travel sideways. The limb strength of a hundred-year-one is limited, and their jumping power is average, so as long as we make good use of this shortcoming to make a good arrangement, it shouldn't be too difficult to capture one."

Hearing this, Xiao Zi Wang was obviously a little excited, his face flushed slightly.

A 700-year-old spirit ring, or one from a powerful defence-orientated spirit beast, he, a civilian spirit master, actually had the hope of absorbing it.

More importantly, after absorbing it, he would definitely be stronger than his shameless old brother!

"Good, then it's settled." Xiao Zi Zai clapped his hands loudly, "I remember that there is a water source in the east, and according to the academy instructor, that river leads all the way to the centre of the forest. However, for safety reasons, I suggest starting from the periphery and slowly groping towards the inner circle."

"Maybe we can even help Brother Ah Man find a suitable spirit beast on the way. After all, all spirit beasts need to drink water. I remember that Thousand Pound Ants are quite common."

"I also think it's feasible." The crowd nodded in agreement.

Thus, the group adjusted their direction and headed towards the east.

With Lin Manshan's special soul-sensing ability, the group didn't encounter any sudden dangers along the way. In the process, Lin Manshan also popularised the knowledge of various spirit beasts to the group and incidentally took the opportunity to sense the soul strength of various-year-old spirit beasts.

After all, he had never entered the Spirit Forest before and had never seen a real spirit beast. It would be extremely beneficial to take this opportunity to familiarise himself with the soul-sensing ability, and later on, if he could use it proficiently, he would be able to search for suitable-year-old spirit beasts based on their soul strength.

After circling around from the periphery and spending nearly half an hour, the group finally arrived at the river. Instead of a river, it was more like a small stream, littered with round stones, roughly two metres wide, meandering deep into the forest.

Because of the presence of the stream, the giant trees on both sides did not completely block out the sunlight, Lin Manshan looked up and based on the angle of the sunlight's inclination, concluded that the time was around three in the afternoon, which was not too late.

The group continued along the river.

Along the way, it was true that they saw quite a few Thousand Pound Ants, only that their ages were all too low.

Although the Thousand Pound Ants held exceptional strength, they didn't have much means of attack and were slow, so they became food for other spirit beasts in every spirit forest, and they would also kill each other. Similar to the Blue Silver Grass, they are numerous, but none of them can reach a high age, and are known as trash spirit beasts.

As he walked, the sunlight was slanting further and further to the west, and a layer of orange-red colour had gradually spread over the river.

'Eh? There seems to be one with a suitable age, is it a Thousand Pound Ant?' Lin Manshan suddenly sensed a spirit beast with a soul strength around four hundred years 300 metres ahead of him.

Since injecting most of the soul power in his body into his martial soul, his sensing ability had also weakened. Three hundred metres was already his limit range, however, in this primary spirit forest, it is considered to be enough.

The distance is too far, Lin Manshan couldn't properly explain, he could only follow the group and continue to move forward without changing direction first.

After all, even a dog's nose can't detect a spirit beast from three hundred metres away.


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